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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Its the no smoking ban and the high price of a pint thats closing the pubs and the clubs, we went out evey weekend but not anymore, rather stay at home and have friends round that way you can have a smoke when you want without a medaling interfering government telling you that you cant smoke anymore. Well done Gordon another piece of useless legislation adding to the down turn of the economy. remember the promises that the none smokers would fill the pubs and clubs, were are they?
  2. Truthfully I would be happy if they just left toon. Come on the Spartans
  3. Gordon just tried that with the Northern Rock and look at the first thing thats happend Big bonuses for everyone, still in debt mind you.
  4. Thank you Maggie Thacher Buses that don't run if there arnt enough punters on them and over priced trains that don't turn up, if they do there late.
  5. Perhaps Mr arsley may see the potential (money to be made) and buy the Spartans and tek wise and co with him.
  6. Did not know he was a cloth cutter, Blond
  7. Well it certainly fooled me but I think you are correct. http://www.mycheaptech.com/2009/01/apple-t...ustry-with.html
  8. I cant see this catching on, its a bit like returning to the days of the Daisey wheel printer and I do agree it would be easier to press t that going through all of that rigmarole.
  9. Yes but it could change Monsta if Mr arsley sells the club and gets oowt a toon, we could end up a place above Blyth Spartans.
  10. Aye and even the supporters are leaving. most would have gone by now but apparently the boycotted pies are good at half time, Northern league here we come.
  11. England manager of the past or was that turnip.
  12. Watched it on Sky, its fantastic, never knew there was so much on the telly.
  13. I read somewhere this afternoon that he really wanted to go back to Rangers, that say'e it all for me.
  14. West Brom, Stoke and and Blackburn with the Toon being draged into the battle.
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