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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Well one things for sure, you can change your fuel supplier even though I think there all the same when it comes to price but there is another angle when it comes to competition and thats water companies. You are stuck with the water supplier in your area, of course I am referring to Threegee's post on competition, or do all water companies charge the same and give the same service?
  2. It still sounds like a desperate situation though HP.
  3. Theres a lot of truth in that statement Blank, I remember watching a TV program on the BBC, its got to be about 2,3 years ago, they were talking about 3D printers. They are using them now in the production of Prototypes but how long before the home user version is released?
  4. I think the USB toaster is a fab idea especially if it were bundled with a USB kettle, I could have tea and toast ready and waiting for my 10.45 tea break
  5. Have tried all of that, you get an offer thats cheaper than the company that your with at the moment two months time your paying the same or more. I have to agree with Monsta they are rip offs especially British gas, the first to put up there prices and the last to bring them down. There is no real competition between these companies because they are all price fixers.
  6. I would not blame Given if he left or any other player that wants to leave the Toon. Given has been a loyal servant to Newcastle and like the fans has had to endure season after season of false promise. At least we know where we stand with the present owner, don't expect nowt only what you've already got.
  7. True but all that money does not seem to buying the player they want (Kaca), I even expect Mark Hughes to be replaced at the end of the season which would be totally unfair as the man has a good footballling brain and is a good manager.
  8. True but where is the real competion in this country?
  9. Pete

    Tv Adverts

    The Rolf Harris ones also on the telly at the moment
  10. Has the Tavern really asked the punters to chip in? it sounds like there in dia straights, even going to the cooncil shows signs of desperation.
  11. Seen it all in my crystal ball but I am sure there are good things to come for Bedlington in the future.
  12. I am glad there's an on and off button on my telly
  13. Another one to add to the drop list Manchester City
  14. Could be a good game, I watched Yeovile play Leicester the other night, not a bad team even though they got beat. I see we have one flying in from France today and it looks like Given may be flying out after all to man c.
  15. Could be true because I have heard that Bedlington is closing this Friday,
  16. Wise Move, I like it. Todays news is even better, another new employee We will soon be seeing teams like Yeovile at St James's Park and no disrespect intended to Yeovile.
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