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Everything posted by Pete

  1. No but Wimbledon was washed out again.
  2. OK gotcha loud and clear, tis great innit.
  3. Good to see you on the forum again Mongo, dont go stay here.
  4. Now you have got me confused, surly this is off topic.
  5. Beers cheap but rubbish,
  6. The tabs will do that Denzel.
  7. I a tried again last night when I went to bed, a didnt have one until a got up this mornin.
  8. It was your post Mr Darn that I was replying to, it was the post about you telling me what the problem was.
  9. 10 minutes, it was only between tabs.
  10. I love it when the nanny state make plans
  11. I have just heard on the local radio a café in Derby has reported having no customers all day as its regular customers are all smokers, could this be the first casualty of the smoking ban?
  12. Thanks Mr Darn, I do now understand. I could not reply to your previous post as I received a (open quote can not reply) warning, not sure what was causing this.
  13. So the smoking ban really works? BINGO clubs suffering from the downturn caused by the smoking ban are calling on MSPs to help the industry. Sir Peter Fry, the former Tory MP will join representatives from clubs across Scotland at the public petitions committee. The group claims bingo halls are more highly taxed than other "harder" gaming products and have suffered a loss in punters because of the smoking ban. They said smaller clubs will be the first to be forced shut by these problems, depriving remote communities of important entertainment. The petition reads: "The industry in Scotland needs the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Executive to make clear representation to the UK government calling for bingo to be taxed in the same way as the rest of the industry." Publicans will also be appearing at the committee to complain about the effects of the smoking ban and call for designated smoking areas to be allowed in pubs. Taken from the Scotsman.
  14. Not sure what you mean by fixed quote Mr Darn, can you explain this for me, Many thanks.
  15. The asterisk treatment sounds good Swalnalla I have never had any of that must try it.
  16. I hope that newspaper is right as its time someone made a stand and stooped giving this country away to all and sundry who decide to land here.
  17. I was reading an article yesterday about a hole in the smoking law, theres a guy thats having a video camera installed in his office. He intends to make a film about life in the office. Actors are exempt from the law whilst making a film. So in theory this guy can smoke in his office until his heart is content and its legal. I await the outcome of this one but good luck to him.
  18. I have stoped smoking
  19. I have read that Denzel, thats why I will continue to smoke me tabs. They were giving the ash trays away last night at my local working mens club, I got a couple of them and now I don't know which one to use first. Ah well it saves the wife having to pick me dog ends up off the carpet.
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