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Everything posted by Pete

  1. I heard on the news that Newcastle airport was on high alert.
  2. What ever he is up to it will be a laugh.
  3. Youw can relie on me Cympil a can spele everithin.
  4. If it had gone off it probably would have rectum.
  5. Pete

    Andy Capp

    She used to come into the pub on a Friday night selling magazines, haven't seen her for a while could be to do with the smoking ban.
  6. The only thing missing is the one armed statue, Denzel.
  7. Ave got one of them it was printed in China.
  8. Thats an easy one Cympil, annonnimus
  9. I agree with you Stu, Why have MP's still got the right to smoke in their private members bars, when Working Mens clubs have got to obey the smoking laws and probably go out of business. Working Mens clubs are not public places as they are private members clubs, if the government had allowed Working Mens clubs to have a vote by their members then it would have been fair. But for MP's to be exempt from the laws that they themselves have brought in is pure arrogance.
  10. Not far away from where the new Police station is.
  11. A good frost and plenty of snow.
  12. Hi Cympil, sorry to here that your feeling down. The board has been very slow just lately I keep checking in just to see what new posts there are but there hasent been many. Pressures of work has kept me busy over the last couple of weeks so I havent had much time to get on the forum, hope Mongo returns soon he's a laugh. Has Monsta changed his name to MMongo, ah well back to the grind stone, still at work.
  13. Many thanks Cympil and Mr Darn.
  14. You can always smoke outside Swalnalla
  15. Thanks Cympil, there certainly different prices from the ones I was finding through Parks Leisure, Thanks again.
  16. Now thats a good idea.
  17. Mr Darn and CK stand up and be counted you know you want to join the Stuff this government campaign.
  18. It seems that smokers don't have any rights under Blair's nanny state government. I agree with the post that said lets carry on and ignore these stupid laws because they wont stop at that they will try stopping something else as time progresses. Lets start a stuff this government campaigned.
  19. I recently looked a hiring a caravan at Sandy Bay because me and the wife want to come up and visit the Family that still live in Bedlington. To my surprise they want £600 a week for a caravan on that site unless you go in September when its £300. Does anyone know of any other sites of B and B's in the area? Cheers Pete
  20. Pete

    Is It Me?

    Chin up Mr Darn, your doing a streling job, the forum need a good mod, so keep up the good work.
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