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Everything posted by Pete

  1. That sounds like a good idea and I am being serious.
  2. I did some work for a showman a few years back and your right about the caravans, he invited me in and it was absolutely fantastic inside and it was spotlessly clean.
  3. Wouldn't get me in one of them planes I am terrified of them, bungy jumping, no way.
  4. I think there all bliddy mad that lot.
  5. Now they were worth watching.
  6. Well fourgee a visit from the little green men would certainly put Bedlington on the map, might even get the Front street a face lift and bring in new business. I wonder if they have got any dogs on Mars perhaps start a new breed that supersedes the Bedlington Terrier.
  7. Pete

    Maxine Carr

    Put the photo on here Cympil so that we can all see it. Mongo's convinced that it was her.
  8. Your right Monsta it is a long way to go just for a dentists appointment, suppose you could have a pint while your up there.
  9. That is a tough decision Mr Darn.
  10. Your right Symptoms, Bedlington did have a vibrant front street in the sixties. Yes you could get anything from Jimmy Milne's store he even had a café in that shop He was ahead of his time a man with vision, Bedlington could do with another one like him. people used to come from Blyth, Ashington, Morpeth and other places to shop at that store.
  11. Your probably right Stu, but they did assure me that the prints were for elimination purposes only.
  12. Malcolm, When you think about it logical and I did see the offences that I was supposed to have committed, they were very serious offences, if each of those offences carried a two year sentence I would be more that a 100 years old. What I would like to know is what criteria was used in their database search (query) to produce this result. I still have the letter from the Police clearing me of these offences as they told me that it would probably happen again if I had to have another CIB check. Fortunately I have had other CIB checks as the organization that I work for demands this every three year, all have come back completely clear.
  13. Several years ago when I first started working for the organization that I work for now, I was informed that I would have to undergo a CIB check. Knowing that I did not have a criminal record I willingly filled in the necessary forms and they were sent off to whoever does these checks. Two weeks later I was called into the Directors office and asked if I would like to change any of the information that I had given on the CIB form. I replyed saying "no why". I was then informed that my CIB check had revealed that I was guilty of fifty serious offences. Knowing this was not true I protested and was eventually allowed to have an appointment with a Police Sergent involved in the checks. I will say at this point that the Police Sergent was very courteous and polite gentleman. However when I was in his office he told me that he saw many people who disagreed with the results of their CIB check, he told me that people want to forget about their past ( he did not use the words that I have used but the meaning was the same.). He told me that usually when he showed someone their photograph it usually came back to them. I said to him, show me my photograph, he replyed "in this case there is no photograph but we could tell from a DNA sample" I agreed to have a DNA sample taken but he told me that they did not have a DNA sample to match it against. He finally suggested that a finger print test would prove if it was me or not as they did have finger print evidence. I agreed, had my finger prints taken and a week later I received a letter from the Police saying that I was not the person who had committed the offences. They did return the finger prints to me for me to destroy. One thing that was not in the letter was an apology. The strange thing was that the person I was being accused of being shared the same sure name as me had a different date of birth and a different first name. They assured me that the finger prints would not be kept by them and as I have stated they did return them to me for me to destroy.
  14. Happy Birthday Mongo, hope you have a good day.
  15. Pete

    Room 101

    Only in my spare time Cympil.
  16. Pete

    Room 101

    Now I get the picture, thanks Rachi.
  17. I could, I would cut it up into manageable pieces. Could live on that for a couple weeks.
  18. That can't happen MissVic, everybody knows that mermaids need a merman to have a family.
  19. That would be great with some chips and carrots.
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