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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Sounds like an interesting afternoon, a couple of pints this evening perhaps. Were clamppers on the menu?
  2. Yep, I saw that on the www.bedlingtontearriers,co.uk web sit, local business man bailed them out. Sadly thier not doing to good in the leauge but hopfully that will change.
  3. Can't get your link to work CK
  4. Looks like you have got yourself a good slipper ripper. Have fun.
  5. Theres a park and ride in operation in Leicester, it's great for getting you into Town because there is a bus lane all of the way in. There are no bus stops apart from the terminus, problem is, comming out of town there are no bus lanes so the journy can take ages, not very well planed. If you manage to get a park and ride I hope they plan it right.
  6. I agree Barlass Be carfull you could end up walking into a wall if you close your eyes.
  7. It would not be the same place with out a football team. How way the Terriers. I know they were on the verge of closing but what else happend?
  8. Roll on Thursday, is this the road to our first piece of silverware? How Way the Lads
  9. Who? Bedlington Terriers or the Market Tavern.
  10. I agree Barlass. I agree Swalnalla, problem is I can't spell disagree
  11. Happy Birthday Jean, hope you have a good day.
  12. If the Jimmy Shand band is on I will come up for the weekend, he'll pack the place out.
  13. Bedlington Terriers FC seem to have the same problem with lights.
  14. Are they still clamping at the Market Tavern?
  15. Has the car sticker, web site addvertising come to an end.
  16. A bit late but Happy Birthday Andy
  17. Sun shinning here its like spring again, bit wet though.
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