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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Well I have to agree on the DVD's but you can get some good none fiction DVD's based on wild life, the Indian swamp tigers for instance.
  2. Well said Mr Lane, popular radio is about as good as popular TV not worth listening to and not worth watching. Can' beat a good book (or was that another thread)
  3. I Dare not try this site I am afraid of what the results might be.
  4. Easter eggs, well we have had plenty of time to decide, they have been in the shops since just after Christmas. I like them little mini eggs myself but I would rather have a pint of Guiness. Sorry for any speeling errors
  5. Sorry not getting involved with this one, I think its gone to far, this boards fastly becomming a joke, it must be great entertainment for people outside of Bedlington.
  6. I agree, its turning into a them and us board or us and them.
  7. Yes your right Barlass, he is a human being and should be treated with the same respect as other human beings but he's a human being in the wrong job, he really must go
  8. I remember the shampoo being dumpt there in the early sixties, didn't have to buy any for a few weeks, handy for the pit baths.
  9. I agree with you about Beckham but it doent matter who is in the team there is no clear management, at the end of the day he was the last choice for the job. Ireland could be a good option.
  10. England are crap, there's no comitment from the players and definitly no real management.
  11. £102,000 Not a bad price for a piece of bad art
  12. Cold turkey that sounds frightening Barlass. Thanks Missvic I might just try them, if I could stop for a week I think I could crack it, as for the pub I would need Guinness patches to keep me away.
  13. This threads fantastic it will be interesting to see where it ends up.
  14. Have to agree CK, roll on the end of the season lets get some new blood in there or eles we will be in the Championship if we are not carefull.
  15. Pete

    Is It New?

    I remember them Joe, as I remember one of them was a house I seem to remember people living in them in the fifties. There was a conka tree behind one of them we used to climb up to get the conkas when we were kids.
  16. Theres three of us at work that want to stop smoking so perhaps we can will each other on and complete the job, hope so anyway. As for the patches I have a few friends that have tried the patches but failed, one of them stoped smoking cigaretes and started smoking cigars whilst using the patches, thinking that it would help, he now smokes more cigars than he did cigaretes
  17. I am trying but not much success, my plan was to not smoke at tea break have only one at lunch break but I failed on that one, ah well there's always next week to try it again. Glad to hear you lot have stoped smoking I will probably end up with the Guinness shakes when the smoking ban comes in.
  18. There's lots of interesting posts on the board at the moment, Denzel is getting his bus shelter back, there selling the Golf club but whats the real gossip about? Has any of the pups and clubs brought the no smoking ban in early?
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