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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Am gutted, can't believe it they played like a bunch of plonkers.
  2. CK, I could not agree more Provided we are good defensively because AZ have got a crape defense. Theres definitly goals to be got against them. HOWAY THE TOON
  3. Pete


    Theres a scheme running in Leicester at the moment called quick reads, it may well be running in other parts of the country as well. It's aim is to get people to read books but I dont know how many people take it up. My favourite book is the Bible, probably not many people would agree with me but I think its one of the best books ever No I am not trying to convert anybody
  4. I do but at the minute I am only working 3 nights a week, have been passed my driving test 6 months and never drive since i passed, its bad crack thats why I need another job so i can be mobile Good luck with your job search.
  5. Read the Colonel's post.
  6. No KFC ever appears to be the same, there are several in Leicester some good, some very good and the rest are rubbish. In some KFC's in Leicester the staff do not even understand English you have to resort to pointing at pictures to get the message across as to what you want and then there's no guarentee that you'll get what you have asked for.
  7. Howay the Toon 4 2 and it could have benn more.
  8. I thought you had a job at the Market Tavern Maxifreeze must be a big place.
  9. Still no Gossip? something must be happening up there.
  10. Pete

    Old Photos

    Hi Val, it would be interesting to see those photos, can you upload them?
  11. Pete


    I shudder at the thought
  12. The green headed drumer looks good Swalnalla.
  13. We got a porn channel one night when we were watching a England match, the arial must have thought it had found a stronger signal, mind you the commentery did not match.
  14. Sadly, a sign of the times Barlass.
  15. It's the same here CK, got one of them ariels that turns and tracks the signal, use radio 5 for the commentry if there covering it, it's two minutes ahead of the picture.
  16. Whats the Station like is it any better? I was in Bedlington just before Christmas and I must agree there was not many people about even at night.
  17. No, I dont mind sharing Monsta
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