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Everything posted by Pete

  1. What £1.50 for a loaf of bread you'll be better off buying it from that european market tomorrow, either that or bake your own in one them bread machines that you can buy. Englands just won the cricket struggeled though.
  2. The High school, is that what they call it now. I don't recall a history block it was all just classrooms when I went there, you were either in grade A,b, or C, I qualified for grade C the dunces group.
  3. Yes it was made of wood, mind that was in the fifties so it was a while back. The back end of that school was mainly glass, it was great in the summer because all of the glass doors could be opened it was like learning outside. Good days miss them.
  4. Yes from Tesco's, only 24p from Aldi, mind it doesnt keep very well ganns mouldy after two days, mind they reckon that penicilin is good for you.
  5. Al give you a loaf of French bread for it
  6. Well I hope that I am wrong about their prices but thats what its like when they come Leicester.
  7. Good Question, Threegee must have the answer.
  8. Probably buy it from Tesco 59p a loaf, we usally have them about Christmas time and their prices are unreal but its amazing how mwny people clamber to buy from them.
  9. You have got a good point there Colonel, Liverpool match on the telly is rubish and England are strugling in the cricket. they only needed 144 to win there 111 for 6 and strugling. Better off outside with a pint a Giunness and a hot dog on the barrbie.
  10. Ah went to the staiashun secendery modurn, id it still there.
  11. Pete

    New Survey

    Its for the European market thats comming to Bedlington
  12. Well you have got a point there, 4 point is not too bad but I still feel that a half decent side would have buried the Arsnel on Monday. It was good to read that Owen has played his first game since his injury, scored as well. There saying he could play against Chelsea but I think he would be better left out until next season because of he does play then he's likly to play for England as well, puttong him at more risk of injury and then we won't have him again next season.
  13. The boards very quiet at the moment, whats really happening up there? Did the bikers turn up?
  14. Ah well it should end the clamping at the Tavern, no need to park there anymore.
  15. The Toon v Arsnel Any half decent team would have buried Arsnel on Monday but not the Toon, it was obviouse that good old Glen had sent them out to get a draw. What a load of rubbish and they can still get religated. Whats your opinion Colonel?
  16. The other question is, who is paying for them to come over to England? Wanspeck council or you the tax payer? Or do they foot the bill?
  17. As far as I remember there were two buildings there (houses) I think there is some information on another thread about them. They were inhabited in the fifties but fell into disrepair in the early sixties as far as I remember. I don't know when they were demolished. Joe or Threegee might be able to throw some light on the subject.
  18. If its anything like the European markets they have where I live you will need a big wad of chash to purchase anything from it. We usally have a French or German market the bread they sell starts at about £3 a loaf same stuff that they sell in Tesco's for 59p.
  19. Its good that we have units like the one you have given information on but the problem is that people in that situation are put under tremendus pressure from their families to do what is required of them. Although I do know of Asian women that have rebelled but they have become total outcasts from their families and friends.
  20. I work with an Asian guy, he was born in England but he feels the same as me, he feels that the Asians have been relegated to second class citizens because of all the new breds that are flooding the country, he's not the only one that feels that way.
  21. A Trojan horse indeed, they flood into the city that I live in (Leicester) every day. As you walk through the city centre you do not hear much English spoken, its langauges that I do not understand, English whites are made to feel like third class citizens in this city and there in the minority. How can you tell if they are terrorists or not they do not wear uniforms, its time that the British people said enough is enough and stoped them comming into this country with there sobs stories of how they are in danger in their own lands. Their only here for the free handouts and thier laughing at us. Sorry just had to have that gripe.
  22. Have to agree with you Joe, I have been of the same mind myself.
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