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Everything posted by threegee

  1. One of the major reasons May is in the mess she is today I think. By not triggering Article 50 (or what Ukip wanted, simply repealing the Parliament Act) within days, or a few weeks at most, she allowed people like Blair and Mandleson to start maneuvering behind the scenes to undermine the vote, and of course the execrable Gina Miller to launch her legal challenge in front of EUrophile judges who are still mainly on the Brussels teat. A whole long list of other mistakes followed, including appointing totally the wrong person as chancellor. It all goes back to Dodgy Dave and his duplicity though, but that's water well under the bridge now!
  2. So... we'll be taking bookings for it on Bedlington.co.uk before too long? It will be interesting to see the rates.
  3. Dolphin has been seriously improved in the last couple of weeks, and I find I've now gravitated to it as the primary browser on my Samsung Galaxy Note 3. It works exceptionally well with the new Bedlington.co.uk as our site is currently "building-out". I will be trying it out on other Android devices quite soon. Dolphin deserves the Google Play Store rating as top browser - recommended! ...and no it doesn't seem to support the Bedlington.co.uk Live! plug-in, but viewing the webcam on a mobile is something I seldom do. I might check which android browsers support Bedlington.co.uk Live! quite soon.
  4. FOR THE MANY KGS - NOT THE FEW ...and Labour is right: we must end food banks!
  5. It hit one of my machines yesterday and so far is painless. It took a long time to install though, so re-time it to install overnight or when you are going out, or you'll be sitting twiddling your thumbs cursing Microsoft. Once it is installed your (Windows 10 Home) machine will be showing as Version 1703. You can find your current version from the Settings --> System --> About (at the very bottom of the left hand menu) screen. Maybe more on this later...
  6. Nice to see you back Tony, and very sorry to hear about your life-changing event. I don't think you can move your contributions to our state pension scheme (only a private one), but of course you can claim it from overseas when eligible. Loads of info on line though: http://www.litrg.org.uk/tax-guides/migrants-and-tax/national-insurance-migrants/national-insurance-and-uk-state-pension#toc-can-i-claim-a-uk-state-pension-if-i-retire-outside-the-uk- Why Hungary and do you trust Mr Orban? It seems many Hungarians don't! I'd email or phone the London embassy with my questions before deciding anything.
  7. I think - technically - I probably did "emigrate" in 2006. But, through the wonders of modern technology I'm still with you in spirit. Mind you there's a chronological limit to even this, even though it does mean I have incredibly easy access to far cheaper and higher quality alcohol now. On the education thing: it's simply that my left wing teachers at Tynemouth were more deluded than yours at Westridge, and thus easier for a very few of us (less intelligent ones) to take the proverbial out of in the classroom. The resulting life-skills have stayed with us; whilst the intelligent ones - who conformed to expectations - went on to uni (one suspects to become teachers). God, if only we'd had material of the likes of Jeremy to work on, instead of the miserable brother of the Labour candidate for Tynemouth! Isn't life unfair?!
  8. My cage encompasses the entire history of our islands, and so is a far larger cage than those of the compulsive virtue signalers and miscellaneous accompanying freeloaders. So...feel free to try! Jeremy has his heart in the right place, but his head deeply buried in the sand. Fortunately MOST Brits can see this, and intuitively KNOW that a clever and manipulative female is far less dangerous than a terminally deluded male saint who won't be able to control the darker forces he fronts for. If I'm wrong about this, and you are right, then God help US ALL!
  9. But... there wasn't nigh as many as there was a while ago!
  10. He's already done a complete 'U'' turn on shoot to kill! What you're actually voting for with Jeremy is: a catastrophic coalition of Trotskyites, Scottish Nationalists and EU fanatics! (Yes, I copy/pasted that one from today's email from leave.eu, but that doesn't make it any less true!)
  11. Well... he's an intellectual match for Boris, isn't he? Or... is it that he just has a far louder voice?
  12. He's already high on religion; this spills over into the EU religion. Tim Farron interview: ‘Maybe God’s plan is for me to lose a bunch of elections and be humbled’ Yes, that's about it Tim - and the only insightful thing you've said for years.
  13. Isn't it obvious: anchor chain is strong and the large ball bearing stable. You should be reflecting on the length of her trousers though; I'm reliably advised by nearby females that these are far too short. This could be read as an omen for coming austerity, but I think it's far more likely that she's keeping her stilettos free to give head champagne socialist Emily I'll-do-ANYTHING-for-a-cabinet-post Thornberry a good kicking.
  14. Matt missed a trick here by not putting YouGov on the sign.
  15. They certainly can, but a failure to challenge their nonsense is a failure of the democratic process. You might as well abstain from voting if you uncritically accept what you are told, and vote for a now meaningless rosette. It took Corbyn about one minute to get around to abusing the 'i' word tonight, and he went on to do it again within seconds. He's trying to justify massive spending of money we haven't got, and anyone "of an age" aware of what was going on around them in the 1970's knows that this is just a few short steps away from our Country being at the mercy of the IMF. Of course some people claim that he'd put us at the mercy of a vindictive EU long before this. If you want to find out who is right here then vote Labour! You might not want to know the details of politician's promises, but I don't want to find out the details of who is right about the way Corbyn bankrupts our country!
  16. Can we have an example of it being used as a meaningless buzz-word, and a euphemism for "spend spend spend" before the Blair government? It's such a common word that there must be many many examples - surely? I read through the entire Harold Wilson "White Heat" speech from 1963 last night (excellent bedtime reading), many pages of it, and not once did I find the the word, and the speech was in connection with future industrial strategy. In fact the only search engine return I could find of Harold Wilson actually using the word was in the proper financial sense of creating a UK investment bank to fund small enterprises (which would of course have demanded a fixed and defined monetary return for the taxpayer). Pro tem my answer to your question is: No, I don't think they were telling porkies, because the word was formerly used truthfully:
  17. A good argument to the Null vote so thoroughly disliked by our establishment politicos! Generally when a politico bemoans the fact that people don't vote it's a cipher for: they aren't voting for me and the more people who have no command of the facts that can be persuaded to trot into the polling stations the more likely it is they'll fall for my empty rhetoric! Of course a substantial Null vote would kill this political strategy stone dead!
  18. It's the most misused, disingenuous word used at this election. It obfuscates and downright deceives. No, that word isn't immigration, it's invest. When you hear "we are going to invest in..." you know you are being lied to - a politician never invests in anything! This is politico code for spending money we haven't actually got (and will never have), on things we probably don't need, in ways that won't actually produce any tangible investment returns. It's generally empty rhetoric, because anyone getting into power will have to face the broad reality of how state spending is already structured, and the wiggle room for changing anything at all is minimal - if you pursue the pet political project you used to buy votes you'll have to steal from things which pretty much everyone has already decided is really important. And... as spending on those other things has been refined over the years in the light of hard experience, and your pet political project is just starting out - the chances of simply squandering public money now becomes very much higher! Say you'll raise more tax to pay for it and your're fooling no one, because tax revenue has already been maximised by the numerous budgets of all governments. Yes, the plain truth is that raising the tax rate will result in less tax; or less tax from some other source, or worse: an actual drop in Gross Domestic Product to tax! So, any poltico using the 'i' word is either fooling you or fooling themselves. And... here's the kicker: is anyone who is either lying to you to grab power, or so easily fooled themselves, a safe enough pair of hands to put at the controls of our economy? Beware the 'i' word: it's a trap for fools!
  19. You blinked; you missed the 'U' turn!
  20. You only had to read a few of my posts to know where I stand - and it most certainly isn't as a Tory voter! I sincerely hope that I don't have any "followers", and that everyone can think for themselves. Your retreat is only necessary if you think that your ideas won't stand up to public scrutiny. A full range of political views is always welcome here, but you should be prepared to justify them. If you are feeling a little sore we can declare a (partial) truce!
  21. But... maybe... Hmmm! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/05/20/theresa-may-knighthoods-shake-up-lose-gong-dishonour/
  22. Well, sonny, you are now talking about 100 years ahead. But you see that's what the dishonest Labour people will do in the future. They'll want to apply emotive images of the past to future situations when your children and their children have progressed way beyond what we can imagine today. And they'll want to pretend that this advancement was solely due to them and not due to the aspirations that we all share. -------- P.S. Happy to tackle your now outed questions directly bb, but can we cut out the silly emotive stuff that is designed to appeal to the politically naive (in Emily Thornberry contemptuous style) - there aren't too many of those left - in case you haven't noticed!
  23. Good that you mentioned "stong and styeble" because there are times in history where we need that but a lot of times when we all profit from a bit of instability. Right now the dishonest Tory people and dishonest Labour people got us into a big mess by trying to give OUR County away, and we've only just said NO! Every time we've got into a big mess we've needed a few honest Tories to get us out of it; the honest Labour people mean well but aren't very good at running things, only at giving other people's money away - until it runs out! But, you shouldn't vote for the same party all the time as whoever they are they get sloppy and start looking after themselves. Communities who vote for the same party all the time tend to impoverish themselves - because they are disregarded by one party and taken for granted by the other - simply by asking the question you've shown that you're more intelligent than that.
  24. Because, sony, the truth about this world is that everyone must look after themselves and their family first, and anyone who pretends they are doing otherwise is being dishonest with you. An honest rich man will help advance your lot a little, but a dishonest poor one will part you from what little you have!
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