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John Fox (foxy)

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Everything posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. No pictures of the Go Go but the Juncos are still going, he was probably wearing that coat when you last saw them,.. this is them at the Journal Tyne Theatre December last year.
  2. It's Happy Birthday wishes today for two more members Threegee and Alison, and like the title says................We have an owld un and a Beauty
  3. Look at Tonyp's picture in the Gallery" Me mam advertising" and then the Link that has been added by Fourgee in the comment section below said pic.
  4. Happy Birthday wishes for two of our active members Keith and Eileen today, too near Xmas for any prezzies so youll both have to settle for a Kiss...............hang on, not sure where we'll find any volunteers for Keith
  5. So how about all Bedlington residents get together and stop paying their Council Tax ?
  6. Nearly missed this one, it was the heat of the candles radiating up from the terrier that brought it to my attention! Have a Guddin old B*****
  7. Aye merc,............ but how times have changed!!
  8. Can you ID this one Vic? (the plane I mean) and maybe guess at the year. An old mate now deceased gave me the negative and asked if I could print a copy. It was thought a member of his family was in the picture but he never saw the print to confirm.
  9. It only shows on my screen if I sign out of my account.
  10. This is it now Symp http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/
  11. Not the best place, but then again...........
  12. 150 MPH through this Road Junction, difficult to get the focus just right at these speeds and so close. And here's a name HPW will know well!
  13. It is Keith, I bought most of my records there in the 60s/70s mind you I can only remember a Fella working there, Have you tried Specsavers?
  14. HPW the record shop you mention was called "Olivers" It was next door to Mains Motorcycles which is now Als Video.
  15. Adam, your just like the wife, she knows I'm going to be wrong before I open my mouth!!
  16. The Labour MP who represents Ashington did a fleeting visit a couple of weeks back, after more than three years of absence he's shown up on our doorstep claiming he wants to help the people rid the town of an eyesore that has Blighted the conservation area for many years. Why Now? Answers on a Postcard please. Thumbs Up for your post YIStuart
  17. They didn't, however at the meeting there was a democratic vote taken and the vast majority were in favour of keeping the stocks handy, and all the rotten tomato's close at hand for your next visit!
  18. Friday night at the Toon Keith, Take your pick!!
  19. I didn't take much persuading merc, not after I got my eye on that gorgeous five foot eight delight..............and it wasn't the Xmas Tree
  20. You forgot the Master of them all....... Mr James Christopher Bolam who forgot where he came from.
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