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John Fox (foxy)

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Everything posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. I've got a smart Blonde lined up for a photo shoot tomorrow Malc, watch this space.
  2. And look what I spotted on todays bike ride !!!
  3. Cards on the table here Maggie, if they were performing in my back garden, I would close the curtains.
  4. Our two local Politicos have no time for begging bowls, they spend their time taking it in turns writing a column for the local rag. Every week having the same content, repeats of an inept Coalition Government that we've already read about in the National Press and a Miners Strike/Pit Closures that the're seeking Justice for. I'm sure the vast majority of folk in their constituencies myself included agree with them, but wouldn't it be nice if they spent some time fighting for jobs for young people around here rather than trying to win Brownie Points in a slagging match.
  5. Vera Baird said "The regional Violence Against Women and Girls strategy, which I launched with my fellow north east Police and Crime Commissioners Ron Hogg from Durham and Barry Coppinger from Cleveland, is another way we're tackling domestic violence and abuse, which is also one of the five objectives in my Police and Crime Plan." Wonder if one of the other four objectives is "The Regional Violence Against Men and Boys strategy" or is she sexist?
  6. I'm lost here fella's, whats unusual about a nicked bike?
  7. Second thoughts.....................anytime before the clocks go forward will do!!
  8. If anyone's popping into Wetherspoons today and you manage to draw the attention of the Bar Staff, would you please tell them that I'm still standing at the other end of the Bar waiting to be served. Thanking you in anticipation.
  9. Can your lass not find you some work to do ???????????
  10. Have a gudin Merc, I'll be a gent and not nick your seat at table 25 tonight
  11. Has anybody got Photo's of these Forst Pints?
  12. You would probably Drown before you got drunk on Fed Ordinary
  13. Front row extreme right is Albert Hayley who went to the Whitley Memorial but not sure which school after that. I'll ask his brother sometime in the next couple of days.
  14. He didn't bring us pictures of the Toon when they lost a lot earlier in the same competition.
  15. One of the old timers in the Market Club has returned from Tenneriffe with this Photo that was used in the Hotels Xmas quiz.. The aim was to name all the celebs in the picture that was taken in Blackpool in the 60s. He says they were all identified apart from the man in the back row directly beneath the Letter i in the word Christmas. I'll put the rest of the answers on here later but in the meantime maybe someone on here could help him out,even the hotel Manager and quiz master don't know who it is so our friend has committed to find out and put them out of their misery when he returns in March. One of our members on the Bedders website is 105 years old he should get it!!!
  16. One of our moderators is a Mackem supporter. tonight he has something to celebrate,all the best for Wembley Malc!!!!!
  17. Couldn't resist this one Malc! Think the shop in the background is what is now Lynns the butchers on Bedders front street.
  18. Have a guddin, candles are mounting up nicely
  19. And little more than three weeks after abolishing all sub groups and committees, the Chairman of last nights meeting suggested setting up a Sub Group on three separate occasions to look at other issues. He was also challenged by one of the councillors regarding the way the voting was conducted at the last meeting, there was some confusion as to wether all councillors had been given the opportunity to vote on the issue of sub groups and committees. The councillor then asked all those present "Can anyone remember the vote being taken"? It appears that the only people who could were the Chairman and the Town Clerk who had included it in the minutes. It was then proposed by councillors S Tyler and Chairman P Hedley that we "move on". I get the feeling its not only the public who can't get answers but also some of the councillors who happen to be in the minority group.
  20. Council Meeting 6.30 Thursday night Maggie will you be there?
  21. I've been told its even better if you watch the video in reverse, she walks up the aisle, out of the church door, gets in the car and Buggers Off !!!!! !
  22. Congratulations Adam, there's not many toon cooncils can put on a performance like that. I didn't realise you were such a good Sax player. Which ones Paul?
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