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John Fox (foxy)

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Everything posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. Above is a fine description of the current MP.for Bedlington and then after three and a half years "Oh" hang on whats happening with Tescos? I'd better get over there see if I can pick up a few votes, I've done nowt else! Too little too late I'm afraid.
  2. Agree with you on that one Tony, but they don't have much to beat, there are SEVEN regulars who turn up for the Town Council Meetings, the people of Bedlington either aren't interested or have seen through the Labour Majority that rule the Council, my bet is its the latter. It's quite comical watching them "wink, nod and kick" each other every time a vote is being taken. I'll do a head count on the night and let you know Thursday AM how many turn up. As you would say, lol...
  3. And here's a Guddin to call into on your way there!! If your on the Bike
  4. Tony, do you always talk rubbish or is it only on Special Occasions?
  5. A welcome sight, taken from the Low Lights car park this evening!!
  6. No need for the Nazi's to pull your toe nails out before you squeal then.
  7. Ahh but there are quite a few cabbages running the show.
  8. HPW, you can be forgiven for getting confused, The pics you are looking at are not the ones we were talking about. The pics Adam and myself were referring to were removed from this thread some months ago because they were being Stolen by another group and used elsewhere. It could cause some confusion within the thread or......... Maybe your pint was stronger than mine AND Adams last night!! As you've pointed out above .....Democracy is thi key word on here!!
  9. Did the survey include both Legal and Illegal immigrants?
  10. I was in the Centre Paddock for that match Tony and here's a bit of Nostalgia!
  11. I was at the 74 FA cup final against Liverpool, unfortunately the Toon didn't turn up
  12. I like to see all the North East teams winning Tony, after watching last nights performance I think the Ref would be better suited stacking shelves in Tescos
  13. Your nearly there Tony, my uncle Tinker Short married Bob Youngs sister Sylvia.
  14. Signed by the author................
  15. Arrows are at the Toon again today!!!
  16. Tony, You forgot to mention if the Pole was in a Trade Union or Not. If no, then which one would you choose?
  17. I can only assume the MP for Ashington has had a slack day. Must have been surfing the net and done a Google search for Bedlington. He's popped over to see what its like and decided he would like a word with the Tesco heirarchy to ask why they aren't spending money when their profits have Slumped to an all time low.
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