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John Fox (foxy)

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Posts posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. .  As far as knowledge serves, I've yet to hear anyone from any other party other than UKIP that has taken the time to visit Bedlington?

    The Labour MP who represents Ashington  did a fleeting visit a couple of weeks back, after more than three years of absence he's shown up on our doorstep claiming he wants to help the people  rid the town of an eyesore that has Blighted the conservation area for many years.  Why Now?


                                                                                    Answers on a Postcard please.


    Thumbs Up for your post YIStuart  :) 

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  2. I'm sure the lure of cheap, decent beer was enough to convince him (although by that point I had likely finished the gorgeous 5.8% delight that was on offer at £1.49 a pint.....)

    I didn't take much persuading merc,  

                                                                    not after I got my eye on that gorgeous five foot eight delight..............and it wasn't the Xmas Tree   :lol:                             

  3. .  Not like most of the weak-kneed, yellow-bellied soft Southern actors and worse still, those plastic celebs from the NE who try to ape them ... (you know who they are: the CBS, Nobson Green & Ferry The Dirty Old Man).

    You forgot the Master of them all....... Mr  James Christopher Bolam who forgot where he came from.   

  4.  True to Labours historical form in this area, once they are comfortably settled in their parliamentary seat, they become invisible here.



    Above is a fine description of the current MP.for Bedlington

                                                                                                          and then after three and a half years  "Oh" hang on whats happening with Tescos? I'd better get over there see if I can pick up a few votes, I've done nowt else!   Too little too late I'm afraid.

  5. INTRESTING to see how many people turn up to that one

    Agree with you on that one Tony,

                                                              but they don't have much to beat, there are SEVEN regulars who turn up for the Town Council Meetings, the  people of Bedlington either aren't interested or have seen through the Labour Majority that rule the Council, my bet is its the latter. It's quite comical watching them "wink, nod and kick"  each other every time a vote is being taken. I'll do a head count  on the night and let you know Thursday AM  how many turn up.  As you would say,   lol...   

  6. So what you saying foxy ukip aren't nazis or it's alright cos your from bedlington to fiddle your either in it or your not you either pay tax or you don't plenty of sprouts need picking for Xmas .. Guesses it's ok the Romanians will do it for you..


                   do you always talk rubbish or is it only on Special Occasions? 

  7. Bates pit was down the road behind you,on the Blyth side of the river,on the left,in the top photo.

    It was on the right going down the road ti thi "Station",and over to Blyth,on thi bottom pic.

    Maybe your pint is stronger than Adam's,Foxy!!

    Thi old Coffin chapel is just ti thi right of thi pic as ye see it.

    Mind,aad forgotten exactly hoo big the pit heap was!


    .....Democracy is thi key word on here!!

    HPW, you can be forgiven for getting confused,

    The pics you are looking at are not the ones we were talking about. The pics Adam and myself were referring to were removed from this thread some months ago because they were being Stolen by another group and used elsewhere. It could cause some confusion within the thread or......... Maybe your pint was stronger than mine AND Adams last night!!    :rofl: 


       As you've pointed out above .....Democracy is thi key word on here!!   

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