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John Fox (foxy)

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Posts posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. Just so everyone knows.

    The structure of the Town Council has been changed by a vote of 5 - 4 to abolish all committees and sub groups and replace with one or two full council meetings a month.

    Needless to say all the independents voted against the move.

    And  little more than three weeks after abolishing all sub groups and committees, the Chairman of last nights meeting suggested setting up a Sub Group on three separate occasions to look at  other issues. He was also challenged by one of the councillors  regarding the way the voting was conducted at the last meeting, there was some confusion as to wether all councillors had been given the opportunity to vote on the issue of sub groups and committees. The councillor then asked all those present  "Can anyone remember the vote being taken"?  It appears that the only people who could were the Chairman and the Town Clerk who had included it in the minutes. It was then proposed by councillors S Tyler and Chairman P Hedley that we "move on". I get the feeling its not only the public who can't get answers but also some of the councillors who happen to be in the minority group.

    • Like 1
  2. Merry Christmas Everyone hope you all have a good one:

    Congratulations Adam,

                                         there's not many toon cooncils can put on a performance like that. I didn't realise you were such a good Sax player. Which ones Paul?  ;)

  3. Every Town needs a Council Chief like this.

    A maverick mayor elected after promising to slash council spending,

    clear the streets of yobs and ditch politically correct services is the

    torchbearer for how towns should be run.

    On his first morning as Mayor of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, Peter

    Davies cut his salary from £73,000 to £30,000 then closed the council's

    newspaper for "peddling politics on the rates".

    Now three weeks into his job, Mr Davies is pressing ahead with plans he

    hopes will see the number of town councillors cut from 63 to just 21,

    saving taxpayers £800,000.

    Mr Davies said: "If 100 senators can run the United States of America,

    I can't see how 63 councillors are needed to run Doncaster".

    He has withdrawn Doncaster from the Local Government Association and

    the Local Government Information Unit, saving another £200,000. Mr

    Davies said, "They are just talking shops".

    "Doncaster is in for some serious untwinning. We are twinned with

    probably nine other cities around the world and they are just for

    people to fly off and have a binge at the council's expense".

    The mayor's chauffeur-driven car has also been axed by Mr Davies and

    the driver given another job. Mr Davies, born and bred in Doncaster,

    swept to power in the May election with 24,244 votes as a candidate for

    the English Democrats, a party that wants tight immigration curbs, an

    English Parliament and a law forcing every public building to fly the

    flag of St. George.

    He has promised to end council funding for Doncaster's International

    Women's Day, Black History Month and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and

    Transgender History Month.

    He said, "Politicians have got completely out of touch with what people


    "We need to cut costs. I want to pass on some savings I make in reduced

    taxes and use the rest for things we really need, like improved

    children's services".

    Mr Davies has received messages from well wishers across the country

    and abroad as news of his no-nonsense approach spreads.

    Now it's your chance to spread this most sensible way to run a town council.

    • Like 1
  4. One point from one meeting Neil ?


    Not all councillors complain about time spent at meetings.The whingers are in the minority and it could be a lot worse, we could have been lumbered with the comedians that we managed to get rid of in May. 

  5. I think Foxy put this one on site but what is on this woman's shoulder? (Red circle - bottom photo)

    A video recorder? But it's just resting there, she isn't holding it, unless she has an extension. It just looks strange.




    Well Keith if its quiz time, here's a photo taken within seconds of the others. Can anybody name the people in the front row? I need all the names and not odd ones here and there, come in Threegee?? 

  6. No Symp,

                      they were at the Playhouse which hadn't been built in the 60s, however I'm going to the Toon  Friday next week to see them at the Tyne Theatre   One of the singers wears the same overcoat now that he wore on stage in the 60s so I may post some pics for the older members to reminisce. :)

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