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John Fox (foxy)

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Everything posted by John Fox (foxy)

  1. Every Town needs a Council Chief like this. A maverick mayor elected after promising to slash council spending, clear the streets of yobs and ditch politically correct services is the torchbearer for how towns should be run. On his first morning as Mayor of Doncaster in South Yorkshire, Peter Davies cut his salary from £73,000 to £30,000 then closed the council's newspaper for "peddling politics on the rates". Now three weeks into his job, Mr Davies is pressing ahead with plans he hopes will see the number of town councillors cut from 63 to just 21, saving taxpayers £800,000. Mr Davies said: "If 100 senators can run the United States of America, I can't see how 63 councillors are needed to run Doncaster". He has withdrawn Doncaster from the Local Government Association and the Local Government Information Unit, saving another £200,000. Mr Davies said, "They are just talking shops". "Doncaster is in for some serious untwinning. We are twinned with probably nine other cities around the world and they are just for people to fly off and have a binge at the council's expense". The mayor's chauffeur-driven car has also been axed by Mr Davies and the driver given another job. Mr Davies, born and bred in Doncaster, swept to power in the May election with 24,244 votes as a candidate for the English Democrats, a party that wants tight immigration curbs, an English Parliament and a law forcing every public building to fly the flag of St. George. He has promised to end council funding for Doncaster's International Women's Day, Black History Month and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender History Month. He said, "Politicians have got completely out of touch with what people want. "We need to cut costs. I want to pass on some savings I make in reduced taxes and use the rest for things we really need, like improved children's services". Mr Davies has received messages from well wishers across the country and abroad as news of his no-nonsense approach spreads. Now it's your chance to spread this most sensible way to run a town council.
  2. There were quite a few Trannies in the Toon last Friday night.
  3. Have a Guddin and don't do owt I wouldn't :devil: .
  4. And here's another in 87 of Dennis Murphy
  5. Threegee I took these pictures myself in 1986.
  6. Eggy, I put that photo on this website a while ago so it looks like sixtownships are borrowing them as well.
  7. One point from one meeting Neil ? Not all councillors complain about time spent at meetings.The whingers are in the minority and it could be a lot worse, we could have been lumbered with the comedians that we managed to get rid of in May.
  8. Well Keith if its quiz time, here's a photo taken within seconds of the others. Can anybody name the people in the front row? I need all the names and not odd ones here and there, come in Threegee??
  9. Not sure if I've heard that word before but it certainly rings a Bell.
  10. Where did the other one come from? :shiftyninja:
  11. The weather must be keeping everyone in the house Malcolm, have you noticed how many are online just now?
  12. No Symp, they were at the Playhouse which hadn't been built in the 60s, however I'm going to the Toon Friday next week to see them at the Tyne Theatre One of the singers wears the same overcoat now that he wore on stage in the 60s so I may post some pics for the older members to reminisce.
  13. Aye Keith I've heard they certainly know how to look after the Old Folk
  14. , Maybe not foxy. 65 letters of objection, 2 letters of Neutral (not support or objecting) and 4 letters of support. Can't see how the county can give permission with the public being against the development with a ratio of about 10/1 against it, same with the planning inspectorate with the public and the local town council against the development I can't see how they as well can give permission. By the way Adam, it was Tesco's Wind Turbine I was referring to.
  15. And of course we also have the Wind Turbine to look forward to.
  16. Well Merc, the last time you offered me a pint for my Birthday you had buggered off before I got there, so if Canny turns up who's going to pay for her drink?
  17. We used to cook tetties on the bonfire and its funny how they tasted better than the ones I get now from the wife and her Bosch built in Fan Assisted Auto Clean Combi oven with Auto Timer Integral Lamps and "Oh" Howld On Here She's Coming.....
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