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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. They are building the new downhill mountain bike tracks and cycling skills area. This is the SITA money we got when we registered the Park as a QE11 Park. You will see more picnic tables, seats, signage, litter bins, new gateway features with a large scale one next to the Gas House. We are also about to commission an outside body to do a full-scale consultation on Gallagher Park and produce a masterplan for developing it further.
  2. Kinda working on that now Foxy! The big problems these days are road closures, insurance and H&S. We should see an annual event at Attlee Park, with an upgraded and improved bandstand and adjacent area, Colin will be holding more Bedrocks (I hope!) and if everyone can come together there is a good possibility of a large scale event at Gallagher Park. On top of that a Town Fayre is being investigated but really its not hard to see why they ended, the rules and regs are just about insurmountable! There should also be several smaller events on in the Market Place soon! I will soon be publishing the summer events for kids which have been arranged in partnership with Richard at the Salvation Army. And Foxy that ain't bad from a standing start! I am not really allowed to say in public what the Town Council are doing, seems only the Mayor can do that, which seeing as Paul isn't online this site might never get hold of! Another dumb 18th century rule which needs to be addressed ASAP!
  3. Moggy pick-up/Austin Cambridge. Saudi del Shields. Sand in the chips. Amusements 10 minutes before we left. Fishing off the pier while the folks visited family. Asleep in the car on the way home. Happy days.
  4. The American Dream..........
  5. I watch QI too Merc!
  6. NPL link.......... http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/local/family-rescued-from-bedlington-house-fire-1-5868412
  7. Try this one Merc? http://www.thejournal.co.uk/news/north-east-news/bedlington-family-hospitalised-after-house-5135514
  8. http://www.thejournal.co.uk/news/north-east-news/mother-child-escape-inferno-bedlington-5145056
  9. Just to give an update: Support for something along the lines of a memorial day (TUC) was mentioned at a council meeting last night. Both Adam and myself jumped in highlighting the fact that there is a suggestion and 'committed' support on this site for a memorial statue for miners who lost their lives while at work. The upshot, the council will take part in some sort of community/steering group looking to get this off the ground although it can't lead on it. So anyone up for putting together the necessary?
  10. One of the old advertising slogans always hit me as so true, "How come a bed that was too cold to get into at night is too warm to get out of in the morning?"
  11. The worst thing about it for me Foxy is that we have lost THE most important retail development slot in Bedlington. Its just another nail in the coffin that's justifying Bedlington as a Market Town, because if nowt else its another reason for people NOT to walk down Front Street. I don't understand how they got around the lack of parking provision? 42 bed care home with a small pull in and out parking provision for half a dozen cars? Plus take in as much sun light in the Market Place as possible over the next few weeks because once that building gets topped off the Market Place will be in shadow for most of the day.
  12. Anyone fancy seeing the action free? http://www.berwickfilm-artsfest.com/volunteer-with-us
  13. Happy Birthday.......
  14. Bit of fortitude required but well worth the effort. http://pro.moneyweek.com/myk-eob-tpr123/PMYKP703/
  15. I think you ended up complicit in his lie Wonky, by listening to the apologists like Sym! If the guy was cruising flipping gay bars he obviously wanted everything to come out. (And there's no pun there!) Really it was always a private matter between him and his family and once that was sorted the rest doesn't matter.
  16. Well it seems we weren't alone...............
  17. Looks like paperpushers begetting themselves again!
  18. Yep it was a Church. Is the house to the left Garth House? Always brought to mind,
  19. Not Global warming..........Solar System warming!
  20. Worth the read.... http://www.eutimes.net/2013/07/the-origins-of-global-warming/
  21. A real bit of history albeit not Bedlington related. http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk/video-footage-of-anne-frank/Memory/70fa4817-0c54-4554-92e6-a1e4010836d8?rf=28053.105400&cmk=79540554&ns_mchannel=email&bsop_brand=FRU_FRU&ns_source=test&ns_campaign=New+Updates+V3&ns_linkname=28053_Anne+Frank+button&ns_fee=0
  22. First step to getting the car boot sales out of the Market Place! http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/business/markets-ban-second-hand-items-1-5852229
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