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Malcolm Robinson

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Everything posted by Malcolm Robinson

  1. Tartan too!
  2. Might be crazy but I like the second one!
  3. Looks like we might see some fracking soon here. Looking elsewhere where it has taken place the signs are not encouraging! http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2013/08/19/319482/fracking-texas-towns-out-of-water/ One particularly worrying bit is the fact that in the USA fracking companies have been given special financial dispensations and exemptions from the likes of the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Clean Drinking Water Acts, as well as the Superfund Act, which requires clean-ups of hazardous substances. But then it doesn't have any hazardous substances rather 'residual waste'. One other bit of astonishing news is that they don't have to publish the full list of chemicals they use in their operations? If this technology needs so many rules bent in its favour is it really able to compete? And they say coal is too dirty to use! Still like the thorium based fusion stuff but I have just come across this beaut. http://www.starscientific.com.au/muon-catalysed-fusion/ Might we see thorium based reactors anytime soon, oh I forgot, you can't weaponise spent thorium!
  4. Hoy no sexism on this thread please Maggie! I spent 10 years learning to cook in France! A Cobbler to me has a suet topping.
  5. Noooo, the more the merrier, lets get a Bedlington tag onto everything! (Its actually Northumbria rock, that's what goes through the middle and its in the Northumbrian flag colours, not much of a leap to see it could be personalised to any Town or place within the county!)
  6. I knew two brothers keef. Ron Darling, used to drink in the Ridge and I can't remember his brother's name.
  7. Walking across a shopping centre car park a soldier found a distraught woman sobbing. He asked her what was the problem and she explained that she's left her keys inside the car. "Don't worry," he replied. "I can help." The woman looked on in amazement as the soldier removed his trousers, rolled them into a tight ball and rubbed them against the car door. Magically, it opened. "That's so clever," the woman gasped. "How did you do it?" "Easy," replies the man. "These are my khakis."
  8. Already taken Canny lass.
  9. Feeling a bit melancholic……….
  10. Thanks Keefy, I will pass that on.
  11. Dang, has that interloper Merc got it?
  12. Anyone got an old tommy tutor? Maybe you have upgraded? Someone has just asked me if I could find him a cheap one to replace the old one he has had die on him. He really only uses Word but would be good to get him online. Not a gamer so no quick graphics or huge memory needed!
  13. Short-sighted in my view!
  14. Not to say it can't be done............ http://www.newspostl...liery-1-1630050 https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Ellington+Colliery+memorial&sa=X&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=shQfUs6YJ4iphAfLkIDwDw&ved=0CEQQsAQ&biw=1567&bih=707
  15. This is how hard it is to get funding these days............. http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/local/miners-club-to-be-sold-after-it-is-refused-funding-1-5990422
  16. Bowie was in a spaghetti western.......... but I don't know who number 2 is!
  17. Morpeth really went to Town. http://www.morpeth-tc.gov.uk/emily-arrives-at-carlisle-park/
  18. Giz a clue keefy............is it a film role?
  19. I have been thinking along similar lines for some time Maggie. If Northumberland has so many more windmills than any other county and is in fact more than self-sufficient in power generation shouldn't we all be getting free electricity if it's us that has to put up with having the generators in our back yard? That would be a pay back and no doubt we would soon see huge turbines in the Home Counties if it was the case!
  20. Ahhhhhhhhhhh....keith! I suppose Xmas and cracker time is coming up.
  21. Forum minutes 12th Aug 2013. Web version Bed Forum Minutes 12th Aug.13.pdf
  22. Best paid dancers there then..........
  23. Pathetic.........some people should have had their parents sterilised 10 months before they were born! http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/news/local/police-hunt-thief-after-cowardly-attack-on-vulnerable-woman-in-ashington-1-5986989
  24. It was all sharp corners in those days GGG. All the sc-fi shows used sharp angles on their props.
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