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Posts posted by Canny lass

  1. :) Canny Lass may remember this place, its not too far from her childhood home.

    Certainly do Foxy. The opencast was a field where we used to play that originally belonged to Fails Farm, if I'm not misstaken. It was between the colliery rows and what eventually became North Ridge. One of the things I remember about the opencast was a small red brick building, just up the road from Raisbeck's Garage, where they used to put new treads on enormous tyres. Possibly from the trucks on the site. The smell was horrible.
  2. The why and wherefore of these things fascinate me.

    I just am not sure we can trust the technology.

    We've been trusting the technology here for years Maggie. It works just fine. Everybody here wants wind turbines BUT nobody wants them in their back garden!! Unfortunately they have very large back gardens. It's a real headache. I personally Think they are quite attractive but could be improved if they were painted to look like flowers (pink/ blue/red petals, yellow centre, green stalk). It could be like a field of poppies swaying in the wind! I Think there's something soothing about the steady motion of a wind turbine. A possible alternative to NHS prescribed tranquilizers.
  3. The answer for over populated towns and cities!

    Rreminds me of something I saw in China a couple of years ago. Land for agriculture is now hard to find so they are building multi-storey green houses. Look just like blocks of flats.

  4. Anyone any idea who made these bikes for the coop.

    This is my old bike and it seems like a very old friend.

    Obviously I have dug it up!


    I also had such a trusty steed for getting to and from school in Nedderton village. I don't remember that emblem though. On mine there was only a very simple CWS in gold-coloured lettering.

  5. One of my favourites is spelk.

    Maybe Keith got a spelk or two from 'Lowping/ louping over the wall and into Milne's field.

    Is that too L!

    Louped it is! Even this is a left-over from the Vikings, hlaupa. Still in use in Iceland.

  6. Did ye not call them 'the hoppins' like we did in Netherton? I once won a goldfish at the hoppins. My mother wasn't at all happy about having to buy a goldfish bowl and thought my father was an idiot for letting me choose a goldfish. My father thought it was OK, a jam jar would do as the fish would be dead in a couple of weeks, he said. She had to give in after a month or so and it lived to the ripe old age of 14 years. sorry about the underlining. I have lost all Control over bold face, italics, underlining and crossing out. Capital letters seem to have developed a mind of their own as well!

  7. I go with scone mixture, Malcolm. However if you consult the Wiki- Oracle, and more important - if you Believe the Wiki-oracle - you'll find it can be made with dumplings as well. It's actually got quite an interesting history our cobbler. Did you know that there are several variations on the recipe in the USA, where it originated among the British colonials? They have some wonderful names like slump, grump, dump, buckle and sonker (the cobblers, not the Colonials). Can I expect to find cobblers on the menu in France?

  8. I sang Rowan!

    Not being competitive but mountain ash rules. OK!

    Supposedly it is one of the best to burn, sweet smelling.

    Renewable energy,

    Remember the Holly and the Ivy when they are both full grown!

    Now there's a thing Maggie! They talk about ivy as though it is a tree here as well. "of all the trees that are in the Woods, the Holly bears the Crown".

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