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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. That's what I call a nice bit of claggin(g)! After a fair bit of observation - which involved a fair bit of zooming in and out, comparisons with other photos, counting windows, inspecting chimneys and facade details, delving into the corners of my mind and even a visit to Google Earth I have to say that I'm no further forward as to the where-abouts of the off-licence. There's an interesting door (Borgia's entrance) tucked in between Feasters and Carrs which I hadn't noticed before and there's an interesting mosaic floor in the entrance to Premier (formerly part of Carr's). However, I'm sure it's not the mosaic 'arcade' floor of Molden's/Feasters as that was next door to the left but I know I bought my Lambrusco some where there. 92 and 96 combined used to be Walter Wilson's and Meadow Dairy. I don't know if it was the same shop with just a change of name. My mother always called it Walter Wilsons even when it had Meadow Dairy on the sign. The first half of the grey building adjoining Premier was Millne's gift shop. I don't know what was in the half nearest Walter Wilson's.
  2. I think the idea may have been to prevent bringing tears to the eyes of their customers.
  3. The penultimate quiz. Thought we might have a bit of a 'special'next week to round it off but this week it's the usual 12 questions: 1. What would you expect to find in a pluvial region? 2. Where is Rupert Bear’s home town? 3. What is the surname of boxing brothers Leon and Michael? 4. From which country does the wine Johannisberger come? 5. A nectarine is a cross between a peach and which other fruit? 6. In what year did Salman Rushdie go into hiding? 7. There are two Cleopatra’s Needles. One is in London, where is the other? 8. Who sang the theme song to the Bond film The Spy Who Loved Me? 9. Who in literature was haunted by the ghost of Banquo? 10. Into which sea or ocean does the Mekong river flow? 11. Which European prime minister was assassinated in February 1986? 12. What were The Kinks dedicated followers of in 1966? I’ll bet you didn’t know …. In Waterloo, Nebraska, barbers are prohibited from eating onions between the hours of 7am and 7pm. Answers on Thursday next week.
  4. I need to correct my drawing of Front Street east. Thanks to Andy's wonderful photo collection I can now see that the off-licence wasn't situated between Millne's and Molden's as there is no shop between them. I can see now that at one time Feaster's has occupied both sides of the 'arcade' (the Feaster sign covers the whole length of Molden's and Feasters as I remember them). It must have been split into two outlets before my time. After Feaster's comes Carrs, but I've no idea what sort of shop it was. It seems too big for the off-licence. One photo shows Millne's gift shop directly to the east (right on the photo) of Carr's (compare signage and facade work). Next comes a row of 3 small shops, the second of which (possibly joined with the third, as it was quite a large shop inside) is Walter Wilsons (farm produce). I believe that one of these three shops eventually became Wm. Ward photographers, One of them may have been the off licence but I seem to remember it being nearer the Northumberland Arms. Could the OL have been in Millne's cycle shop after it's closure? Anybody know when that closed?
  5. @Andy MillneDoes your family have any connections with USA? One of the magazines on the stand is The Delineator. This was an American woman’s “Journal of Fashion, Culture and Fine Arts” which was published in New York 1873 – 1930 before merging with Pictorial Review. This may help to date and place the photo. Also, we can read on the window: “ Victor, [FRENCH C]USTARD, [ICE] CREAM” (Text in square brackets is my suggestion). Victor French Custard Ice Cream was, according to Wiki, from a Californian company and anything to do with the company seems now to be very collectable (E-Bay). I don’t think this is Bedlington. Although 1930 is a bit before my time and things may have changed before I became familiar with the streets, I don’t remember ant pavements with diagonally laid paving stones. Neither do I remember anywhere with high bar stools – which I think I detect just inside the door. Could this be an American ‘ice-cream parlour’?
  6. Fair point! Time to start asking questions, Malcolm.
  7. Couldn't agree more! I've always thought that Bedlington should be doing more with its rich heritage.
  8. Millne didn't have a juke-box. It catered for an older type of person, I think, a place to rest your feet and have a natter after a hard day's shopping. How we poor women sacrificed ourselves:
  9. That brings back memories! My mother used to mash the egg and tomato together and call it "mock crab". It did look a bit like crab but the taste was pure egg and tomato!
  10. ... well, lucky you! I think Millne's was the first place I tasted coffee.
  11. Oh, my mouth's watering! I didn't know you could get them instead of chips but I do remember that they always asked "Do you wan't scramshuns" when they were wrapping up your order. The answer was always "yes please" and they threw a scoop of them into the bag.
  12. This is how I remember Front Street east, starting at the Northumberland Arms and moving east. As you see, I don't remember any newsagents only a small off-licence. This was early 60s. Of course the O-L may have sold other things than Lambrusco - the 'in' drink of the time - or maybe that's just a sign of my mis-spent youth. We've had Feasters up for discussion earlier (see Topic: 'Old Bedlington shops' in History Hollow. I felt sure that Foxy had posted a picture but I can't find it now. You may (or may not depending on how you rate my drawing skills) be able to see that Moldens and Feasters were situated on either side of a small 'arcade' with a mosaic floor. Before Millne opened they had the largest shop windows in town with one window acing the main street and the other, much larger, liningthe arcade.
  13. No, Bacci's wa further west towards the neuk. When Jimmy Millne opened his store it included a 'coffe bar' just out of shot and to the right in this picture. It ran the length of the shop from front to back where a staircase accessed the car park ... AND you could get a cup of milky coffee, something unknown outside of Morpeth.There was also a connecting door directly into the store. Jimmy was often there - service epitomised. He would take your bag, escort you to a seat, exchange a few pleasantries and made you feel really welcome. You don't get service like that anywhere today. As @Jr6468 says, it was a bit ahead of it's time with everything under one roof.
  14. Answers to last wek's quiz: 1. A Farrow 2. 1,500 metres 3. South Island 4. Paris 5. Drums 6. Mrs. Bridges 7. Keith Reid and Gary Brooker 8. Robert the Bruce 9. Caesar 10. Cricket 11. Helium 12. Apple New quiz tomorrow.
  15. Thanks James. It had me puzzled! Is the photo a mirror image of reality?
  16. Now I'm confused and wondering if I've misunderstood your first reference to Pease Bush? Are you saying: a) Peas/Pease Bush is correct and the map-makers got it wrong b) Puce Bush is correct and the enumerator got it wrong c) There are two forms: one of which may be dialectal (which is what I believe) I don't know where map-makers get their place-name information from but some of the OS maps are "revised" editions meaning that the previous map was amended. Therefore a 'mistake' could well be repeated. However, some are not revised, indicating that a new survey is the basis for the information included on the map. That should have made it difficult to repeat mistakes. The census records i shared were written by different enumerators (all male) at 10 year intervalls and with no need of access to the previous records (there was nothing to transfer). This suggests, to me, that Peas/Pease was the written interpretation of local pronunciation.
  17. Well, the Wansbeck electorate has clearly fallen below the required 95% of the UK electoral quota. That should be easy enough to rectify -especially in these times of lockdowns.
  18. HPW, the school opened in 1957-8. I was there 59 -62 and Mr Abrahart was my history teacher throughout that time. He was also deputy headmaster. As for being unable to write for laughing, that was certainly true but my main memory of writing and Mr Abrahart is that he got the whole school writing italic as the standard form of writing. Parker must have done a roaring trade in italic pens!
  19. Remember it well! Bedlington's first ever 'Coffee Bar' just to the right.
  20. Definitely Bedlington east end, just a few doors along from Millne. Feasters were the first outlet for Westridge School uniforms. I'm afraid I can't confirm Bonzo's origins.
  21. There seems to be an awful lot of gable ends and I can't work out where they could be seen from.
  22. It's a possibility so I looked at the actual entry for the adress. I think I can detect a clear loop on the letter e. The 'a' in Peas isn't completely closed at the top but the same 'a' appears in several names: James, Jane and Mary A. For the sake of interest I looked at the previous-, 1851, and the following 1871 census records: 1851: Is not very clear but, again, Ithink it's 'ea' and the word is definitely more than 3 letters. 1871 (enuerator's description) is easily read and this time the word has an added 'e' at the end - Pease Bush Farm. So, It seems to have been Peas or Pease to the locals and Puce to the map makers (or maybethe map-makers were city boys who couldn't understand the dialect).
  23. Getting back to Puce Bush: You may need to zoom in to read the original but here is how the enumerator describes ”Peas Bush” in his area description for the 1861 census. Notation, upper left corner of text: “My district comprises Whinney Hill Scotland Gate Choppington Colliery Peas Bush” Note the spelling of Peas Bush instead of Puce Bush. 'Peas' is clearly how it was pronounced in 1861. Third- and second from last lines of the text: “Peas Bush is an old sort of a place being formerly an off onstead for Choppington farm but now occupied by Choppington colliery” Note: onstead, a word I’ve never come across before, means “a farmhouse with its buildings” (Miriam Webster). Some other online sources define it simply as a farm outbuilding. The map shows several large buildings so I think Webster gives the more likely definition.
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