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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. Hi @Jammy. Welcome to our forum! We have a special forum for this kind of thing. Chat Central, Good Jokes: Not for the faint hearted (adult content). Have a look in. You can spend many a pleasant hour there and have a good laugh! Vital in these Corona times.
  2. No need to apologize. You do a fantastic job with these photos, which is greatly appreciated. It can't be easy! I have wondered a couple of times if No 15 could be Joe Grant. He's holding a cornet, his build is more like Joe's and he's also got glasses. During my time in Netherton Joe was the only band member I can remember with glasses.
  3. Friday again already! Time for a spot of brain gymnastics! 1. What name do we give to the study of flags? 2. In which Dickens novel does Richard Carstone appear? 3. What is the boiling point of water on the Fahrenheit scale? 4. Who painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel? 5. In which year was Grace Kelly born? 6. The Colorado Beetle attacks which plant in particular? 7. With what is the organization CER N concerned? 8. What breed of dog is Scooby Doo? 9. Which part of Britain was called Vectis by the Romans? 10. Who, in a song, was thrown out ‘with nothing but a fine tooth comb? 11. Euclid is associated with which branch of mathematics? 12. Which boxer’s real name was Walker Smith? I’ll bet you didn’t know … The word bride comes from an ancient German word meaning ‘one who cooks’! Answers on Thursday.
  4. "Previous update wrong - No 1 is Joe Grant". Joe was a short, stocky kind of guy, frequent visitor in my childhood home. I don't think this is him. Joe was never a trombone player. His instrument was the cornet, which he played excellently. He was usually the one playing the cornet solo for the judges outside the old council offices on Front Street. He was already an adult when I knew him so I don't think he could become any taller. No 1 (the same guy) is named as Barron (Biff) Smith on a previous photo of the band taken outside the Brentforn Nylon Factory, under the sign.
  5. Sortly before the huts were demolished, around 1957, there were children from the camps at Nedderton Village Junior school.
  6. Answers to last Friday's quiz: 1. Anne Boleyn 2. Eric Clapton 3. Soup 4. Christ Church, Oxford 5. 9 noughts = 9 000 000 000 6. Danny De Vito 7. Steeleye Span 8. Vodka Martini 9. Benjamin Disraeli 10. Ken Bates, Chelsea 11. Six 12. ST 1 (Bonus 71 DXC) New quiz tomorrow.
  7. You're forgiven! Haha! It took a while for the penny to drop. Did you miss out a word?
  8. Probably not a Halliday then but thanks for trying.
  9. I knew it was still in use HPW, because Maggie has mentioned that the History Society meets there, but i didn't know that it still had a religious purpose. Good to see you're safe and well!
  10. 14 has some of the facial features of the Halliday family but I can't say with any certainty that it's one of them. Maybe the suggestion of 'Halliday' might jog someone else's memory.
  11. Go on then. you can have a bonus point! However, I'll have to deduct one point for the jokes as today is Sunday. Stand-up Comedy night is Tuesday but there's a chance to redeem your point if you can honestly say that you were not standing up when you wrote them. Never let it be said that I am anything other than generous!
  12. I still make Anzac biscuits but I always make them at Easter because my mother made them at Easter.
  13. You're never too old to learn, they say. That's the first time I've heard of sewer gas lamps! What a brilliant idea!
  14. Here's a corona challenge for you Eggy: Tuesday night is 'Stand - Up Comedy Night*. One joke every Tuesday night for the duration of the lockdown. Get crackin! We could all do with a good laugh. Good idea!
  15. Well done lads1 I'll have to make these a bit harder! 1. Who was the mother of Queen Elizabeth 1? 2. Which guitarist is nicknamed ‘Slow hand’? 3. In general terms, what kind of food is bisque? 4. Which English cathedral is also a college chapel? 5. How many noughts are there in 9 billion? 6. Who directed the 1989 film The War of the Roses? 7. Who did Maddy Prior sing with? 8. What is James Bond’s favourite tipple? 9. Which Prime Minister made Queen Victoria Empress of India? 10. Which football club chairman once called his fans ‘scum’ and offered to forfeit a match? 11. How many legs does a queen bee have? 12. In the 1962 TV series ’The Saint’, what was the registration number of the Saint’s car, a 1962 Volvo P1800? (Bonus point if you know the original registration number when newly purchased). I’ll bet you didn’t know … The liver of the polar bear is so rich in vitamin A that it’s poisonous to humans!
  16. Pleased to see you're putting the lockdown to good use, Andy! the site is fine by me. The only thing missing is meals on wheels. You couldn't arrange that could you?
  17. Answers to last Friday's quiz: 1. Wimbledon 2. Egypt 3. The USA and Canada 4. Somerset 5. 66 feet 6. Sarah Brightman 7. A, B, AB, O 8. Bald Eagle 9. Australia 10. 1901 11. Percy Sugden 12. Galileo Galilei New quiz tomorrow.
  18. Take a few minutes to think of something other than the corona virus. Challenge a friend or relative - from a safe distance of course. Answers next Thursday. 1. On which Common would you find the Wombles? 2. Cleopatra was the queen of which country? 3. The Niagara Falls are situated on the border between which two countries? 4. In which English county can you find the Mendip Hills? 5. How long is a Gunter’s chain? 6. With whom did Cliff Richard have a UK top ten hit called All I Ask of You in 1986? 7. What are the four blood groups called? 8. What is the National bird of the USA? 9. Where are budgerigars found in their natural habitat? 10. When were Nobel Prizes first awarded? 11. Which character, played by Bill Waddington, left Coronation Street in 1997? 12. Who was sent to prison for claiming that the sun, and not the earth, was the centre of the universe? I’ll bet you didn’t know … Every continent in the world has a city called Rome!
  19. Andy Millne, pleased to see that you've checked in!
  20. Good to hear from you Pete. Don,t worry about the long hair. The in-look this year is pony tails! How's the situation in your area?
  21. Good work! I was just about to get a pigeon away!
  22. Answers to last Friday's quiz: 1. Rawhide 2. A bird 3. British Thermal Unit 4. Mark Phillips 5. Chartwell 6. David 7. Polio 8. Jules verne 9. John Curry 10. Disraeli 11. Empire Day 12. Geometry New quiz tomorrow.
  23. Has anybody heard from Eggy? He's usually a very frequent and welcome contrubutor but hasn't been around for quite a while. Last visit he mentioned having difficulties getting out of bed. I've tried e-mailing but there's no reply. Same thing with Pete. Please let us know that you are safe and well.
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