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Everything posted by Canny lass

  1. Every little helps, Bedlingtonian! Thanks for the info.
  2. Here's another version of the 1859 map from Old-Maps.co.uk OS County series Northumberland 1859 -1883. There's a bit more detail and you can see quite clearly that after leaving the railway sidings at the old Puddlers Row the main line continues only a short distance before branching off into new sidings which end at the larger of the buildings you mention. My guess would be railway worksheds or industrial buildings ' possibly Bedlington Ironworks.
  3. Bedlington Iron Works occupied the land on the Bedlington side of the river as far east as Kitty Brewster. I don't see any buildings on the OS maps prior to 1930 but I did find a map from 1859 which shows a couple of the Iron Works buildings. One of them, nearest the bridge could be the one in the picture. VisionofBritain.org.uk You'll need to zoom in to see it but it is there.
  4. I knew I'¨d heard this name before! Mr Weekes is mentioned in connection with Lairds House on the 'Discover Bedlington Leaflet which somebody kindly posted on Bedders for me a couple of years ago. I've searched but I can't find it. I have it saved as a pdf file and I'll try to post it here. I don't know if that's possible but here goes: Bedlington CA Leaflet p.2.pdf Seems to have worked!
  5. There were two Mr Weekes - father and son. Mr Weekes senior was the mine owner's agent and his son took over the role after his father. Perhaps the photo is of one and the bust of the other? https://books.google.se/books?id=spDHDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA9&lpg=PA9&dq=Weekes+bedlington&source=bl&ots=u5i540i3rM&sig=ACfU3U1SGIq1EdAGcRRhHmdC-dEZ3mUvtA&hl=sv&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJxa3G_4znAhUAysQBHasSDgsQ6AEwA3oECAkQAQ#v=onepage&q=Weekes bedlington&f=false Captured Memories 1900 -1918 Across the Threshhold of War by Peter Liddle Mr Weekes gets a mention on page 9, but do read the whole of chapter 2 on Tom Easton (pages 7-12), A Northumberland Pit Boy. It gives some interesting insights.
  6. Reminds me of the beadle in Dickens' Oliver Twist!
  7. Thanks Eggy! It was one of Maggie's earlier posts that got me thinking about this. I planned to research it then but, as you know, other things got in the way and there hasn't been either time or opportunity do anything about it. However, we are now back to eight wheels and two drivers so I thought I might start now. Language development is a fantastic mirror of history, så it's worth looking at it from the linguistic aspect. While holly and holy are very similar in spelling and, to an extent, sound today, this has not always been the case so the development of both national language and dialect need to be looked at. It'll probably take a couple of months, depending on how far back I can go. I'll keep you informed. Meanwhile, I'm still looking for an earlier, proven, use of the place name Hollymount if anybody can help.
  8. I'm researching the possibility that Hollymount may be a derivation of Holy Mount - it's an interesting theory. Does anybody know the earliest record of 'Hollymount' as a place name in Bedlington - on a map or document, for instance. 1860 is the earliest I've found to date.
  9. Bedlington's 'yards' are fascinating places! All sorts of life were encapsulated in them! 1860's map is interesting for @Stuart because the 'Smithy' is also noted on the map.
  10. Thanks Eggy, I think the 1950 photo also shows Paul as the same people are in both photos - I'm assuming it's the whole class. In 1950 Paul would be about 6 yo but Kevin was a few years older.
  11. Sorry, Stuart, I didn't manage to get any text with the map - from 1860. You'll find Wilsons Yard on the south side of Front Street West just behind Bedlington Hall.
  12. Nr. 13 Surname is Goonan but, if this is 1950 it could be Kevin's younger brother Paul. How old would these children be when the photo was taken?
  13. Vic, this is the strangest autumn and winter I've experienced! We had our first snow in mid September! That's early even by Scandinavian standards. It didn't stay more than a day however and, with the exception of a 3 inch fall in December, it's been more like spring ever since. Haven't had the shovel out once. My arm muscles are wasting away. I've had to change my favourite whisky glass for one that's less heavy.
  14. In that case I'll let yu off - but just this once!
  15. Ahem ... Neither did mine! You're just trying to baffle me with science, aren't you young man. A birthday comes only once a year - fact. This year has an extra day - fact. Therefore 366 days, my birthday being on the 366th day from the day that neither you or I counted. I've had the steam-driven calculator cranked up so there's no arguing with it!
  16. Thank you kind sirs! Missed my usual roll in the snow this year as there isn't a flake to be seen anywhere round here. Mind you, I didn't miss the shovelling snow which was a cause of great joy. Spent a quiet(ish) day planning a holiday in the sun before hubby starts being weaned off all his medications. Thanks again!
  17. Ahem... 366 days surely. Leap year and all that ...
  18. I'm trying hard to Vic, I'm trying hard!
  19. A farce would be too kind a description even for that!
  20. Sitting here in watching the 9 o' clock news and watching the devestation that is occurring in Australia and wondering how things are for you @Brian Cross? Are you in any of the danger areas and if so, how are you coping with the situation? The temperatures being talked about, 45-50 degrees, sound horrendous and the damage to property even more so. Sincerely hoping that everything is OK.
  21. Any New Year resolutions waiting to be broken? PS. Happy birthday 3g!
  22. Good morning all you lovely people! How are we all feeling this fine morning? Honest replies only! Myself, 1-2 and hoping for = by lunchtime.
  23. Beginning of the financial year, mileage allowance 45p/mile. He can't have already clocked up 10,00 miles in 28 days to be getting the reduced rate of 25p/mile - can he? 90p gives him a two mile journey for each log entry. Maybe he just popped out for lunch: Hare & Hound, up Pimlico way, Star & Garter, south bank, Fiddler's Elbow, Camden Town, The Granny Knot, Bayswater, The Frog & Whistle, Lambeth - the list is endless depending on direction from place of work. Mind you, I'm assuming he was alone in the car because otherwise he'd be entitled to an extra 5p per mile for every "qualifying" passenger and that makes the maths too difficult (wish I'd paid more attention to Miss Wilkinson)!
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