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Adam Hogg

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Everything posted by Adam Hogg

  1. Have you tried UK coal for funding? as they have got a £500,000 community fund as part potland burn opencast and have only given out £98,000 of it as of february 2012.
  2. Yes if i pass there with my camera i will take a picture of the site.
  3. I think cyclists should be able to ride on the road, but the problem is the roads are to busy and some drivers are to careless, however the same can be said about cyclists. I say this as a driver, cyclist and pedestrian
  4. New Hartley Colliery has now been leveled and the site is woodland now.
  5. So the main question now is who owns the site if not Barry Elliott?
  6. Anytime Keith I don't know about your ghost though, may have to call Ghostbusters .
  7. http://www.britishlistedbuildings.co.uk/en-235885-hartford-hall-wansbeck Tells you little about the history of the building and what it is built out of. http://list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1041423 also tells you a little about the history and the listing of the building.
  8. Now that punishment, would never show your face in public after that .
  9. Yet again another developer in Bedlington has put to much money into a site they will not get the money back on, with Elliots Garage the site needs the tanks removed still to do, which will be costly and also the back of the site needs reinforcing to stop an subsidence which could damage the Market place club flat and the forge, best thing he could do is put a for sale sign on the site and wait for somebody else to buy it.
  10. I take it as your not a royalist Symptoms?
  11. Hear Hear, Coal is the best energy soruce in the UK, thanks to the research carried out by the NCB, British Coal and now the Coal Authority we can now use clean coal technology yes some renewables work, so why not use both Clean Coal and renewables? no need for oil, nuclear and gas power stations then, Energy gap solved, UK's lights and heat on, if the green's out there want the county powered by only renewables then they should go to the island of Jan Mayen (a island in the North sea) and try it there and if it works they should stay there and leave us to power our country as we want to.
  12. I thought she was the feet under the house or is that me with wishful thinking?
  13. Most likey they where in different rooms or at least Gordon Brown was, so that there was no arguments. Also i think they would last milliseconds before they got up one anothers backs.
  14. Yes their was, but also milk snatcher is not there because she is in ill health according to the bbc and his withdrawn from public life.
  15. Possibly Malcolm, after all John Major did like his odd bit of Currie on the side.
  16. Whats wrong with this picture? Also this one?
  17. The two most effective renewable sources are solar and tide power. Wind is no good on a small scale they are useless, if you put a wind turbine on your house (a small one) your house will be damaged because of vibrations from the wind turbine.
  18. I don't think the houses will have to come down, the car mainly hit the window area that i have seen in the journals photos and not the support areas (the sides) so i think it will need to be proped up and the wall rebuilt maybe steel reinforcing put in as well.
  19. You are right Vic most renewable energys are not "green" as they take a lots of energy to build. For example: solar panels are made using aluminium a lot of energy goes into making aluminium as we all know from our local Alcan, so by the time the Bauxite is mined, shipped and turned into aluminium in a smelter it has used a lot energy then you have to finish making the panel then transport it to the place it is going to be used at.
  20. I saw it in the paper, lucky that nobody was killed has done a lot of damage to the house and the car will likey be scrap.
  21. Well i can say that did not work for my family member. He had Surgery, Chemotherapy, Radiation Therapy and loads of pills but it would not go away.
  22. You mean Virgil foxy because all he does is the same as Virgil from thunderbirds he is cameron's puppet, next time you see Clegg/Virgil he will be going to his party as leader.
  23. Well i can confirm Computer courses will soon be held at Bedlington Community Centre if anyone would like to do them.
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