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keith lockey

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Everything posted by keith lockey

  1. Now that's interesting, HPW, because I thought Tommy never married. Cheers.
  2. No Threegee, it was meant to be Bedlington Perrier Water!!!!!!
  3. The first colour TV we got from them only showed red and green. I was listening to the stereo one day and one of their vans parked outside. All of a sudden I got this bloke's voice asking for confirmation of an address. The dates for the vans are 1964, 1967 & 1973.
  4. Looking at the video again I am reminded of that old saying...'you look like your pets'. Friends and neighbour say I resemble my cats...sleek, sensual, panther-like...mind you you they don't like it when I bury my poo in their rose gardens.
  5. Can anyone remember when the Rediffusion shop closed in Bedlington? It used to stand where Tyred & Exhausted is now. We got our first television off them and Billy Hempstead and his son (Also Billy) lived in our street and worked for the company.
  6. It looked a bit windy, there, Malcolm!
  7. If I'm not mistaken, Eggy, he was arguably the first White Van Man and I'm sure he added a small trailer to it later on. I know he used to deliver to our house and he was always chipper.
  8. Can anyone remember Tommy Easton the greengrocer? If my memory serves me right he used to deliver goods to your house. He was always happy and wore a brown 'Awkright' workcoat. I believe he opened a shop down the Station between Wales chip shop and Anderson's Motors, and I'm sure he had something to do with the Spar...did he 'start' it?
  9. I seem to remember the stairs being on the right - with the box office in the centre. But I thought the left-hand door just led to the 'downstairs' part. On the far left was the sweet's kiosk - I think. My personal movie memories recall Tarzan and the Great River. (1971) A stirring tale of the famous Ape-man's adventures up the Amazon River. Rememberable for the scene where two lions started fighting...Lions in the Amazon!!! But on the same bill was Blue Water, White Death (1971) An amazing documentary about the Great White Shark - four years before Jaws. It was supposed to be the 'B' movie leading up to the main feature - but everyone was talking about that and not the Tarzan film. Good and bad memories of that place.
  10. Have a good one, Brian, all the best. Keep the jokes coming.
  11. Naw, Merc', it's ever since Malcolm started putting up those benches. Drivers are distracted by them and crash, bang, wallop. They should have a government health warning on them.
  12. Cheers lads, as long as no one was seriously hurt.
  13. What's up folks! I heard Front street was cordened off yesterday and I heard loads of sirens etc. Please enlighten me someone.
  14. Another candle on the cake, Vic, have a good one.
  15. Can anyone remember the Barrington Arms (Monkey) when it had ouside toilets. You'd have to run through the rain to stand under a corrugated roof and Literally splash your boots. It was a rough house in those days as well, if I remember.
  16. April 1st!! - April Fool's Day!! That sounds about right for Wansbeck District Council. I started my apprenticeship with them in 1974 and thought they had just merged. Cheers lads.
  17. Can anyone remember when Bedlington Urban District Council (BUDC) became Wansbeck District Council (WDC). I believe it was in 1974 but I need confirmation. Also, has anyone got any photos of the old Council yard / depot which used to be behind where Moods is now. (Or there-abouts)
  18. I tried the same, Eggy, but I got something like Josshinse House!!! Or Tosshinge House. But I tell you where it looks like, assuming its quite local, - The Bebside Inn.
  19. Same here. I am fated not to see the Aurora. What's annoying is I let the cats out and in on Thursday night so how did I not see the lights?
  20. Yeah, he's got one, I snapped this of him at Gallagher Park this week.
  21. Brilliant, Eggy, I honestly cannot remember the bridge, but I will pass this on to my brother. Cheers.
  22. Many moons ago I tried a few bottles of Diamond White. It doesn't look much but It was definitely a case of "One small step for man, one giant stagger for yours truly." Potent stuff!! I wonder if you can still get it?
  23. My brother asked a similar question on this forum a few years ago. He said he had seen a photo of it (I think at Woodhorn Museum) and wanted to know whereabouts it had stood at Atlee Park.
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