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keith lockey

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Everything posted by keith lockey

  1. I was watching these the other night, funnily enough. They varied from someone dropping their wallet and seeing how many people returned it, to someone pretending to be beaten up and stabbed.
  2. I'm clicking the button, Malcolm, but nothing is happening. (Maybe I'm the Invisible Man?) But if I had to be an X-man it would be from the original comic books....
  3. My brother says the local pubs and clubs played for a trophy at the Bedlington Cricket Club. (TonyP has also mentioned something similar in LIST OF PUBS AND CLUBS.) But my bro can't remember what the trophy was called. Can anyone help?
  4. TonyP, My bro says the pubs and clubs played for a trophy at the Cricket Club. Can you remember the name of it? I'm going to put this in THE SPORTS CLUB forum as well.
  5. I was never in, Merc'. Cricket is like watching paint dry to me. Mind you I liked bowling a maiden over...ooh no missus.
  6. Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell everyone. Did the Cricket Club have a bar - behind Hirst head / Villas?
  7. Hi Tony, P. Syd & June's daughter was called Caroline, I believe, and she was married to Aln (Not Alan the conventional way). As for the club I'm too young to remember it.
  8. Racing snake!!! Is this your pit-stop team, Keith?
  9. When you get out the bath and look for the pumice stone for the corn on your foot. OR When you go out for the day and say..."I better put a jacket on in case it gets cool later on." I haven't got to the second stage yet.
  10. Let's see what the spin-doctors can vomit up.
  11. A drunk walks into a bakery and asks the counter assistant... "How much are your sausage rolls?" She says "Two for a pound." "How much for one?" Asks the drunk. "Seventy five pence." Came the reply. "I'll have the other one then."
  12. Cheers everyone, Scranchums gets my vote.
  13. Okay folks, we all remember going to the fish shop and getting fish and chips and the free leftover batter. But what was the leftover batter called? I remember it being called something like sratchings or scranchings!!! But according to Wikipedia it is indigenous to the north east and it was called SCRAPS!!!! Not down our way it wasn't. So what was it called where you lived?
  14. Sorry, Malcolm, I should have known better. It's hard to tell how something is said in its written form. I proffer my grovelling apology and head off into the corner.
  15. Yeah, HPW, I remember the dial on the window sill. No remote control in those days. I also remember Radio Luxembourg. Lying in bed at night with a hand-held radio and an earplug listening to Don McLean singing American Pie and the New Seekers warbling I'd like to teach the world to sing. Happy Days!!!
  16. It must be just you, Malcolm, because I think Bedlington looks better in that picture - which is in the seventies - because we had shops and hopes for the future, etc etc etc. (PS The photo isn't mine, someone on this site posted it a while back.)
  17. How long have we got to wait, Malcolm?
  18. I meant the supermarket site, Keefy, not old Milne House.
  19. Okay folks, starting with Presto's in the 70s - name the supermarkets that have been on that site!!! Somerfield Fine Fare? Kwik Save? Safeway. Anymore!!!!
  20. Now that Tesco is starting a car boot sale on Sundays, do you not thing it is a good idea to re-open the public toilet again in the car park. In fact why was it ever closed down in the first place?
  21. Ebay is having a pillory sale - while stocks last.
  22. Happy birthday. Hope there aren't that many candles on the cake.
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