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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. The programme was on BBC4 and was called King Alfred And The Anglo -Saxons. Michael Wood presented. There were only three programmes of one hour. Hopefully it has gone to DVD. Lots of programmes now are made in conjunction with the Open University. I could maybe put the two episodes I have still on a digi box onto an old VHS tape for you. Otherwise get yourself to Bedlington soon and I will leave them alone on the box. Others on the site may know of better ways. I cannot seem to find it on I Player. Maybe it will be soon. How much of the language of The Anglo - Saxon Chronicles is relevant to us here or to you and your many languages.
  2. Canny Lass you will have to get the latest series 'King Alfred and the Anglo/ Saxons' Your linguistic knowledge would be good input. They quote from the Anglo /Saxon Chronicle, but the importance of Saint Cuthbert and Oswald come to light. The bones of Oswald are taken and credited with special powers, the chapel for the bones has windows and characteristics very like our Church of Saint Cuthbert. I wonder what we could learn about our language!
  3. Perhaps talk of death could be relevant here. We saw a comedian who said 'if you were born in the sixties you should be planning your funeral now' My music of choice would be a Santana number. A friend wants 'I don't feel like dancing' Scissor Sisters.
  4. Lots of Miners found work in other coal fields. There is as series on the Anglo/Saxons in the UK at the moment. Northumbria had a huge influence on everything that was going on. Your post is interesting to read Canny Lass!
  5. Good to hear from you again Canny Lass! We walked along Blyth Beach today and got to the pub about 11.45! Shock horror it was closed as was the Cafe! Had to go to the Five Swans in the Haymarket! It used to be Luckies I think!
  6. You went out of signal about Benwell. We are enjoying listening when we can. The cadets talking this afternoon sounded well informed and motivated.
  7. It seems some folk on Cowpen Road got letters saying they had approved of the turbines at Fenrother, when they had not! Surely that cannot be true
  8. Found myself saying 'your a Mazer' today. Wonder if it came from amazing or did our word come first?
  9. A little on the dark side. I will leave that to you threegee!
  10. The coal seams! How far do they go, could they be the link. Literal and metaphorical. I have been reading about them, in the report for the Turbine at Netherton. Low Main Seam Main Seam Plessey Seam Harvey Seam And Top Busty / can that really be the name! These are all at Netherton, so I do not know how far they go underground. I think people have talked about a Howard Seam. That was at the Doctor Pit and the Opencast.
  11. If you click through Brett's link there are interesting documents about the mining and aviation risks. These are dated 18th July 2013! First get the Planning application and then click on the 43 documents. So many things to read you will need time and patience. Fascinating about all the seams of coal we have under us. I expect most ex miners already know about them all. I would bet people on the site know more than the experts!
  12. There is a meeting at Hepscott in the Community Parish Hall at 7.30 on Friday. Anyone interested in the wind turbines would be welcome it seems. I guess the farmer and the planners could go along and tell us all why it has been so poorly advertised. Not sure who will be there and maybe it is to late to object.
  13. Max Adams has a biography out about Oswald of Northumbria who ruled AD634 to 642. He claims Oswald and his brother Oswiu laid the foundations for our nation as we know it today. It seems Oswald was seen as a Beowulf style figure and maybe even an inspiration for Aragorn in Lord of the Rings The book is published by Head of Zeus
  14. Last night Johnie Walker was talking with Tony Benn at the Masonic Hall on George Street Edinburgh. Tony Benn looked very frail and is helping with a film called his ' Last Will and Testament '. There was a little clip of the film. He was amazing with his memories, basic humanity and his code of ethics. You realise how valuable he has been in the political sphere. In 2001 he left politics to become more involved in politics! His explanation made perfect sense. Subjects from the War in Iraq to Pirate Radio were all covered. It was a brilliant night and we felt extremely privileged to have been there and listen.
  15. Any recommendations? Other than 'you are on the wrong side of the border'
  16. My Dad was a smoker and died unable to breath. When the black lung gets you that's the kiss of death. He had a huge operation to remove part of a lung in the late 1930s and was told not to smoke. They knew then how dangerous it was! Sadly my youngest still misses him, even though he died in 1985.
  17. More Turbine news. The journal today page 10 says Views divided on remote turbines. These ones are said to be 74m or 243ft at High Thorneyburn Falstone, applicant farmer James Ions. It is said they would be more than four times higher than the tallest turbine in the national park. Controversy has emerged after it was revealed RWE npower renewables wants consent for four test masts in Kielder.. The community are being offered money said to be thousands of pounds for local projects. Tammy Adams head of planning for the park authority says they look at tranquility,cultural heritage, landscape and biodiversity. Wonder which of these could be used to assess likely impacts on the special qualities of our area.
  18. That was why I started the thread Symptoms Within Personal Messenger I could not understand why certain people had 'Blocked under their names and others did not. I thought I had been blocked. The Moderators you can not block. Of the others some had The Block and others did not. Clear as mud.
  19. Turbine News Page 15 The Journal today has an article:- "Cheers as turbine bid is Kicked out" Northumberland Council Officers recommended it be approved. Councillors voted to reject the proposal. Company York based Ogden Renewable Energy was proposing a Turbine engine 50 metres to hub height, 78 metres to tip on land associated with Follons Farm Weststeads. I wonder if this is the same company and details. It seems the Applicant's agent was Magnus Galley and a fellow agent was Faye Scott. Maybe this information will help anyone deciding to object. I do not know the details of the proposal for our locality
  20. Unfortunately there are some things you do not know you need help with until it is too late.
  21. They will know now. Bush telegraph in Bedlington always worked well.
  22. I wonder If I am the only one who has been confused. To block or not to block that is the question! Then there are the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Once you know that postings go and then come back into the new posting box you do not double post! Once you know some people have block under there name in PMs and others do not, you do not question. Once you get to the site and it says Oops, you ignore it and find you are signed in anyway, it is fine. As moderators you need to know when something is confusing. After all there will be people too shy to comment. Blocking people and Oxo now there is a thought!
  23. One of these things caught fire, that is only one I have heard about. Maybe the risk of a lightening strike could swing it. Crying Lightening Arctic Monkeys. Synergy have a new topic for the radio show plus a track to start the discussion. I need to be convinced that these things are a good idea and not just making money for the few. With their :- Arrogance ignorance and Greed. Track by Show of Hands
  24. There is a lot of money to be made from these turbines. I know someone who was offered a lot of money to allow a turbine to be built on their land. The implications are great. A small turbine to blend in would maybe be better. Painted green, however it would still set a precedent. I remember the one at Ashington was going to power the hospital and goodness knows what else, I wonder if there are figures on the reality of the power supplied. The huge blades seem a problem, there is a public footpath near the proposed site. Hepscott Nedderton Bedlington and Choppington will be affected. Maybe they can be allowed because the NE is considered a wasteland!
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