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Everything posted by Maggie/915

  1. Unfortunately the ladies loos are not history orientated. I never did accept the basic rules. Life in Geordieland is a holiday. Leave at your peril and people will be prepared to put a bomb up your backside to send you back. My claim to fame in life is making an exile into a flag waving Geordie again. Sweetness and shite as they say. How do you tell a Geordie! Answer you can't because they can't be telt!
  2. Still does! I leave the pan outside! My Mum and Dad grilled them. It irritates me that certain members of the family do not get all the best bits! Yesterday we were at Beadnell and son and grand kids left me with four mackerel to cook! Soused herrings led to soused mackerel! Could life get any better! Beadnell for the kids with a boat and a canoe. High tide led to bay watch running through the water, splashing people obviously. Today Durham and the history. Northumberland is the place to be! Maybe I am biased
  3. I did comment on women working in the mines. Your picture is a good one Keith L!
  4. Tulloch! An unusual name in Bedlington
  5. We have been to Durham today. Truly amazing awesome brilliant. The return of the Gospels is just part of the story. I think Bill Bryson said someone should have given him the Keys to their car and said you must go now.
  6. Bottles in the Kings Arms at Seaton Sluice
  7. It seems Mandelson asked for some guacamole at a fish and chip shop when he was an MP up here. Mushy peas with steak and kidney pud and chips. What a delicacy! Back to basics
  8. The Joiners in Morpeth has always been interesting. Men only bar much larger than the snug or back room. This room had traditional Mural pictures. The ladies room had a bucket attached to a stand pipe, when it was modernised you had to ask at the bar for the key. The Post Boy bar in the Queens Head was another of interest.
  9. Seaton Sluice and The Kings Arms, does anyone know why there are submarine pictures in the loos. The Scampi and chips may be a rave from the sixties but it is good. Anyone remember chicken in a basket. Has anyone seem Al Murray do his spin on chicken in a basket And that is not to mention a glass of white wine for the lady or a fruit based drink and a pint for the man. My gaff and my rules! His words not mine before anyone gets shirty.
  10. I have found to old RAC itinerary s from Bedlington to the South Coast. Also a 1959 guide to lighting up times and mileage indicator. Maybe we could ask the AA or others if they still do anything like this!
  11. Back to the original question:- How about :- Yes for Bedlington with notable inclusions No for the rest of the World with notable exclusions. What about the trans gender issue! Then there is the argument that golf spoils a good walk. Basically in my mind a none argument. Boring people can be any sex Discrimination is not confined to any race creed or sex. We are all individuals and if you feel something is unfair work to change things or cut and run. Fight or Flight.
  12. The pathway up to the village needs to be cut back to expose the old path. It is overgrown and only copes with people in single file. The cars go past so fast and there could easily be an accident.
  13. Morris Minor convertible Austin something or other, had belonged to Dr Mulligan who lived at the village. Black Austin A40. Life in a landscape via our old cars or our parents old cars
  14. In the mId sixties I travelled with three mates down to Manston airport in Kent. We then flew across the channel and the package deal was a bus to Spain! Seems unbelievable now. I remember queuing to get over a small bridge at Ferrybridge. What fun going through all the towns on the A1, and of course helped along by the RAC route master, specially printed out for us. The food did not go down to well. and dreams of homemade steak and kidney pie followed by rice pudding made me homesick.
  15. Here is a puzzle! Dorothy Croudice widow age 21 on the 1861 census, is the person this gravestone relates too. The son was called Swann and lived at Hirst Head. Child mortality certainly maybe Doeothy married again. Either way a connection. Croudice were they the Chemists? The Skipsey's family also have a Swann connection, it seems the last of the Bedlington Skipsey's married A Swann. That sounds crazy but you know what I mean. The Skipsey's farmed High House farm. I think that may have been wherever the council stored vehicles
  16. My Dad loved the beach at Cambois. The summer of 56 or 58 was hot and it was Druridge Bay for swimming on his Norton Motorbike. My mates and I once cycled there but the effort was too much and then it was to easy to go to Humford.
  17. If at all possible I will be listening. Sorry I cannot help.
  18. John or Jack was, I think, the fifth son of Will Corby. The loss of a leg may have been why he was not a soldier.
  19. In the Blyth Gleaner 1819, this appeared, about John Corby late sexton of Bedlington. He died 11th Jan 1819. Here Corby lies in his last sleep Grave digging was his occupation Or ring the bell, or church to sweep, Or dust the pews upon occasion Lame of an arm and but one leg Some charity Jack was deserving He was to bashful for to beg He rather did prefer half starving His speech and manners were uncouth But firm and staunch upon occasion He always bluntly spoke the truth Without the smallest deviation To hunt the fox was his delight To get sly reynard in his clutches He stopped the fox holes in the night All day he hunted on his crutches Whene'er the fox was in full view No footman with Jack could keep stitches, So swift he on his crutches flew And sprung quite over dykes and ditches But now his sporting is all past We trust his faults are all forgiven Tis hoped he will meet with at last All honest Sportsmen safe in heaven Seems an interesting character and one we would have enjoyed having on the forum
  20. Thomas and Dorothy Croudace. Bedlington Colliery
  21. Hirst Head Farm Gravestone
  22. Good Luck Synergy. I am sure the programmes will be excellent.
  23. Friday this week Woman's Hour are doing a feature on the suffragettes. I am sure all views will be welcome.
  24. Two war graves Lawson 1917 in the churchyard and Dodds 1943 Westlea Cemetry
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