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Posts posted by Maggie/915

  1. Today is the Derby at Epsom and every BBC news broadcast. so far, covers the story of Emily.

    New evidence, by a lady in Morpeth, suggests the Suffragettes practiced pinning the colours onto a horse in Morpeth.

    This week the I Newspaper has carried a series of articles on the New Sufferagettes.

    Interesting reading.

    Hope I am not upsetting anyone for bringing this topic up again.

    It is History/ Herstory and I think it important to our region and our town.

  2. I was going to walk around and take a few pictures of the old graves to put on the site.

    However my own cemetery tale, nearly got in the way.

    My son was forced by a taxi driver, who drove at him in a cycle lane, to take evasive action; what started as a flesh wounds, turned into a fractured skull, bleeding on the brain and he was unable to walk for a day or so.

    He is recovering slowly and has not become a cemetery tale.

    One day I will post any pictures of graves that I think may interest people.

    It is one way of preserving our heritage.

    Maybe a bit dark.

    Suppose I could quote some of the funeral service here, but I won't!

  3. Happy Days!

    It was Church first then the bus to Plessey Woods, a packet of Rowntrees pastilles or fruit gums and then walk through to Stannington.

    Who needed a computer!

    It also gave indications of the future.

    Who saved the sweets, who ate them quickly and who tried to save them but failed.

    Very good indicators of the people we were to become.

  4. Worth thinking about :-

    Football supporters.


    Where do wars start?

    Even Shakespeare with Romeo and Juliet gives us an example.

    People with extreme views could be said to divide and rule.

    Judge people with care, we are lucky we live in a tolerant society.

    The English Civil War divided everyone and the result was to bring back the monarchy

  5. Saw this quote and thought certain people might appreciate what happened:-

    "On the final day of school some students released three sheep into the hall on which they had painted 'one' 'two' and 'four..

    The teachers spent the entire day looking for an imaginary third sheep"

  6. Yesterday we went to see 'The Reluctant Fundamentalist'.

    We saw the film before the events in London became news.

    Very very thought provoking.

    Sometimes an action provokes and then innocent people suffer.

    Who gains when we divide into secular groups and make rash generalisations.

    We are one World,

    Money, power and greed, can encourage stupid people to behave badly.

  7. If you can, listen to Show of Hands, 'Arrogance Ignorance and Greed.'

    It is a swipe at bankers bonuses and MPs inventive expenses.

    'Your on your Yacht, we 'r on our knees'

    'Dealt yourselves a winning hand, loaded every dice'

    'Those with something put aside are the ones that you betrayed'

    'Pray we will someday be free of your avarice incompetence and your arrogance, your ignorance and greed.'

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