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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @James & @HIGH PIT WILMA message back from John Dawson = '....im not aware of any but i will phone and find out for you. let you know when they respond..............' 🤞but not looking too good
  2. Now isn't it strange that even the BBC news mentioned that there were no white males. Many in this world has spent years protesting that women and blacks should be on an equal footing as the white male. I would even say , in my opinion, the BBC that broadcasts all over the world have been attempting to have black, white and women on the same level as the white male. I was amazed that when they were broadcasting from outside 10 Downing Street when watching to see who Liz brought into the cabinet Nick Eardley ( the Stanley Baxter look alike ) stated that there were no white males. Does this mean that the tables are now reversed and the white males can now start claiming they are being discriminated against. and can start protest meetings and marches asking for equality? Will we ever get the point where no matter what sex or colour, no matter what the balance is, everyone will treat everyone else as equal and just get on with it
  3. I'll check with @johndawsonjune1955 via the Past Times History group and see if there are still copies available.
  4. Bill @Alan dickson - often posts photos, from when he is out with his dog, of the wood on the Bygone Bedlington group :-
  5. Hope you and the family fully enjoy your visit. You might meet up with @John Fox (foxy) - @Andy Millne or @Malcolm Robinson if you visit the Red Lion.
  6. @James - forgot to ask - do you use the 'Messages' service on this site? Although John Dawson doesn't post any comments on this group these days I know he does occasionally use the Messages service - he has contacted me via it a few weeks ago.
  7. @James - John had two groups. One on Facebook that changed the name from Six Townships group to the Past Times History group and John is Admin of that group. The other group where john produced videos and booklets etc of the local Six Townships was kept going but checking now I am like you, can't find it. Are you on Facebook? If not I can contact @johndawsonjune1955 for you, via Facebook messenger, and see if there are still copies of the DVD available.
  8. In agree with you - at least with Boris you got a laugh. Can you imagine having to listen to Liz Truss, probably nightly, on the evening news. Back in the 1960's & 70's I voted for Labour as that is who everyone I knew voted for and the party I had been indoctrinated with and I preferred the Harold Wilson character to the Ted Heath character. Following those years there was no way I could even speak the name of that chemist born to a green grocer yet alone vote for her. naturally from 1990 i would vote for anyone to replace the chemist but didn't really care who it was. Over the last twenty years my votes, normally for three candidates, in the local council elections would be one labour, one Conservative and one from the Green party. I could never bring myself to vote for the Lib Dem candidate - just couldn't see the point of them. These days I wish Al Murray would come and be in the NE elections - I would vote for him = The Pub Landlord standing against all the established political parties as the sole candidate for his Free United Kingdom Party (FUKP).
  9. until
  10. Update on the info from Barrie Greatrex - Cambois FB group :-
  11. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-tyne-62728534.amp?fbclid=IwAR0EpyDGUvU0CFncWuqycnD-5fVTe-c8CqkJ3sdbF9j5j6_-qkGpbXxGcb4
  12. Cheers @James - so my attempts - A,B,C,D & E - to identify where the pit heap was were all wrong.
  13. Some names from Pauline Appelby, Past Times History & Bygone Bedlington Facebook groups.
  14. until
  15. until
  16. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/business-finance-and-corporate/britishvolt-ceo-orral-nadjari-leaves-battery-company?fbclid=IwAR0b6TiCUDBiwil5xnhC1dzD7gHsozYn2b0f-stkduySbXz5Y7AfcojzLlA
  17. Posted on the Cambois facebook group by Wayne Barclay :-
  18. Image, 1970's, posted by @johndawsonjune1955 on the Past Times History Facebook group :-
  19. Oooops - I hadn't saved the bits marking the location of the A & B pit
  20. This image has been posted within a couple of previous topics within this group :- On the Choppington Remembered Facebook group the image has also been posted an few times and Brian Jenkinson, Admin of the group, has commented that the row of house in the photo is Single Row. I Have checked a few, between 1900 & 1940, of the old maps but I can't find a Single Row named on any of them. I know in the early 1960's I used to visit, on bike, a school mate who lived in Richardson's Buildings and we did ride up towards the Choppington 'A' pit = turning off the main road just before the Travellers Rest pub. What I can't remember is ever seeing a Pit Heap in Choppington. It might have been that as I grew up in Bedlington and passed the Bedlington Pit Heap almost every day that I just didn't take any notice of a one, I might have seen, at Choppington, as it was just part of everyday life. So a question for @HIGH PIT WILMA, and anyone else in this group - @Pete, @James - Where was the Choppington Colliery Pit Heap? I have add some possible sites, A - B - C - D or E, to this old map that might help anyone say where there was a Pit Heap.
  21. Posted by @Malcolm Robinson on his Bedlington West Ward Facebook :- https://tree-scheme.northumberland.gov.uk/SelfService/?fbclid=IwAR2AUtEL32XDJYg-REA7Q-49X6FcXr_LH9M8O71434AI0Kmdw-vhg8jJmuU
  22. until
  23. And The Guardian says similar to And the Guardian says similar :- https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/aug/12/huge-uk-electric-car-battery-factory-on-life-support-to-cut-costs?CMP=fb_gu&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR30OaEd39Jzcz7QEEX1ZLEF0LMoS2-yHD99sP-ZQ5nroyGZJIgujbbmE6A#Echobox=1660292369
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