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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. I was just making sure you were reasonably local so if I did find anything out you would understand the area I was talking about. I've asked on the Facebook group, Bygone Bedlington, if anyone has heard of Douglass House, Netherton Lane but as yet no one has said they have. When you look at the old maps there are no streets of houses on Netherton Lane on the 1921 map. The 1938 map shows the outline of a street and I assume that has to be Ridge Villas that are still there today. The Ridge Villas houses are not council houses so I suppose it s possible that these 'private' houses had names but the 1938 map suggests, as they are not filled in with diagonal lines, they were unoccupied in 1938. This is the 1938 map next to the current Google maps aerial view :- If there are any comments worth passing on from the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group I will update you.
  2. @Ann Dobson - the name - Douglass House - does not ring any bells with me. I will ask around. Are you from the Bedlington, or surrounding area?
  3. Welcome to the group @Lynn. @anniemarr who started this topic in 2019 hasn't logged back into the group since her last comment above on June 4th 2020. If a member registers to receive notifications if any member comments on their posts they will be notified via an email. I don't know if 'anniemar' has registered but I have attempted to notify her by preceding her login Id with an ampersand and that triggers off a notification.
  4. Phot and info from Evan Martin's book - The Shire of Bedlington in old picture postcards.
  5. Another of Jim McMaster's photos. This one of the Bedlington South signal box. This is an earlier photo and it shows the Railway Tavern (now a car park) close to the signal box.
  6. Another of Jim McMaster's photos. You can see the Bedlington North signal box, between the two sets of signals, at the start of the Barrington Road.
  7. Photo and comment posted by Jim McMaster on the Facebook Past Times History group in 2014. I had a search, in 2014, of the www to see if I could find the answer to Jim's query about the Bedlington Railway Station having been built in Sleekburn but couldn't find any info.I did find a comment on the East Bedlington site but did not take a copy od the pdf document I just posted the following reply to Jim's posting :-
  8. Photo posted by @johndawsonjune1955 on the Facebook group - Past Times History. ------------------------------------- Google street view image - 2009 Inside the signal box - June 7th 2013 - photo taken by Stephen Lewis :-
  9. Info from http://disused-stations.org.uk/b/bedlington/index.shtml
  10. There is another album, that includes this photo with names. Direct link to the other album is :-
  11. until
  12. @Linray & @lynnewatson unfortunately there has only been a very small amount of info on the Old factory posted on this group. You would require access, that I don't have, to the 1911 & 1921 national census records to check out the house/flat numbers and the names of those who lived there.
  13. @Linray if you enter the phrase - "old factory" -, with the quotation marks, into the search facility at the top right hand corner of the screen the system will return all the postings/comments that contain that phrase. You will see a few as -old factory - has been used a few times like the following that @Canny lass posted in the 'Cobbledicks Shop ?' topic :-
  14. No 20 named by Ann Dickie - Cambois FB group.
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