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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. until
  2. until
  3. I see affordable housing as a two bedroomed terraced house where the mortgage, normally around £100,000, would be cheaper than the cost of renting a similar property. So in todays market a first time buyer would have to have a £5,000 deposit + solicitors fees etc. to buy an affordable house.
  4. until
  5. until
  6. until
  7. until
  8. @Canny lass - I was hoping Robert Moreland would have come back with some info but he hasn't responded
  9. After the Extraordinary full council meeting yesterday. that Malcolm Posted on June 16th I don't suppose the council will have any money to send a group of councillors down to Barnstable, North Devon (unless there is another Barnstable) to find out how it's done.
  10. Will it ever happen - Tuesday, 28 June 2022 Councillor Alex Wallace urges Northumberland Conservatives to take a trip to Barnstaple to change their minds about Bedlington Leisure https://anorthernviewofpolictics.blogspot.com/2022/06/councillor-alex-wallace-urges.html?spref=fb&fbclid=IwAR3MOaLES5SWKwiIgDHWj6MPPAxOyGgzde5Ei-dcc0up76Nqwsqq1DQVN8E
  11. until
  12. @Canny lass - because of the comment Alan Brady, ex Netherton Colliery lad, posted in response to my request for info on George MacGregor :- where he mentions Geordie's marra Bob Morland I created a new post on the Facebook group - Past Times History - that I know are two ex Netherton Colliery people = Robert Morland and Joan Morland, to see if they knew anything about Bob Morland's mate George MacGregor. Unfortunately one of the Past Time History group admins must have deemed my post was not about the past and a Bedlington man and they have deleted my posting before Robert & Joan Morland have responded to it. Before admin deleted the posting I did get a response which gave the address of George MacGregor on the Hartlands estate plus a message via the FB private messenger service. This is a screen shot from my PC showing both responses :-
  13. @Canny lass - nothing concrete from James, just a memory of a guy n a posh Jag etc. :-
  14. I wonder if James Lee Aynsley, ex Netherton Colliery lad, will remember him? I will 'tag' him on the Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  15. @Canny lass - no new comments since yesterday. Anything else I can add to the FB post that might get you an answer?🤞
  16. @Canny lass - a comment from Graeme Murphy, Bygone Bedlington FB group.
  17. @Canny lass - posted your comment on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group and have received two replies to the post to date + one 'private message' via the Facebook Messenger service. I have PMed you the private message. These are the two posted comments.
  18. Sorry @Malcolm Robinson - I switched off after 30mins. I hope you got a tea break. I see there have been over 2,000 views of the Youtube video. Is that normal or just because it was an Extraordinary meeting of full council ?
  19. until
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