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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Hello @Ellie Thorpe - I am an ex Bedlington lad, now retired, and therefore can't give you info on the current view of Bedlington residents but hopefully, like Andy has above, I can give you 'www' links to info on Bedlington. One of the members on this group is an independant Bedlington councillor - @Malcolm Robinson - and Malcolm often posts :- current info - videos of council meetings - development plans etc. etc. I'm sure you will have Googled Bedlington. The following are Google images of the town. Bedlington has two identities - The Top End & Bedlington Station (where the old railway statio still is and will be reopened under the new plans).
  2. 1. In which US state are the Sierra Nevada Mountains to be found? Answer = 2. What name is given to the central part of an atom? Answer = 3. What name is given to the flat piece of iron that connects adjacent railway rails? Answer = 4. 25 Cromwell Street Gloucester was the home of which couple? Answer = 5. From which plant is tapioca derived? Answer = 6. Which popular radio and TV doctor was created by A J Cronin? Answer = 7. The Trans-Siberian railway runs from Moscow to which city? Answer = 8. Who had a hit with Oh Carol? Answer = 9. Which British coin ceased to be legal currency in January 1961? Answer = 10. What is a grackle? Answer = 11. Who did Debbie Rowe marry in 1996? Answer = 12. Which British monarch was known as the Virgin Queen? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The only animal whose evidence is admissible in a court of law is a bloodhound Answer = I did
  3. The photo that's held in the Gallery in the Westridge School album Page 1) has been updated - replacing Fourteen & 1958 with XIV & 1960. The names you have listed confirm the names already added to the photo. Allan Smith posted, on Facebook, the back of her copy of the photo and it had the names written on the back - the Head Girl, No 14, full name is Carol Patterson. Direct link to the Westridge School album =
  4. The words ' The Fourteen Club' replaced with 'XIV CLUB' and the year changed from 1958 to 1960- update from @bluebarby
  5. @Maggie/915 - I see the Bedlingtonshire History group has been created as a 'Private' group whch means that only members of the group can see what is posted in the group. If the intention is to post details of the groups monthly meetings then the general public = all Facebook members whether in a group or not - will not be able to see those details. Would it be worth you having a chat with Tony Lamsdale about Private versus Public? You could checkoit Private versus Public by searching, via the Bedlingtonshire History Facebook group for the two Morpeth groups = Morpeth Matters (Private) and Morpeth History Matters (Public) :-
  6. @Canny lass & @Maggie/915 Googling 'Headstone Symbols' returns many web sites and from checking quite a few of the sites they aren't all using the exact same meanings - definitions etc. etc. Is there one site that historians etc use to help decipher the symbols or do they have to compare various religious denominations and sects and come up with what they believe to be the meaning?
  7. Thanks CL - I knew it was probably a bone and the new the spade handle but I just couldn't find any web site with an explanation of what the items represented 😊
  8. Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

    Bedlington Cricket Club

    Hirst Head, Bedlington NE22 5QH
  9. @Jammy - what year would this photo have been taken- late 1960's or early 1970's?
  10. With some names from Tom Shepherd :-
  11. Not knowing anything about headstone symbols I checked online and using the web site headstonesymbols.co.uk this headstone appears, to me, to simply represent Life and Death.
  12. until
  13. until
  14. Perhaps @Malcolm Robinson or @Russ Wallace know who did the sculpture.
  15. Sunday 14-11-2021 - photos from Simon Williams.
  16. 1. For what is Chingle Hall, Lancashire famous? Answer = reputed to be one of the most haunted – but as me and Victor Meldew would say - I don’t believe it 2. What would you do with a spelding? Answer = 3. In the 1970s TV series The Pretenders who co-starred with Roger Moore? Answer = 4. The name of which alcoholic drink, when translated literally, means ‘water of life’? Answer = Whiskey 5. Who is reported to have said “I have been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War”.? Answer = 6. What is the maximum number of clubs that a golfer is allowed? Answer = 7. Pedagogy is the science of what? Answer = Teaching 8. How many of Henry VIII’s children later succeeded to the throne? Answer = 9. Which major river flows past Essen to join the River Rhine at Duisburg? Answer = 10. Which type of plane was used by the Dam Busters? Answer = 11. What did pharmacist John Styth Pemberton concoct as a cure for headaches? Answer = 12. Of which metal was the old British penny made? Answer = The ones we still have are :- I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Camels are born without humps. Answer = Surely like everything we are born with – they are there and then get bigger
  17. The son-in-law swears by Dyson. They have had a dog, border collies, for over 20 years and wouldn't have anything else other than a Dyson. They pay the full warranty and have replacement parts ordered regularly = dog hairs appear to cause damage or it might just be because the son-in-law hoovers the hairs up every day and wears the parts out. We had a Dyson but my wife changed to a cordless (no idea what make) - it stops her tripping over the wire
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