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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Have you been practising this speech CL - have I asked this before - Did you go to the YMCA when John Bygate was the leader? = when I used to go with Don, Walter and Dave who is taking the photo :-
  2. @Vic Patterson I agree Vic, very rewarding. I have never had any photo that I have restored printed off but I assume they should be Ok. I have never had any of my old B&W photos, or any I have restored for others, uploaded to any of the coulouring Apps or services. It's just the way I think Vic; If the photo was taken in B&W I feel it's part of the history and I prefer to leave itthat way. Having said that I have seen some old B&W that look excellent when 'colourisation' is applied. I know the colouring procedures must analyze the B&W shades to determine the colours to add but some just don't look right. There is a Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs section on the genealogy site RootsChat. A lot of the work is excellent but, in my mind, some of the manual colouring of a restored old B&W or sepia photos is just over the top. You don't have to join to see the work they do, you can view all the original postings of the damaged photos and all of the responses from the group of restorers. I joined (and you only receive emails when you actually post a response to one of the postings) and occasionally post a restored photo. It has been a good way for me to practise my 'clarting'. https://www.rootschat.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=h2au1lpfk82vgtfr1lue0rlae0
  3. The poll is now closed and this years Piper Award goes to @Canny lass who throughout this pandemic has kept us occupied with her weekly quiz and has done a load or family and historic research to help many members of the group.
  4. Welcome @Marlena Preece. I know of Howard House, Netherton Colliery, but I never lived at the Colliery so don't have any info to give. However there are postings, in the Discussion section and the Gallery section, of Netherton Colliery and Howard House. As well as the other members giving info you could use the search facility at the top right hand corner of the screen. If you enter more than one word into the search bar then it is best to add quotation marks around the words otherwise the system will return every item it finds for each word eg "howard house" will only search for that phrase but - howard house - without quotes searches for every comment with either howard or house in it. There are photos in the Gallery section under the 'Historic Bedlington' albums This is a direct link to an album by @Carole and there are a couple of old photos or Howard House and the staff in the album :-
  5. until
    Info posted by Stacey Price - Cambois Facebook group :-
  6. @webtrekkerIt seems 'Willy' Ward did the majority of family weddings in Bedlington in the 1950's and 60's. Everyone seemed to know him and about his business. Does anyone know if he was a local lad or just moved to Bedlington to start his photography business?
  7. If they have all gone then people will have to send this years electronically - photo by Simon Williams, Church Lane :-
  8. I did try photoshop for a couple of months. One of my daughters tried to move me on from my old software and got me a years monthly subscription to photoshop. That was two modules/apps - Lightroom and I can't remember the other one - at about £20 a month. I played with it for the two months then went online to photoshop and convinced them I was too old to change and just had to cancel the contract. Told them, via online messaging, that I was 83 years old and that I just couldn't make the change from my old software. They wanted another 8 months monthly subscription to cancel the contract but I managed to persuade them to just cancel the contract without a cancellation fee of 8 months payments. Saved the daughter £200 and I just carried on with my Microsoft Digital Image Pro 10. As one of my 'hobbies from home' is repairing old damaged photos for members of Facebook groups and Rootschat I can't see me learning something new whilst the old software works fine for me. A couple of my recent repairs :-
  9. I'm hopeless CL - very little I do like and the cooked food I do like has to be well done and free of sauces and spices. I once had Mulligatawny soup (c1988, Indian restaurant in London) and my mouth was on fire for 3 days😰. Beef gravy is fine👍. Raw fish! No chance - crispy battered cod is the only sea food I can stomach.
  10. Just Bedlington twang and old technology - The first 8 words in my comment above are mine, the rest from 'GNU - GNU Image Manipulation........' was Copy & Paste from Google - but I thought Vic would understand it I have clarted with GIMP but even some of the commands from the menus I struggled to read. The text is so small.
  11. I'm al for change = advancing technologies but I can't stand the way we are bombarded with loads of applications. I know technology has to cater for the up and coming pioneers of the future (our gran children) but I just wish they would allow us more mature people of this world the opportunity to easily remove the applications we will never use😊. I do all my 'clarting' with photos on my 13 year old Desktop PC with Windows Vista but I have backed them all up, memory sticks, and copied them onto my new PC ready for when the old PC packs in and I have to start working out how some new 'clarting' photo software works. I have Gimp downloaded on the new PC. Gimp - GNU Image Manipulation Program - is a free and open-source raster graphics editor used for image manipulation and image editing, free-form drawing, transcoding between different image file formats, and more specialized tasks. GIMP is released under GPL-3.0-or-later license and is available for Linux, macOS, and Microsoft Windows. So it's a toss up for who lasts longer, me or my Vista PC
  12. @Canny lass - can't find anything that just relates to the popup names. There is loads around about the file name McAfee LiveSafe but everything I can find says use the McAfee 'Dashboard' - and I am guessing you don't have that. Your situation has me beat - but I will keep looking, when I'm not clarting ps. Windows 11 installed on new PC (Vista still on the old one) - now I will have to find out all the extras that comes with it and see what I can delete
  13. I'll see if I can find out anything but it might take awhile - busy upgrading my Windows 10 PC to Windows 11, Sep 1 of 3 currently 78% complete
  14. Oh dear. What's the name of the files and we might be able to find out what section/program of McAfee is adding them to your system due to their virus protection having expired.
  15. 1. What is a millionth of a metre called? Answer = 2. Bright’s Disease affects which organ of the body? Answer = 3. Who composed The William Tell Overture? Answer = 4. What was the name of Miss Rigby in a song by the Beatles? Answer = 5. At which number in Downing Street can you find the office of the Chief Whip? Answer = 6. Ikebana is the Japanese art of what? Answer = 7. What was the name of the woman for whom Edward VIII abdicated? Answer = 8. Which sea is connected to the Baltic Sea by the Kiel Canal? Answer = 9. What was the name of the spiv played by James Beck in Dad’s Army? Answer = 10. Which one word means: a unit of weight, an enclosure for animals and to beat on something? Answer = Pound 11. What nationality was Canute, King of England 1016 - 1035? Answer = Danish 12. How many atoms has a molecule of water? Answer = Bonus question: How did Mary and Joseph know the weight of their newborn son, Jesus? Answer = They had a weigh in a manger I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Underwater hockey is known as ‘octopush’. Answer = I didn’t – I hate to be in the crowd watching a game
  16. @Maggie/915 although your uploaded file has a MOV = Quick Time Movies my system won't play it. I just get a few seconds of the group playing🙃
  17. @HIGH PIT WILMA - posted a copy of the photo on the Bygone Bedlingto group and one member, Kevin Leonard, commented :- 'It would appear to be the steam winder for the cage - looks the same as the one at Woodhorn. Later replaced with Electric motors.' I did some Googling and there are loads of photos of Steam Winders but I could only find one on the www that was similar but nothing completely matches the one in the Netherton Colliery photo. The image from Leonora, Australia is the one most similar. Can't find, online, a photo of the one at Woodhorn Colliery, just found a message on twitter (that I am not a member of😉 ) confirming what Kevin Leonard said about it being replaced. repaced in 1975 in 1975.
  18. I know it's earlier than normal but I keep thinking my PC might catch an omicron variant, 'Desktop Lock Out'. Stay safe. Eggy
  19. The reload, Following yesterdays deletion(s), the reload of your laptop may have made the final clearance of MacFee 👍
  20. @Canny lass - it has me confused so I Googled - 'McAfee uninstalled but popups keep appearing' - and got :-
  21. Comment and photos posted, and shared, by Julia Catherall - Bygone Bedlington group.
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