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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Sunday 14-11-2021 - photos from Simon Williams.
  2. 1. For what is Chingle Hall, Lancashire famous? Answer = reputed to be one of the most haunted – but as me and Victor Meldew would say - I don’t believe it 2. What would you do with a spelding? Answer = 3. In the 1970s TV series The Pretenders who co-starred with Roger Moore? Answer = 4. The name of which alcoholic drink, when translated literally, means ‘water of life’? Answer = Whiskey 5. Who is reported to have said “I have been accused of every death except the casualty list of the World War”.? Answer = 6. What is the maximum number of clubs that a golfer is allowed? Answer = 7. Pedagogy is the science of what? Answer = Teaching 8. How many of Henry VIII’s children later succeeded to the throne? Answer = 9. Which major river flows past Essen to join the River Rhine at Duisburg? Answer = 10. Which type of plane was used by the Dam Busters? Answer = 11. What did pharmacist John Styth Pemberton concoct as a cure for headaches? Answer = 12. Of which metal was the old British penny made? Answer = The ones we still have are :- I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Camels are born without humps. Answer = Surely like everything we are born with – they are there and then get bigger
  3. The son-in-law swears by Dyson. They have had a dog, border collies, for over 20 years and wouldn't have anything else other than a Dyson. They pay the full warranty and have replacement parts ordered regularly = dog hairs appear to cause damage or it might just be because the son-in-law hoovers the hairs up every day and wears the parts out. We had a Dyson but my wife changed to a cordless (no idea what make) - it stops her tripping over the wire
  4. In this album we are attempting to identify what the symbols mean on the headstones, and add any other connected info about the headstones. St Cuthbert's Church in Bedlington can be dated back to the 10th Century and was built on the site of an earlier church. The remains of St. Cuthbert was rested here in 1069, when they were temporarily removed from Durham Cathedral for sanctuary following the Norman Conquest. The church is a Grade 2* Listed Building.
  5. On the mend, but still resting when the body tells me to at various points during each day🙂 @Maggie/915 - I see you have entered all the headstone photos, in one entry, into the album. I think it would be best if we arrange for @Andy Millne to delete all but the first photo and then enter each headstone photo into it's own entry in the album. If we leave it as it is then if anyone wants to comment on a particular headstone the comment, and any subsequent, will get confusing 🤷‍♂️. Do you agree and we can ask Andy to sort out = separate entry for each headstone👌
  6. @Canny lass & @Maggie/915 - I haven't created an album yet as I have been out of action all week and I am off to bed now for a rest. Hopefully back at the PC this afternoon and i will get one done. Maggie - on the trail of the June/July 2021 issue of the Northumbrian as our son gets the mag every month but then passes it on to his mate, ex Cramlington lad, who now lives in Durham and he thinks he should still have it. I will scan it if it is returned when the two lads meet up in a fortnights time🙂
  7. Text can be added but I don't think a photo can be added under the heading of an album. If I could I would simply add a photo, with text, like this and if a photo can't be added I would simply type the text that is on this image :-
  8. For the title of an Album how about - 'Headstones, their meaning & info'
  9. Oh dear - I didn't check - I just took the owner's comment in good faith
  10. Ca't find what I thought I was looking for that may have helped you's in your research. This is the stuff I did find :- Advert posted by John Krzyzanowski www links :- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Smails-6 https://www.rootspoint.com/search/?CollectionKey=UK1861&LastName=Smails&County=Northumberland&MatchType=exact
  11. @Maggie/915 - Your image = Smail's of Morpeth - I'll have to have a look back into but I'm sure the subject of Smail, Bridge Street Morpeth & Smail, Front Street East, Bedlington was discussed son one of the groups and I think, but could be totally wrong, there was no link found. I'll get back to you
  12. It's dark, a solitary candle burning, a window open to get an icy draught and a flickering flame :- 1. What was Count Dracula’s original name in the Bram Stoker classic?? Answer = 2. Who started the black cat superstition? Answer = a Greek idiot 3. What did Scottish girls hang in front of a Halloween fire to see images of their future husband? Answer = Wet Sheets 4. Halloween has several different names around the world. Name two? Answer = Samhain, Scotland & Oíche Shamhna (pronounced “ee-hah how-nah”), Ireland 5. Which song was a 1973 hit for Bobby ‘Boris’ Picket and the Crypt-Kickers? Answer = 6. What is a group of witches called? Answer = 7. The word Halloween is an abbreviation of what? Answer = All Hallows Even 8. Which of the following is NOT a sign that you might be a werewolf: Hairy palms, eyebrows that meet in the middle, a long middle finger, red eyes? Answer = Non of them 9. Count Dracula is based on a real person – Vlad Dracula (Vlad the Impaler). Name the country over which he ruled? Answer = Romania 10. Who wrote the novel Frankenstein? Answer = 11. The Celts believed that the lord of the dead travelled the earth on Halloween. What was his name? Answer = Samhain 12. What does the Old English word ‘Hallow’ mean? Answer = make holy or sacred Bedlington meaning = goodday 13. What do pumpkins grow on: Stalks, trees, vines or bushes? Answer = vines 14. In Shakespeare’s Macbeth the three witches add many things to their bubbling cauldron, starting with “Fillet of a fenny snake”. Name three other additions to the pot? Answer = I refuse – that takes me back to O Level GCSE – out dam spot – don’t care if that’s a dagger before you 15. Ghoulies and ghosties and … what … go bump in the night? Answer = long-leggedy beasties 16. Is a banshee likely to sing, scream, hum or whistle? Answer = Scream Banshee is the name of an American TV series that was on SKY - There's plenty of action and sex, but there's heart and character development as well. It's one of the most well-balanced shows I have watched during the covid Lockdown. 17. Why is it dangerous to step into a fairy-ring formed of mushrooms? Answer = there’s not ‘mushroom’ inside 18. Which film from 2008 stars Ricky Gervais as a dentist who can see and talk to ghosts? Answer = 19. According to the contemporary witchcraft religion of Wicca, is a male witch known as a wizard, a sorcerer, a witch or a spell-caster? Answer = witch 20. From which ethnic group did Halloween originate? Answer = Celtic I’ll bet you didn’t know …. A game of Quidditch uses four balls in total: 1 Quaffle, 2 Bludgers and 1 Golden Snitch. Answer = I didn’t – I’ve never watched a Harry Potter movie
  13. Photo posted by Stephen Wood on the Bygone Bedlington group. The names from the Bygone Bedlington members, including @Jammy The large trophy is the 1968-69 league winners trophy. The members are not sure about the smaller trophy, in front of Dr Brown, but are trying to find out.
  14. We will have to give it some thought. As far as I know there are graves + headstones in West Lea - St Cuthbert's and St John's . Not sure if St Bede' s had a separate graveyard but I know it now uses West Lea. I don't know of any others, in Bedlington. I will leave creating album(s) until next Monday and hopefully go for the best solution based on everyone's thoughts and ideas😊
  15. Does anyone know anything about the Glove factory before it switched premises to the old institute at Barrington. Does anyone have a photo of it or as it was in it's previous life on the North side of the river Blyth when it was the Infectious Disease hospital next to the old staithes? This image from an old map posted by @Jamesin 2018
  16. That would have to be separate albums - don't think I've come across the option to subdivide a new album so I think it would have to one name to cover all - unless @Andy Millne know different🙂
  17. We certainly can. Can you come up with an appropriate name for such an album?😇
  18. CL - It's just my strange humour = Michael Cain supposed quote - NOT a lot of people know that and he was in Zulu🙃 = my comment = a lot of people know that 😊
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