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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Aaahhhh - it's one of my favourite shows - the only place I really learn anything😢
  2. Photo from peter Morgan - Bygone Bedlington group.
  3. @Andy Millne- I'm intrigued by what I believe to be new members that I would categorise as 'phishing' for new targets to scam. I could be totally wrong and if so I apologise unreservedly to those I am referring to :- I know everyone has their own naming standards that they use when joining community groups and lately this group might get one new member every couple of weeks aand here is occasionally an unusual nom de plume but 4 in three days, using a similar naming format, is, to me, suspicious. Can we tell from the group 'activity log' what, if anything, the new members are looking for? Eggy
  4. Vic - removed the white marks from our photo.
  5. @lilbill15 - did you join the History Society and do you think they would be interested in the full Parish Magazine from 1952?
  6. 1. Everything is coming up roses is from which musical? Answer = 2. With which sport would you associate Joe Montana? Answer = 3. Which animals collect together in a crash? Answer = 4. Which was the first country to use number plates on road vehicles? Answer = 5. What was the occupation of Jack Ketch? Answer = 6. In which British city can you find Usher Hall? Answer = 7. Which natural feature has been nicknamed The Lamp of Phoebus ? Answer = never heard of that 8. Which is the only Shakespeare play with an animal in the title? Answer = 9. In Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland who stole the tarts baked by the Queen of hearts? Answer = 10. By which name is Arthur Jefferson better known? Answer = 11. What is the largest lake in Wales? Answer = 12. In the game of Cluedo what is the name of the professor? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Lord Nelson suffered from sea-sickness all his life. Answer = I did – Stephen Fry discussed it on QI
  7. Photo and info posted by @David Baileyon the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group :- David's comment = 'A few faces here! NCB Bedlington Unit bus trip. Anyone seen this before or recognise anyone? Or know the year? I can spot my great grandad Geordie Graham of Haigh Road in front of the left bus.' Date and where the hoto was taken are not known
  8. Updated from No 12, Brian Stuart :-
  9. I agree with Andy's posting above but on my systems you only get the 'Download' option when your mouse hovers over the image within the Gallery albums. However within a comment in one of the Discussion topics where an image has been uploaded and also where a comment has been made on an album image entry and a new image has been uploaded into the comment I don't get the Download option when selecting those images by a left click with my mouse. My first click on the comments images gives me an enlarged image (50%) with the microscope tool (for enlarging the image to 100%). I then left click with mouse and I get a new screen with the image and I have to right click with the mouse to get a set of options, including 'Save as' that I have to select and save (download to my downloads folder) with either the system image name or a name of my choice.
  10. Pages from the 1952 parish magazine posted on the Facebook group Bygone Bedlington by Eileen Harland.
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