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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @Andy Millne - Yesterday I posted two new photos in the Barrington CP school album and both sets of postings, along with some other postings for other albums, are also shown as 'New Images' at the bottom of the gallery Front Cover page. I have checked through the albums and the images at the bottom of the gallery page are also in Albums
  2. Photo from Susan Spedding Barrington, Barnt' n memories and stuff!! - Facebook group. Names from Susan and other group members. Barrington County Primary School - c1958
  3. Photo from Susan Spedding Barrington, Barnt' n memories and stuff!! - Facebook group. Names from Susan and other group members. Barrington County Primary School - Class 1 c1957
  4. @lilbill15 - Googling is just the same as the 'Search' option.🙂 Don't forget us - don't give up your membership - stay a member, it costs nowt and keep coming back for info to keep your mind active
  5. Newbie = Rank 1 Rookie = Rank 2 and so on :- Did you know I have 81 pages of Activity and 1,447 Reactons
  6. @Canny lass - if you select the 'Recent Badges' it gives you a fuller display and meaning. I'm guessing that even @Andy Millne & @John Fox (foxy) don't know the full ins & outs of these that must havr come in when the system was upgraded a few months back.
  7. Nope - I checked 7 and they are all 'Newbie (1/14) - except me ☺️ - I'm 'Rookie (2/14) Went to Log out and got :-
  8. @John H Williams - linked your latest post - John Stoker - with the newspaper cuttings on John Stoker to this post :-
  9. Image posted by Dennis Reygate - Bygone Bedlingon group.
  10. Couldn't get the link to work so had to delete and and the '🙂' . 2nd attempt = https://www.facebook.com/groups/201036446688484/permalink/3982248815233876/
  11. 1957 photo - sold on ebay for £4.99 by monkwermouth. Matchbox - Bedlington Terrier label - sold on ebay for £1.71
  12. I had the same - my message went red and required approval. Must be the heat, far too warm for me. I'll have to move to the Outer Hebrides😎
  13. @Malcolm Robinson - we have hijacked your Topic @lilbill15 - if I am teaching my granny how to suck eggs then just tell me. Hopefully these three screnn shots, with info added, will help :-
  14. I know @Canny lasshas said in the past that the daylight hours are very limited in the winter months so in the late spring, summer, and early autumn months the Swede's spend a lot of time socialising outdoors and preparing outdoors for next years winter months. Add to that CL + OH have been 'covid confined' for this years early spring and summer I suspect they are off seeing their family.
  15. @lilbill15 - I didn't have any problems viewing any aspect of Malcolm's post.. So attempting to be helpful = 1) was it that all of Malcolm's comment was not downloaded to your tablet? or 2) is it the broadband download speed from your BT Hub/WiFi/SKY box etc. that's causing the problem?
  16. Unless you want to brush up your knowledge of two storey flat roof extensions I would suggest you skip to 2hrs 39 mins into the video for - 'Question Time'🙂
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