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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. @HIGH PIT WILMA & @lilbill15Closer view of the Bailey Bridge :-
  2. Just thought - if it is the Northumberland Miners Picnic at Atlee park then it has to be 1952 or later. @Malcolm Robinson posted the programe for the last miners picnic - Bedlington, 3rd June 1989 - and in it it has the venue for every event, from 1867 to 1989, listed inside.
  3. @Cov-John - your list of names added to @TOECUTTER's photo :-
  4. You could created your own album - The Rainbow Family album?
  5. @Jammy - you'll have to cut through from Melrose Court and check out how much spare land there is where the old railway sidings used to be. If they used that space the residents of Melrose Terrace won't be happy
  6. @dagrierson we keep an album, in the gallery section, for all the school, past and present, of Bedlington. There is an album, under the name Bedlington Grammar School, and it has the info :- '..............It was founded in 1926 as Bedlington Secondary School for the areas of Bedlingtonshire, Ashington and Newbiggin.....................' In the album there is one photo of the school governors from 1931, page 2. One photo of a 1930's school football team, with some names,m page 2, and one photo, with only a date of the 1940's with 10 male pupils forming a pyramid, page 1. If you select/click on the option 'Gallery' at the top of the page - then select 'Historic Bedlington' you will get the albums displayed. There are two pages of albums but the school album you are after is on page 1. If you have any problems navigating the site then please say so and I will post you a direct link to the album🙂
  7. An estimate, via Google Street View, 100 public car parking spaces over 3 sites.
  8. Some names from the Bygone Bedlington members - Evelyn Swan, Pauline Thompson, Lynne Lowes & Janice Matthews.
  9. Six new stations confirmed but never seen any info on where the stations will be but it sounds like it will be six stations on the main line between Newcastle & Ashington.☺️
  10. Numbers 25 & 27 named by June Ord, Bygone Bedlington group.
  11. Cycle lanes from Bedlington Station to Gigaplant :-
  12. Roll on 2022 = Credit Note heaven = get Active
  13. I hadn't even noticed - I must be a rank outsider
  14. I Googled it and '---------------' = I edited it out
  15. Nope - I haven't, yet, had the opportunity for clarting/photoshopping the busty brunette's hat
  16. I might be able to work on that busty brunette for you
  17. Alan Hall - Bygone Bedlington - has named No 5.
  18. @Andy Millne - Yesterday I posted two new photos in the Barrington CP school album and both sets of postings, along with some other postings for other albums, are also shown as 'New Images' at the bottom of the gallery Front Cover page. I have checked through the albums and the images at the bottom of the gallery page are also in Albums
  19. Photo from Susan Spedding Barrington, Barnt' n memories and stuff!! - Facebook group. Names from Susan and other group members. Barrington County Primary School - c1958
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