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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. No idea - no member on the Bygone Bedlington group, apart from Christina Leach who listed the names on the back of her mam's photo, has mentioned her.🙂
  2. Photo posted by Christina Leach on the Bygone Bedlington group. Names from Christina's list added to her photo :-
  3. @James - couldn't get the font size on my system to match the size of the font on your photo. The lowest I can use is '6' but even that was double the size of the font on your photo that I downloaded. I have therefore updated the photo using my font size - hope that's Ok. I posted your photo on the Facebook group - Past Times History and a relative of No 13 & 14 posted :- Sheila Richardson Hi Alan, Richardson family member here and twins are the wrong way around, Billy is 13 and George is 14
  4. Remaining three names from Dom Burns, Keith Cain and David Twist - Bygone Bedlington group.
  5. Sorry @Christine Ball - I hadn't noticed your comment. Names updated.
  6. Not sure what you are after. Is your reference to - elves and goblins - the Admin in this group? if so it's Andy Millne you need to contact. I'm not into Red Hot Chilli Peppers - or any group of any genre. I don't sit back and play music.
  7. Je ne comprends pas - 'Submit reply' is the input command for replying to a comment where you have selected 'Quote'. 'Save' is the input command to a comment you have typed. So I can't see how you are getting both input commands when adding a comment. I suggest you do a 'Quote' - then'Save' then 'Log Off' and check the following day🙂. I'm logging off for tonight😊
  8. I did No - you can reply to any comment by just typing in a comment and then select the 'Submit Reply' If you want to show the comment that you are replying to then you select the 'Quote' option that is available after every comment made by anyone, type your reply and then select the Submit Reply option.
  9. I don't, and I know canny lass doesn't (as she always checks her posts and edit's where necessary) so I can't think what is going wrong with yours. When you select the Edit option from the three options under the three dots in the top right hand corner of something you have just posted - complete your edit - then scroll down to the 'Save' button, bottom right of screen, and select that and the post + edit should be saved and no further action required. I think the time you are allowed between posting a comment, and then the using the edit option is approx 10 mins. After that time the Edit option is no longer available. I have now gone back to this comment, selected the Edit from the '...' - added the image - and the selected the Save button, bottom right.
  10. The only photo I have seen with an arch close to Hirst Terrace is that one of Stoker's Buildings that @John Fox (foxy) posted. There was a posting of Stokers Buildings on the Bygone Bedlington (BB) group in response to a member - Krystal Hemsley - who was looking for a photo of the house where here granda, Jack Hemsley, used to live. One member, Frances Morton posted this comment :- Frances Morton I think the gentleman who lived there had a horse in a stable to the rear of the building and refused to sell when the council wanted to purchase it to improve the road by widening.It seemed to be the talk at the time he insisted on wanting stabling for this horse and because none could be provided there he stayed. That is probably why the road has such a nasty corner. It is also that same corner that has caused at least 2 cars and 1 motor bike to end up in our front garden and 1 car in next doors garden. We thought a bomb had gone off. The house that Jack Hemsley lived is still standing but it has been converted into two flats (so another member on BB commented). The old photos, no dates but probably very early 20th century, I posted above do not completely match Foxy's photo = no arch, and I have no idea when the arch was built. Yon can see in Foxy's photo that the the one house, closest to the Coffin Chapel, still has curtains at the windows :-
  11. I will have a look but I can't remember any images showing a street of houses that was Gladstone Terrace having been posted on any of the groups. I think there have been a couple of photos of Hirst terrace, in front of Gladstone Terrace, where some of Gladstone can be seen. And from the other end, without tags :- Beech grove on the left - 'Coffin' chapel - Stokers Buildings - Hirst terrace on the right :-
  12. Are you after a current street view of one from a certain era eg. 1940's - 50's etc. - and I will see what I can do - tomorrow.🙂
  13. When we lived at Cramlington the living room was North facing so in the summer I could potter, and water, the South facing back garden and then come in to cool down - if i could stop the OH from putting the heating on! Since we moved to Seghill, with a South facing living room I hide in the back of the bungalow and have a 'Stay Cool, Artic Blast' personal air cooler whilst the OH stays in the South facing room, often with windows closed, in the 27c+. Hope tomorrow's forecast for Alberta - 31c + rain - keeps you and the old T running 🏎️
  14. CL - It's the current owners of the shop, a delicatessen shop, on St Cuthberts Terrace. The aerial shot is by Nathan Miller, 2017 so it probably had a different owner then.
  15. @Vic Patterson - I can't stand it when its above 20C. How are you coping :-
  16. Good morning @Tonyp - if we had been sitting in a pub, with pint, and you had of asked me about Viktor Orban I would have replied - no idea who he is🙂. Sitting at the old PC, outside the eu 😱 , with Google available, then it's easy to find out who he is, and what he is saying, but I'm quite happy sorting out what's what in the UK without trying to understand what's really behind what any politician, from any country and any political party, is broadcasting to their public or the rest of the world. It must be easier to follow politics in the UK as they have CCTV in the cabinet offices👁️ :-
  17. Unfortunately @Canny lass - Google street view for Millbank Crescent is not up to date - still 2009. From the current image @lilbill15 has taken, black door, looks like all the windows and doors have been replaced since the Google car last drove past. I agree with you, and as I said in my previous post, No 3a still exists, as does quite a few upstairs and downstairs flats. I think I am done with this one - now looking forward to Sweden winning tohight and then England v Sweden next Saturday
  18. On my previous post I was looking at the wrong Millbank - Google street view took me to Millbank Lane even though I had searched for Millbank Crescent. @Canny lass - on Google street view the number of house numbers for Millbank Crescent looks like 23. 1898 Millbank Crescent didn't exist :- 1921 it exists :- I checked what properties had been sold, or up for sale, on right_move, and the highest number they have is 21. There is a number 3a on the right_move site so initially this street must have been upstairs & downstairs flats. Unfortunately you can't make out the house numbers on Google street view😬
  19. @lilbill15 - I don't know who decides on the Blue Plaques for Bedlington. I thought it was English Heritage that made the decision but I have Googled the world and I can't find anything. I expected to find a list of names that a Blue Plaque had been raised and where the plaques were. II have also searched for the name Frank Hutton but Google returns nothing that links to any info on the name. Can you remember what was inscribed on the plaque? Is this where the plaque was :-
  20. @Donna Clark - in the Gallery - Historic Bedlington section did you find the Netherton albums? Unfortunately I can't remember any Johnston families, but I wasn't a Top End lad, I lived at the Oval - late 1940's through to 1969. There is an album for each of the Bedlington schools. I assume as the Johnstons were living in Doctor Terrace the children would have attended the Bedlington Council school on Ridge Terrace :-
  21. @lilbill15- can't remember ever using coordinates. Loaded Google maps and clicked (with me mouse) where I though that image on your photo above was at and Google added a pointer with coordinates. Added an old map with St Paul's and Pruce Bush on and this is what I would come up with - but honestly I have no idea what I am doing - just clagging bits of info together☺️.
  22. Photo posted by @johndawsonjune1955 on the Past Times History group - said to be 1940's. I don't know what the houses/buildings to the right of the Tankervile Arms are. The other two photos of the Tankerville Arms don't have those houses/buildings.
  23. Checked on Facebook group Bygone Bedlington for the house numbering : Susan Ibbetson Number 1 was at the pit end my grandparents lived in number 1. Caroline Muldoon 50 was the last number of doctor terrace
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