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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. Sorry @John H Williams - it's just clicked in this worn out memory. I think we have passed comments before, on the local Facebook groups😉. Do you run the North East Bedlington Terrie Club?
  2. Unfortunately not @John H Williams and I would be very surprised in anyone knew the true identity of @CBC. I had a look at CBC's profile and I see the comment that was made was the only comment CBC has posted within this group and the last time CBC logged into the group was the 14th January 2016.🙁 Do you know if it's the local Bedlington terrier group(s) that are interested in CBC's letter/info? There are two Facebook groups returned from a Google search but when the 'address link' of each group is pasted into this comment they fail to connect to the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1454448668116707/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/NEBTG/ Screen prints of the Google search & CBC's profile :-
  3. 1. What is the name of the vertical bar dividing the panes in a window called? Answer = 2. Which rock group was called The Detours and The High Numbers, prior to 1964? Answer = 3. What name is commonly given to the Hippocampus? Answer = 4. Which letter of the Greek alphabet is equivalent to ‘G’? Answer = Gamma 5. In what year did the IRA bomb a hotel in Brighton during the Conservative Party Conference? Answer = 1984 6. Bluto is the arch rival of who? Answer = 7. Which writer was imprisoned as a result of his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas? Answer = ‘from the depths’ of Westridge = Oscar Wilde 8. In which sport has Ard Schenk been a world champion and record holder? Answer = 9. Who played the headmaster in Carry on Teacher? Answer = Ted Ray 10. How many cubic centimetres are there in a cubic metre? Answer = 100 x 100 x 100 = 1,000,000 11. From which island did Bonnie Prince Charlie row a boat to the Isle of Skye? Answer = 12. Which of Mr Pickwick’s friends married Arabella Allen ? Answer = Nathaniel Winkle I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The Silverstone racing circuit is built on abandoned RAF runways. Answer = I did
  4. @_pauls - I agree with all you comments. 👍 As for the '95% of posts on this website are about Bedlington's past....' I suppose that is down to the fact that 95+% of the posts are by ex Bedlington people who no longer live in the town and therefore no little, if anything, of current politics and events. I am not a member of the Facebook group, Make a Noise for Bedlington (MAN4B), but I couldn't say how successful there were at getting their members to discuss and get involved with thocal politics. I prefer this platform to Facebook , for the past, today and the future, but it would appear this sites membership number of 2,475 are mainly from the past and the MAN4B membership could be the future☹️. I have no idea how active the MAN4B membership are or if it's constructive, or just whinging criticism, that the members are active in. Perhaps @John Fox (foxy) could briefly tell us how MAN4B is doing.
  5. @_pauls although I no longer live in Bedlington I always try and keep up to date with my home town is doing. I think that regardless of the councillors and regardless of what has gone on in the past with the development of the town center Bedlington redevelopment can say goodbye to 2021 - and covid19 will get the blame. Can you see any, old or new, small retail shopper owners wanting to open a new shop in 2021 - especially if there isn't a larger retailer = supermarket prepared to to be part of the development and guarantee the footfall into the development. I know many complain about new housing but to me the town, and every other town, needs new houses to cater for the growth in the population and to keep people in employment so they have money to spend in the local area. As covid has forced many to shop online, and even after the world is vaccinated, many shoppers will stick to shopping online. As my wife and I grow gracefully older and stick to our Amazon - Cotton Traders - etc. etc. online shopping it's down to the younger generations to use the high street but they are influenced (and you can't blame them) to use their electronic devices to do their shopping. Perhaps Aldous Huxley got it right🙂
  6. And me - but what can anyone do🙂. Shopping anywhere has never been for me. My wife would drag me around numerous shops in Newcastle, looking for the best buy, and would often end up back at the first shop to buy what she was after.🙃 I was always first shop and - "that will do me" and then try and convince her to go and play .
  7. “Puns” to make you smile 1. A SIGN IN A SHOE REPAIR STORE: We will heel you We will save your sole We will even dye for you. 2 A SIGN ON A BLINDS AND CURTAIN TRUCK: “Blind man driving.” 3. Sign over a Gynecologist's Office: "Dr. Jones, at your cervix.” 4. In a Podiatrist's office: "Time wounds all heels.” 5. On a Septic Tank Truck: Yesterday's Meals on Wheels 6. At an Optometrist's Office: "If you don't see what you're looking for, you've come to the right place.” 7. On a Plumber's truck: "We repair what your husband fixed.” 8. On another Plumber's truck: "Don't sleep with a drip. Call your plumber.” 9. At a Tire Shop: "Invite us to your next blowout.” 10. On an Electrician's truck: "Let us remove your shorts.” 11. In a Non-smoking Area: "If we see smoke, we will assume you are on fire and will take appropriate action.” 12. On a Maternity Room door: "Push. Push. Push.” 13. At a Car Dealership: "The best way to get back on your feet - miss a car payment.” 14. Outside a Muffler Shop: ...they really mean silencer... "No appointment necessary. We hear you coming.” 15. In a Veterinarian's waiting room: "Be back in 5 minutes. Sit! Stay!” 16. At the Electric Company: "We would be delighted if you send in your payment on time. However, if you don't, YOU will be de-lighted.” 17. In a Restaurant window: "Don't stand there and be hungry; come on in and get fed up.” 18. In the front yard of a Funeral Home: "Drive carefully. We'll wait.” 19. At a Propane Filling Station: "Thank Heaven for little grills.” 20. And the last...; Sign on the back of another Septic Tank Truck: “Caution - This Truck is full of Political Promises”
  8. 1. What do we call a female donkey? Answer = HinnyinnyH 2. What is the national airline of the Netherlands? Answer = KLM 3. What kind of clothing is a ‘dolly varden’? Answer = 4. Between 1830 and 1850, 20 000 people died of Cholera in London. How is Cholera spread? Answer = 5. How high is Mount Everest? Answer = 348,348 inches 6. WW2 seems to have changed course with the battle for a small atoll in the Pacific Ocean. What is the name of the atoll? Answer = 7. Why is a standard wine-bottle 750 mls? Answer = That’s one to be discussed in a pub whilst consuming alcohol and by the time you come up with an answer you won’t be able to remember the answer. 8. On what did John D. Rockefeller earn his wealth? Answer = 9. Which number did David Beckham have on his shirt when he played for Manchester United? Answer = 10. Who did Ingemar Johansson beat to become world champion and where did the fight take place? Answer = 11. What does the term ‘wifi’ stand for? Answer = Wireless Fidelity 12. Who was the 13th century founder and first emperor of the Mogul Empire? Answer = Google says 16th century = Babur I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Scorpions are not immune to their own poison. Answer = Google says - Immune to their own poison👌 but not immune to other scorpions poison😱
  9. 2020 - Now That's What I Call Christmas 😷 https://www.facebook.com/theulsterfry/videos/180703533771949
  10. c1970 - Class 2 photo from Brian Steele - Bedlington remembered Facebook group. Names fro the local Bedlington & Cambois Facebook group members.
  11. @Andy Millne on the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group a member who lives in the converted Bedlington (Primative) Methodist Chapel was asking if anyone had any photos of the chapel before it was converted into apartments. I did some searching and one site that was returned was https://www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk and on the site was n 1851 census entry with a date of 1828 for when the chapel was built. https://www.myprimitivemethodists.org.uk/content/chapels/northumberland/a-c-northumberland/bredlington_primitive_methodist_chapel
  12. 1. In a game of snooker, which colour ball is worth 5 points? Answer = 2. In which novel did Michael Henchard sell his wife for five guineas? Answer = 3. What do we call the loss of water from the leaves of plants? Answer = 4. Who had a hit in 1972 with the song Sylvia’s mother? Answer = 5. If A is Alpha and T is Tango what is M? Answer = 6. True or false: Glyndebourne Opera House is in East Sussex? Answer = True 7. In which country is the Vosges mountain range? Answer = 8. What do the initials C.G. stand for on an Ordnance Survey Map? Answer = Coast Guard 9. How many standard bottles are there in a Nebuchadnezzar? Answer = 20 10. Which is the only bird that can fly backwards Answer = 11. If a person is lapidated what happens to them? Answer = 12. Whose legendary horse was called Lamri? Answer = I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Two army teams once competed in a Tug of War battle for 2 hours and 41 minutes. Answer = I didn’t
  13. Mine = thick lurpack butter + corned beef + pease pudding + chips👌
  14. Cheers Vic - have you also got the 'head gear' from that era? I've never been into cars. As long as it gets me from A to B I'm happy.☺️ I was asking as one grandson's partners dad has half a dozen older cars that he and his son have restored. Can't remember what make and model they all are but they have taken the storage of them rather serious. When they had their house built they added on a spare house shell - heated. That shell of a house is where they keep the cars.
  15. @Vic Patterson - do you keep these three restored vehicles in storage or, are they on show anywhere?
  16. Would you like some pease pudding posted out or will you be making that as well?🙂
  17. I am not a fan of Ian Lavery but if he had of been chairman of Bedlington Terriers then would it be Ashington complaining?
  18. Haway lads - you will have to move on and Rap this xmas :-
  19. @Cympil - some names from the 'Firends of Bates Colliery' Facebook group :-
  20. As most of the Greggs shops are having to close because of 'Lock-down' we will have to make our own Stottie Cakes :-
  21. Photo from Diane Good - names from the Bygone Bedlington Facebook group members.
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