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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. 🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁🙁
  2. ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️☺️☺️ ☺️☺️ ☺️
  3. I'm still clarting around but haven't found anything, other than the 'Auto Sign in' & 'Check Passwords', in Settings that I could suggest updating. Roll on next time I go into a room and think - why did I come in here - I might get a light bulb moment.
  4. Norma Agnew, Bygone Bedlington group, has named Jean Hope.
  5. Ooops - must have been in a hurry and selected my group of photos to upload without noticing the football photo among them and then after moving the quiz ones into their places just ignored the left over one - must try harder
  6. No 2 named by John Maureen Douglas - Bygone Bedlington group.
  7. @John Fox (foxy) - would you add your photos of the demolition of the rows to the entry for Doctor Terrace. @James - are there any images of Telephone Row, New South Row and Cross row in the books you have? I have searched on the local Facebook groups but can't find any photos showing the houses or back lanes.
  8. @Andy Millne :- is there something saved on this site when a machine + the operating system connects to the site? Could there be an old operating system associated with CL's login that is resulting in her having to input login details from her upgraded system.🙃
  9. No's 1 identified as Joe Stewart by his younger brother James and No 2 identified by ? Riches who played for BGS with No 2 & 12.
  10. Pauline Thompson & Hazel Douglas - Bygone Bedlington group, have named No 1 & No 7.
  11. Photo from Lesley Todd - Barrington Facebook group. Can anyone come up with the missing names?
  12. Photo from Lesley Todd - Barrington Facebook group. Can anyone come up with the missing names?
  13. @Canny lass - forgot to add - as I am starting to forget things, especially passwords of 8, or more, letters that include :- numeric, special characters, upper & lower case alpha a few years ago I created an Excel spreadsheet with all my Login Id's, passwords and info associated with each one. Naturally that Excel document is not held on any PC but on a Memory Stick that can be accessed on numerous hardwrae devices. All I have to do now is remember to keep that Memory Stick up to date
  14. @Canny lass - I had a bit clart on my PC and if you are using Windows 10 ( I would assume Win 7 & 8 exactly the same) and Google then I believe what you should be looking for is :- Setings , Auto-fill and Passwords. First select the 3 dots at the top left corner of your Google browser screen That will bring up a menu with 'Settings' in it - select Settings That will bring up a screen with selections down the left of the screen and there will be an 'Auto-fill' icon, select that and that will bring up the Password option - select that that should bring up - 'Offer to save Passwords' = a slide bar and I would guess your slide bay is switched off. Switch it on. Now what I don't know is that when you slide it to On if your previously saved passwords will be brought back , ie. from a file that was not affected by your upgrade, or if you will be starting again from scratch. I did not experiment with my 'slide bar' as I didn't want to risk loosing the 100+ passwords I have saved.
  15. Tina Ellis - Bygone Bedlington facebook group has given the christian names for No's 34 & 38.
  16. Thanks @Symptoms - think I'll wait until the cluuub opens and discuss it with the locals🙃
  17. CL - Not sure I can help - both my Desktop PC's are Windows systems using Google and the saving of login Id's + passwords is automatically asked when you first visit a new site. Updates to passwords are also asked to be saved = pop-up window when you make changes. What system9s) are you using?
  18. Will this mean that a Freeport in the UK will be exempt taxes to all countries apart from the EU?
  19. @Rigger - this photo (can't remember where I got it from) confirms your photo was taken by the photographer was looking north. No idea when this one was taken but there is only the one pit head.
  20. No 14's surname corrected.
  21. No 27 - update from Brian Humble - Facebook group Bygone Bedlington.
  22. Hazel, No 22 in the photo, has given some names
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