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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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Everything posted by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

  1. 1949 - Shakesper's The Merchant of Venice play was staged.
  2. Another from the Mansel Dinnis collection- the school orchestra - 1949. The photo is taken in the school assembly hall. The hall was also used as the school gym. On the left, as you look at the photo, was a storage room where the gym equipment was stored.
  3. The school anthem - Semper Sursum (Latin) = Ever Upwards. The school plaque has the year MCMXXV - 1925. The song sheet has the year 1946 + the initials E.H. and the name EDNA HUMPHREY is printed on the following music sheet. Miss Edna Humphry was he deputy head mistress of the school.
  4. 1949 photo from the Mansel Dinnis collection.
  5. 1. Which comedian, as a schoolboy, had a trial for Heart of Midlothian FC but wasn’t tall enough? Answer = 2. What type of creatures are “Whitstable natives”? Answer = 3. Fullerenes, discovered in 1985, were a new form of which element? Answer = 4. Which island, situated in the Arctic Ocean, is the largest in the world? Answer = 5. Adam Bell, Clym of the Clough and William of Cloudesley were all famous what? Answer = Inglewood Outlaws 6. Which frigate was launched secretly in 1986 in Wallsend to replace a ship lost in the Falklands? Answer = Hansard 7. What instrument is used to measure dew? Answer = 8. Which car manufacturer had the Kitten, Rebel and Sabre models? Answer = 9. Which Japanese word translates as ‘leader of the army’? Answer =「軍のリーダーとして 10. Which country was the first to use paper banknotes? Answer = 11. Who is the lead singer with Simple Minds? Answer = 12. Identify the language used in the following sentence: Dómarinn hefur alltaf rétt fyrrir sér. Answer = Icelandic I’ll bet you didn’t know …. The Russian postal service will not deliver letters containing chewing gum. Answer = I didn't Bonus question: How do they know what’s in the envelope? Answer = No idea - it's Google proof
  6. Girl Guides at Bedlington Grammar School from the Mansel Dinnis collection. All the names and info added from Joan Cummings.
  7. @Canny lass - did you forget to post quiz or have I, or my old PC, missed something
  8. Margaret Williamson and Christina Leach have both named 17a as Miss Heywood - Domestic Science teacher.
  9. Bedlington Grammar School teaching staff - 1949. The photo has been on before but the previous photo had been cropped and one teacher, on the front row- left hand side as you look at the photo, was missing. The staff were numbered 1 to 25 on the previous photo so not to confuse thinks I have numbered this lot the same with the missing teacher now in view as number '17a'. @df2204 you named many of the teachers when the other photo was posted. Do you know the name of 17a ?
  10. Photo from the Mansel Dinnis collection. The next photo in this album is identified as the Lower Sixth Form, 1947, and there are 19 pupils in that photo that also are in this one so I assume this is the Lower Sixth + the Upper Sixth pupils.
  11. @Vic Patterson - @Jammy - I don't think we can take this lying down😏. Q 13 where does the word 'real' appear in Q 10 ?🤭 I think @Canny lass must have a green, black, white and blue ash tree in her forest where she hunts for elks🙂
  12. Cheers Vic. Just a wave through the window to kids, grand kids and great grand kids this year😷. Roll on October 2021☺️
  13. Cheers Pete. No pint in a pub this year
  14. The Lower Sixth Form = those in the first year of staying on, after doing 'O' level exams in the Fifth Form, to do 'A' Level exams. Numbers added but no pupils named.
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