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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. yeah, he does... in fact, i think he's the only one in my family that does
  2. yeah... i know! and no, i was winding you up. he never said anything NEAR as nice as that about you!
  3. Anyone else sick of getting the flood control message? is 30 seconds really necessary now we have such stringent member signup rules? If so, can we have a group we can request membership of that opt's-out of the flood control? i'm sick of only being able to respond to 2 messages a minute! EDIT: for those that have never seen it, its a screen that looks amazingly like this one:
  4. SHEEEEEPPPPPP!!!!! BAAAAAAAA! lol (drink is kicking in! )
  5. lol, awww! yeah, he keeps saying he thinks you have a crush on him or summit... like mother like daughter!
  6. ohhhhhhh, so many i cant choose one! :D Grannies knitting shreddies.... is what i'll go with, to save blushes! lol
  7. I'll ask our jack then... he seems to becoming one of those rogues on bikes down the front street, little toe-rag! toe-rag? where the heck did that saying come from?
  8. yes its subsidised with a toolbar addon that is completly optional, just like ccleaner. those that want the toolbar, get it, and everyones happy, those that dont want the toolbar, uncheck a box, and get it for free.
  9. lol, i like free. it works for me! i even use open office instead of microsoft office
  10. Mr Darn


    are you using avast and AVG together? if so, uninstall one or the other. you cant run 2 antivirus programs at once. unlike antimalware or antispyware programs, which you can have many of. do you have the option to download to another pc and transfer? also, try this: click start > my computer right click the C: icon select 'properties' in the pop-up window, select the 'tools' tab select 'error checking' check both check boxes and click 'start' a warning will appear, saying files are in use, and should you schedual a boot time scan, click yes, or ok, whichever is there. the computer will restart, then the screen will go black. it will go thru 5 stages, the first 3 pretty quickly, but 4 and 5 may take hours depending on your hard drive size/level of corruption. at times it will seem like the scan has frozen, dont be tempted to restart, just let it do its thing. if it comes up with anything you have to respond to, agree to whatever it asks. after its done, windows will boot normally. re-try your download after this.
  11. i hope your not using those instead of AVG... i thought you used Avast?
  12. The very fact you find that funny suggests to me you have a better knowledge of the inner workings of St. Georges than any of us realise! Whats wrong with not trusting a website that has been found to state something is spyware free, and given an award to a product that was put there as a test to see if programs are even checked?
  13. Mr Darn


    Just to re-instate advice from a moved post: the above mentioned program has a good review HERE but seems to be a 'pay for' program. another free program reccomended for defragging is JKDefrag (download from here ) but i guess these will be useless till you get your download working again
  14. Mr Darn


    do you get any error messages when you try to download anything? have you overlooked the 'information bar' IE loves so much? this is an orangy-yellow bar that appears when IE tries to download a file. its normally accross the top of the screen, and will have an 'options' or similer button at the end of it. Are you able to download the files required from another pc, and move them to yours via a usb drive or cd?
  15. as stated, i'm not 'running' them. they are there as and when required. hijack this, i agree, is not for novices, as the results can be dangerous if misinterpreted, but is a VERY usefull tool to find out whats running on your computer. i dont use download.com. i go to the manufacturers websites. all the above with the exception of peerguardian, are used and recommended by spyware removal experts in one form or another. Also, there are many reviews on windows itsself being add/spyware, and how bad it is. does this mean you wont be using that also? i'm moving these posts to the disscussion section with a link to the thread they came from as we are digressing from sleepy's main problem.
  16. Quite right, all these programs do slow your system down, especially if you have them all running at startup. my recommendations would be 1 antivirus running constantly such as avast, and other programs on an 'as and when needed' basis. i have: superantispyware addaware malwarebytes hijack this peerguardian and ccleaner all installed on my computer for if/when i ever need them, but i dont have them running at startup. i just access the program, update it and run it as and when i feel i need to do a check.
  17. i disagree, completely. yes, there are programs out there built to scare you into buying them, and only remove crap they put there first, but this is not the case with either avast or malwarebytes. All programs have strong points and week points. some are designed specially to deal with certain problems and cant help with others. Even being told by AVG that you have a problem is surely better than not knowing at all. at least if you know theres a problem you can research a solution.
  18. Mr Darn


    Malwarebytes is a very good program. its recommended by many helpsites along with superantispyware and ccleaner. Common sense is a good way to prevent infection, but once you have it, you need programs like these to help the novice remove the threats. the fact IE is not letting you download anything is a sure sign of an infected pc. you have a few options. 1, download the relevant programs on a seperate computer, then transfer the files using USB. see if they will then install. 2, complete reinstal of the operating system using a repair install from your system disk supplied with the computer. this will keep all your files intact, just reinstalling the operating system. i advise a backup of any important data before you do this tho, just in case. 3, destructive reformat. this will completly wipe the drive leaving the laptop as new, with a new, clean operating system. all programs you added after you got the laptop will need reinstalled. with options 2 and 3, you will need to download all windows updates again, and this will take time on an XP machine. If sleepy is a bedlington resident, i could offer to take a look one night if needed... there are several programs i'd recommend to help clean up if option 1 is the way you want to go, and could download them for you and put them to disk, if its easier, or get someone to do it for you. any further help/advice, you know where we are! even if it is conflicting!
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