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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. Bedlingtonlass, i am not, and never will be happy working under anyone else. you know this. Until i'm my own boss, i'll hate working anywhere. Whats this got to do with working conditions in Bedlington? So your being treated well, we get it. the customers arn't tho, and when N-Power goes tit's up, i'll see you in the dole que. Do you really sleep well at night knowing your cushy pay rise and bonuses are coming from pensioners pockets whom dont have the consumer knowledge or strength to confront the 'lovey dovey' company you work for? Who have been brought up to 'hide' debt because it brings shame on a family, and should never be discussed in public? Someone supplying a service should be doing all they can to make sure the price they are asking for is correct. Cutting out the meter man is simpily not acceptable as a cost cutting excersise with old and frail people who dont have computers, and cant submit weekly online readings because they simply cant bend over far enough under the stairs to read the small numbers. It's a Bloody outrage, and i'm pleased your so happy!
  2. Mr Darn

    Jade Goody

    I personally think, if the lads done something to deserve the tag, then he deserves all he gets. what next? lets release their curfew because the shops are open 24hrs and he needs milk? he's done wrong, and he's paying the price for that. if she's choosing a criminal to be with, she should put up with the restrictions, its all part of 'him', cancer or not. why cant she just go to his place of curfew for the night? On a personal note for Jade tho, i feel sorry for her. After all, she hardly had a choice about whether it was public... she was told in the big brother house, who then broadcast it to millions!
  3. To be fair, i dont see them at bedlington's tesco either, but i work at Blyth's ASDA, and i know we employ at least 2 there. And to be fair, i'd rather talk to either of them on the phone than the services department at ASDA.com! My point is, Bedlingtonlass suggested a company which employed people who i was, and am still, wondering to whom she is refering. Whilst out the other day, 2 things were mentioned to me. 1, people on this site are far to willing to make statments that can do potential damage to bedlington's businesses without any grounds, and have no proof to back them up when called upon. 2, Even a newspaper will not print anything without knowing the name and address of the person who's opinion it is, and by allowing such statments, we may actually be breaking the law. i tried to point out that each statment is the posters view, and not that of Bedlington.co.uk, but they insisted. I also mentioned you could send a letter in with a fake name and address and it would be published, but this was also dismissed. I actually wanted Tesco to be named, as i had a witty comeback lined up, especially after MrsVic's
  4. Mr Darn

    Gaming League

    6 lol :D Knowing MrsVic the way i do, probably thousands!
  5. You talking litres or a USB memory port for the CD player? :D Oh, the cars i've had over the years! My last one was a Saxo VTR in horrid green! (yes, that was the colour stated on the logbook! :D ) my focus has gone from cars to bikes now, but i'm still in love with the DB9. The Evo X looks well smart! i'd have one of those if the lottery came up! realisticly tho, i'll be getting a BMW 3 series next. Not new of course!
  6. But unable to name and shame them. i personally cant think of any businesses in bedlington that employ people with a distinct lack of social skills, education or language, with the exception of Tesco, who employ these people knowingly to help them gain confidence and have as close to a normal life as possible. or am i missing your point? think some clarification is required before someone gets seriously offended by accident here...
  7. I've had a few PM's (well, 2!) regarding jargon in this section, so i thought i'd help you out. Anything your not sure of, either ask in this section, or if your shy, PM me by clicking HERE and i'll add it to this section. I'm developing an idea with this section, so you may see some changes with this thread in the near future. if any of you have a piece of jargon you have just found out about, and you want to share, thats fine too. Clicking each entry will take you to the Wikipedia page for that item, which may explain more about it. If you would like to add your own 'plain english' explanation, please create a reply to this thread, and i'll also link to that. i'll add ADDED to the posts you create as i add them to the list below: CPU: Central Processing Unit. Hard Drive: The physical disk inside your computer where information is stored MoBo/MB: Mother board. PSU: Power Supply Unit RAM: Random Access Memory USB: Universal Serial Bus
  8. Mine had to be my first megadrive. sonic the hedgehog was only known to those 'in the know' when i got it, and alex kid in miracle world (the 'hidden' game that EVERYONE knew about!) was the Mutts!
  9. Mr Darn


    too true to respond with anything funny And i can say from experience, a well deserved moderator too. if past standards are anything to go by, this section will be the new "TOTT"!
  10. something was said on thenews the other day, production has halfed on most of the lines, i know for a fact Nissan is working at half-week at the moment. Some have been told to take pay cuts, some offered reduced hours, some have just been given the boot! Sad times fr the industry at the moment As for singleing one out, i've no idea, but no whispers from Nissan yet....
  11. Cympil started a good conversation about Gamepads and Pc's over in the Games Forum. Take a look and give us your view by following THIS LINK (click here) Please put any comments in that forum.
  12. Someone asked me a simmiler question a while back, and when i asked my gaming buddies, they reccommended a program called Joy to Key Apparently what this does is allow you to assign your joypad buttons to certain keyboard keys, so if the left arrow in the game moved you left, you could assign that to the left push on the gamepad etc. might take some setting up the first time, but i believe once its configured it saves as a profile so you can choose it again at ease. DISCLAIMER: i have not used the software, and i dont recall getting any feedback from it (i would have expected some if it didn't work/was riddled with viruses). you may want to search for reviews from this before downloading, just in case. and of course, run it thru your Anti-Virus just to be sure, setting a restore point and backing up any important files (you should do this before installing anything new anyway.) i know it aint what your looking for, but may be a work-around for you. Hope it helps!
  13. Mr Darn


    Congratulations Cympil, and welcome to the Elite! (arf arf!) See? told you all those months practice would come in handy! ;)
  14. I'm defiantly going for my full bike test this summer. I've done my CBT twice now, with no effort given to taking the real test, but i am looking to do the 'direct access' thing, and move straight up to a 600. Either an R6 or a Ninja is coming my way in the foreseeable future (although how i'm gonna get the dog on there, i'll never know!) But, alas, i digress... Anyone know the correct way to go about getting a 600 licence asap? My CBT has now expired again, so i'll be as if i've never ridden a bike. Also, if any of you is, or knows, an actual instructor, could you throw a few lessons my way? (any why aint you already advertising on here???!!?) Whichever i do, a full experience of the event will be reviewed here, as i progress. I think it'll be good to hear what peoples individual experiences of the local instructors and businesses is! So, in short... what do i need (CBT?) where do i go and how much does it cost?
  15. I think this idea is great, and should be rolled out to laptops too, with the increasing wi-fi hotspots popping up everywhere. as for damaging the equipment, i'd expect you would be responsible, so long as every effort has been made by the hosting party to check they are in good working order before each day begins. i'm sure a simple device could be supplied for just this, perhaps even a version for you to carry round with you to check yourself first... if you so wish. I'm sure i read somewhere someone had this idea already, supplying a locker which, when £1 was inserted, activated the charging point (which consisted of all popular-branded charging leads)which you could then lock for an hour, coming back to a fully charged phone. i'm sure it was situated in the middle of a cafe, so you could still connect to your phone via bluetooth, should you recieve a call. The general idea behind this universal charger wouldnt be to supply a charger with every device, but to supply an option. if you already have the same charger (i know i have several sony-ericsson ones in a drawer now) you can opt out, saving on production costs as i'm sure this would be a seperate item, like bluetooth headsets are at the moment. I'm all for this idea! Bring it on!
  16. Oh god, poor bloke! I think we can safely say it was Ian, looking at the messages on his facebook page. My thought's are with those who were close to him.
  17. Anyone know for sure whats happened here? someone suggested Ian "fozzy" foster was involved in this...
  18. I have NEVER wore womens clothes! Nor will i again since i know you cant keep secrets!
  19. Supprising how you know so much about the place... you not long back from a visit?
  20. Do you know of a room for rent with a boxing ring in it?
  21. Fun Fun Fun! I dunno where she finds time for work!
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