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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. the old gas shop has been devided for a while now, just the walls had no finnish on them, as for whats happening, i dunno, but i also seen the work on the right hand shop. i'm intrigued now, as to whats going on down at the tavern tho... would tesco really spend all that money setting up shop just to close it while they demolish it??? whats happening with the morpeth plans? you think they bought the waste ground opposite the courts too? time to take photo's for nostalga methinks, before our front street is changed forever!
  2. Another one? you have more than the queen you do!!! Happy birthday!
  3. Is this what you are refering too? : Also, from what i read of [reference to Sleazeware removed], why would you want this piece of kit? it seems its only use is to spam forums with links, of which most forums can now identify as spam before the post is added to the forum. It seems to be a redundant program now, and its application is frowned upon by forum owners. If you must use it, prepare to be banned from a lot of forums. If you must post links, at least have the decency to do it manually!
  4. i know there is now a storage yard where the reservoir is, located between the reservoir and the red lion. It used to belong to Kentons when they did the water maintenance, but now belongs to Balfour beattie since they took it over. been there at least 10 years that i know of. as for the old pieces of land, yes, they are slowly disapearing! i see google earth still shows the old Glaxo next to the Ridge Farm. Thats now houses too!
  5. wasnt me either...i only jack cars from newcastle.
  6. i still know a bloke that can tell which town someones from by the way they speak, if they live locally....
  7. Come on.... whats your opinion? did shearer get a touch? is he giving up the glory for the captain?? whats YOUR opinion of the match? in the words of a game show host... Good Game! Good Game!
  8. not tried any of those two yet, but i was gonna try COD4... i'm more of a command and conquer kinda guy. me and my kids and nephews often have multiplayer battles on it, its great fun!
  9. sounds like my idea of a sporting event!!
  10. where did that come from? a reliable source or rumour? i heard this a few moths ago, and was assured it wasn't the case. has things changed?
  11. right, i'm in, a late start, yes, but i'm sure i'll catch up!!
  12. not according to the herald and post. a site in morpeth has been earmarked for development: 20,000sq foot no less! and another 200 jobs to the area (isnt this what they said about the bedlington branch?) http://www.morpethherald.co.uk/news/Trader...peth.4381449.jp
  13. One of the other things i find funny about the tesco thing is how it was gonna develop the old co-op building etc....then, all of a sudden, 'tesco are not doing as well as they thought in bedlington' and jobs are cut. roll on the Morpeth announcment.... i wonder how long it'll be before the 'failing' bedlington site is sold on.... of course the reason will be 'they are not allowed to 'monopolise' the area with big stores, so the little one has to go to make way for the new development'. i think bedlington may just get yet another kick up the **** with this news....
  14. bliddy hell! you mean you actually got those cd's alphabetised??? Congratulations MrsVic!
  15. 3 years ago i dug 2 ponds in the summer/autumn with my bare hands! (ok ok, i used a shovel too!) one with a few fish, and another that it cascaded into with just plants n stuff in. a pump in the lower pond feeds the upper pond, and so the cycle continues... 2 years ago, we put a load of frogspawn in the top pond, but the fish ate it all, or so we thought!!! last year we seen 2 frogs, and a small dollop of frogspawn in the lower pond. this year we have at least 8 adult frogs. several weeks ago we had a shedload of frogspawn and cutting the grass has become a bloodbath! theres little frogs everywhere! lol so, i dunno if some survived from the first batch, or it they found it themselves, but they are doing quite canny now you should hear the noise they make when it rains!
  16. lol, cheeky mare! a good night was had by most! The blue bell hasn't changed much Thanks for the greetings Thanks hun
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