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Mr Darn

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Everything posted by Mr Darn

  1. CLASS!! i love the way people can slate someone behind their back, but when it comes to it they back off and get the flags out! i personally dont know you radgy, as i was not on the old forum, and i have never met you as far as i know, but i have heard alot about your moderating before, and moderating the forums myself i know how hard this bunch can be on you. If what i hear is correct, you'd be a good moderator again, and i certainly wouldnt have a problem with it! i stand by my opinion tho. I dont like you. (i dont remember if i expressed it publicly before) But thats for reasons way out of your control, that are not your personal fault, and more to do with me and people around me than you. so even if you were to consider worrying about it, i wouldnt. some people will just never see eye to eye!. Welcome back to the forums tho, i look forward to your opinions. Perhaps you will breath the life back into the forums i hear so much about from the olden days!!
  2. the leeks or the members?
  3. or the fact passports are too bulky to carry round, where as an ID card would stay in one's wallet... not a bad way to prove one's identity...
  4. have they never heard the term "less is more"? i had a headache just browsing that site for the few minutes i looked.
  5. lol, i liked that one! lol carry grant... Heh!
  6. probs posh spice...but i dont have time to post a pic, so if i'm right, play it again
  7. all i ever saw was a paddling pool down there. i was thinking is was bigger than that, but not to the extremes that pic shows. that place has better facility than most of the main pools round here now! instead of closing it, they should have covered it. I'd love a pool within walking distance of me... it might get some of this belly away! (perhaps not!)
  8. i remember my old "BT Click" days, where it was a 56k dial up and a penny a minute! And i thought that was GREAT! lol
  9. your not kidding! it'll be next month when i'm gone too, i was gonna transfer my account to my new address, but i think i'll try somwhere else first. the only good thing about AOL at the minute is their unlimited download (which, i know, is still restricted, but at least you dont 'run out') which helps me keep up with my american shows via video stream, which eats away at the bandwidth limits imposed by other companys. if anyone has a suggestion for a good, cheep supplier, i'd like to hear from you!
  10. no wireless mouse or keyboard, only blutooth thing is my phone. there is a cber nearby, but he's been there years, and this problem is only a month or two old. since moving the position of the modem, it has not disconnected again (well, once, but the wireless signal was still there to reconnect to, so no restart.) if it persists, i'll try yet another channel.
  11. Happy birthday! lets hope the celebrations stay clear of Newcastle this year
  12. sorry, my post may have been confusing. the laptop works fine, but is in the shop. i have a wireless card in the desktop, which is having the trouble. on another site i was asked about low energy light bulbs, and alas, there is one directly between the router and the pc. i've moved the routers location for now to see if it makes a difference. as i said, i had considered the power settings as a first thought, thinking i may have it switch off the network connection after a period of inactivity, but it was not that. I've never heard about this low energy light thing, so it'll be interesting to see if thats what the problem was...
  13. bliddy hell! i never realised it was an actual swiming pool... looks good does that!
  14. Ahhh, the good old cramlington 'end game'. I loved that pub once over! next ones got to be: Dun Cow
  15. Hey, any of you techies shed some light on this? Windows XP home desktop SP2 (not gonna upgrade to SP3 just yet Wireless lan card NVidia 512mb graphics card Soundblaster audio card 1GB Ram Netgear wireless router: 1 wireless connection, 0 wired connections. WEP security on a 128bit encription AOL broadband silver i rarely use this machine as i've had my laptop for so long, i just let the kids use it, so i'm unsure when this started. i dont have this problem with my vista laptop, although its in the shop under warrenty at the moment so i cannot be sure. since this started i have: Changing the wireless channel on my router Changing my routers network key updated and ran Avast! antivirus. Scheduled a boot scan with Avast! ran disk check with both options checked (the one you access by right clicking c: - properties - tools tab - error checking) Updated and ran CCleaner. Updated and ran Malwarebytes Updated and ran Spybot Search and Destroy Updated and ran Superantispyware Updated and ran Hijack This, and submitted a report to the Help2go detective at www.help2go.com Checked for updated drivers for my wireless lan card Checked the Device manager for warnings or conflicts both before, and after this occurs. during the above things i detected alot of tracking cookies, but little else, and even after cleaning and re-running the scan (which was then clean) the problem still exists. The problem: At first i just thought this was a power setting, as if i left the computer running for a while, i would come back to a message saying "wireless networks could not be detected" which a quick restart solved. thinking nothing more of it, i just carried on regardless, then the disconection would happen in the middle of me browsing. suddenly all connections would drop, and no wireless connections are seen to be available, even though i know where are 3 in the area which i normally pick up. Only a restart seems to solve it, with the connection becoming available as soon as the computer reboots. This does not happen at an interval, and can last days before dropping, then drop twice in an hour. on startup all i have is my logmein software, avast, msn messenger and my firefox browser (because i only use this computer to browse the internet and store photo's, it seems sensible to have these start then.) as well as the normal startup stuff such as nvidia drivers, sound etc Any ideas where to look next?
  16. oh, for gods sake! gone are the days of the old calor gas bottle and a blanket!
  17. oopps! missed this one! Happy belated birthday!
  18. not sure if its who you mean, but the Marley's still own the house at the bottom of the bank i believe. is he a schoolteacher? or was he once?
  19. from what i can see...if you want a pc to surf the net and read email, it seems like a great choice. although, you can get pc's now with mouse and keyboard that will also have a disk drive for similer prices... why have a towbar if your never gonna tow anything tho?
  20. no vote just yet...noit until i get a more conclusive list of available browsers...
  21. Apparently not! http://www.newspostleader.co.uk/latest/Fes...snag.4613341.jp
  22. No lights tho...cant have any lights.....
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