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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. what you know other knobs? do you hang around in a big gang! like a big packet of walls best! :lol::lol:

    I have heard that there is at least one !*!@# in every circle of friends....

    if yours hasnt got one, Your it! ;)

    Even if there is one though, it still dont rule you out!

    As far as my friends go, i believe i am the '!*!@# ' of them, and i respect all of them.

    And no, since i'm a trolley pusher, i dont have friends, or a !*!@# of my own to play with.... ;)B):D

  2. you lower self to my level? you cant get any lower than were you already are! shelf stacker/ trolley pusher! :lol:

    LOL, yeah, coz thats what i do....

    I never denied being a !*!@# , but i now see where the saying 'takes one to know one' comes from!

    Sad git! :P:lol::P:P:lol:

  3. I sometimes wonder why i lower myself to react to someone who had nothing better to do on valentines day than register on a forum... :blink:

    its a bloody name, get over yourself! i only added ™ coz Mr Darn was taken!

  4. The point is that it builds on the existing telecoms infrastructure - to the vast majority of the World that isn't even Internet aware.

    Many commercial outfits are saving thousands on international calling using Skype, my own company included. This isn't possible using locked-in systems like MSN. And, who in their right mind would want to mortgage their future to Microsoft anyway!

    SkypeOut and SkypeIn undermine the existing telecom franchise to an extent Bill Gates could only dream about. But this is just the start, and there will be many more of the same.

    That was the entire point of my starting this thread. Mass use of VoIP is coming, and faster than anyone would believe.

    Skype isn't the only VoIP service in the field, but it has the highest profile. Extending the *free* use to mobiles is the breakthrough. The current near 10 million worldwide daily users will rapidly multiply. It's great to see that the UK has been selected for the initial roll-out.

    So, let me get this right, skype is bringing out a mobile that will enable free calles over an internet connection?

    dont you pay for the connection anyway?

  5. No Mr O it wasn't a mistake but "Add Reply" was locked and I thought it might be an interesting topic, Old is a relevant term!

    I sometimes feel old then I see "real" old folks, my oldest driving car is 23 years old, but my hobby is "real" old cars.


    Good call, i stand corrected! :lol::P

    just i have made the same mistake myself and thought 'huh? why do i need to add a topic title to a reply? :huh::lol::lol:

    Must be just me then!

  6. That reminds me... bonfire night and halloween are coming up.

    I've been hearing fireworks almost every night for the last three weeks. Now we just have to wait on the "Firework kills cat" and "Fireworks set house on fire" news stories that pop up every year.

    it's the one that reads:

    "teenage bystander seriously hurt as group of youths play with fireworks"

    that i dont like...my nieces and nephews are now at the age where they are out at that time of night....

  7. I know theres one on at Blyth... I went last year, waited an hour and they lasted 10 mins!

    Not complaining though, it was a good show and it was free.

    Does anyone know of any other ones and will you all be going to any?

    The Terriers not having one this year??

    EDIT:- or the cricket club? dont they usually have one?

  8. av come to the conclusion that your a !*!@# !

    Monsta, i dont know if these attempts to make me bite are amusing you, but they are becoming tiresome.

    the only reason i'm not biting is because while your amusing yourself with me, at least your leaving everyone else alone.

    No wonder the forum is going quiet with comments like that flying around, it would seem others dont have the paitence i have,

  9. Talk Talk has took over AOL i think..so don`t touch it with a bargepole! It`s took me half an hour to write two messages on here with it :angry:

    i mustardmit, its starting to slow down here for me too.... :angry:

    Only here mind....

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