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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. Considering Talk Talk, has anyone got any info on this company?


    had 2 dealings with them, on with a friend, whos router i have to go and reset for him and reconfugure on a weekly basis, and my sister, whom got it installed, then the password wouldnt work, they reset it, still wouldnt work, so she cancelled, and they said it would cost her the rest of the years payments to have the line released.... :blink:

    Eventually they did it for free, but it was a pain!

  2. Are there no skips around yours in aussie like?


    thats where i got the blocks for my garden feature!

    the guy down the street was pulling an ionternal wall down, and i was like...you throwing them out?

    the good thing was there was hardly any cement in the mix, so the mortar was like sand, and the blocks came up like new!

  3. Apache stopped delivering pages. Ditto to about 40+ other sites.

    Wasn't noticed because everything else was working and the status panel said that Apache was running OK and gave it a green. Someone from over the water had to e-mail me to point out the prob. Shame on you Bedlington!

    Sorry - a full refund is in the post. :D

    i was gonna pm you, but.....

    (writes down the email for future ref)

    in my defence, i did contact MissVic......

  4. The UK have more than twice as many as the entire USA, and is a World leader in?

    Newcastle have 18 of?

    Ashington have 3 of?

    Cramlington have 5 of?

    ..and Bedlington only have one of (the same as Afghanistan)?

    clothes shops? ;):blink:

    I dunno......

  5. might of finished early to watch the rugby! who cares the point is the server went offline and there was no one there to fix it!

    i mean bedlington.co.uk was probably one of there least worries!

    anyway stop moaning you get the service for free, if you want to moan donate to the cause!

    service? cause? FREE??? what the hell are you talking about???

  6. simple the server went offline no one around to fix it cause its sunday so puzzle solved!

    to those still none the wiser the mouse in the computer box escaped and there was no one around to catch it! :lol::lol:

    but it went off on saturday! :huh:

  7. For a start your local councillor, MP and even MEP. these are the people charged with representing your views, it is their JOB, it is what they are being PAID to do!

    How you do it is another thing...........but you will get more results doing it publicly and with some support!

    Any questions in mind Mr O?

    yeah, i have a few....all of which have completly escaped my thought process at this moment! :unsure:

  8. the africans only won cause we were out of form! look at the aussie game and the french game!! we took out two of the favourites! and now where going to rip the springboks a newin!

    south africa has only got one real threat "habana" so lets hope he breaks his leg! :lol:


    Just thought, shouldnt this be in Mr Pimps section? :blink:

  9. Will the council not have a copy,or the library!Just a thought

    Well, i thought, if anywhere, it would be on the police website, or at least a link to it!

    i cant find, at first glance, any list on the internet of bye-laws at all!

    and yet i can still get a £50 fine for not having my dog on a leader on a deserted football field? How the hell was i supposed to know i was doing wrong?

    Luckily, after pointing this out to the 'jobsworth' (as he petted my VERY friendly 'wouldnt hurt a fly' dog) he simply stated i was warned, and i now knew!

    Cheeky *******!

  10. I can emphasise with you Merlin but instead of getting despondent get even, do something about it, it's the society you belong to which is being ripped apart so you do have a right to hold people to account and ask the awkward questions!

    to who? who would we ask these questions too?

  11. What do you think about having a section detailing the Bye-laws applicable to Bedlington?

    Dont have to be postable, just a refrence section somewhere near the bottom, perhaps one thread open to ask questions etc?

    i only ask because i have absolutly no idea whatsoever what bye-laws are in force, or how to find out where they would be listed!

    i mean, how do you know your breaking the law if the rules are not up somewhere?

  12. guessing i should really get up the street more i didnt even know there was an open day, my other half just got his application form the other day hope he aint 2 late!

    on the side of scary people in asda we always end up going to the same till for some reason we always get the slightly moronic dark haired lass who may as well be sitting in front of a tv drooling (a perfect female homer simpson) she puts 1 item through 3 times and then wonders why the people in her queue refill their basket and go to the next till! over paid or what!!!

    well, it is said they cannot discriminate!

    A job is a job, and if a disabled/drunk/thick-as-pig-dung/smelly/or any other type of person wishes to be employed, then the companys have to employ at least one from each class to show how unbias they are!

    its mad!

    Jobs should be given to those able to do it...not just because they are 'not considered normal'

    i actually got beat to a job i wanted to do, because the company i applied to did not have any disabled persons employed, so they employed him over me to 'look politically correct'. The guy who got the job diddnt even want it!

    (yeah yeah, maybe he was better at it than me and im just bitter! <_< )

  13. I am building a wood fired oven in my back yard once it is completed you are all invited for a traditional Aussie bar b que if you are in the neighborhood, does any one out there have any experience with one of these and can you give me any tips about the construction of it .................. :rolleyes:

    Dont make it out of plastic ;)

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