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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. The Bedligton Terrier dog is the only reason why people around the world know that there even is a town called Bedlington.

    Well, I think they are nice looking dogs and they are canny too.

    You should have put a poll on your post Mr darn, then we could have all voted against you!


    Blank, thats not a bad idea, just a simple 'agree' 'disagree' on all threads in this section, what about it 3g?

    (Poll added to my threads!)

  2. What did you think of the match?

    was it just me? or was that captains armband cursed?

    WHAT A FREE KICK!!!! (even if it was from them!)

    Deffinate penalty in 21st(approx) minute!

    To be honest, the game started great, very fast paced and entertaining. a scrappy first goal, but it hit the net anyway!. How close was that keeper from a BIG mistake?? :lol:

    Man city's passing was great, i think the toon need a few hours 'one touch football' practice tho, everytime they passed it went to a man city player!

    nd what do you think about the "injured"? 2 good runs down the left spoilt due to a bit of wind! and then the ball gets passed back from the 18 yard box to the newcastle keeper?

    I know its all sportsmanship, but i dont remember it always being like that, unless there was blood, or he was unconcious, you waited till a lull in play before you kicked it out, not in the middle of an attack!

    I wish i could remember names, but a cupple of toon players were lucky to escape the book today!

    A deserved win, but i believe the scoreline should have been closer...even tho newcastle played crap in the second half! Sven has certainly turned their fortunes round!

  3. eh how would that be quicker! you still got to read it! please think before posting! :lol::lol::lol:

    because if you had done it like that, i wouldnt have started reading it thinking it was your opinion and not just cut and pasted from a website.

    if i wanted the websites opinion, i'd go there myself and read it!

    the question was what was YOUR definition of a prefab, not what can you find on the internet about it!

  4. Have to side with Monsta here.

    We might all have German Shepherds, Labradors, etc. etc. (doubtless on the "choose a pet to look like yourself" theory). But not paying homage to our local, ever-so-cute, furry friends is nothing short of sacrilege! Go wash your mouth out with Brown Ale!! :lol:

    so wheres the 'like: our cute little furry animal origionally from bedlington that looks like a sheep and mr darn/oblivious dont like the look of' thread in this forum?

    i dont like the bliddy animal. nor do i like jack russels or whippets. or chocolate ice cream for that matter, but i'd be happier if we had invented something like that to be world renouned for!

    I think alot of people think the same, maybe not the majority but alot.

    Hence why no-one has bothered risking the expence of setting up a souvineer section in a small corner somewhere in bedlington. (the back of moods would be an idea, where they keep the stationary n stuff??)

  5. A sunday driver was out in the countryside in his yellow Robin Reliant when it suddenly spluttered to a halt. popping the bonnet, he saw what the problem was, but could do nothing to fix it. how glad was he that he had joined the RAC just the week before!

    reaching into his 'car' he grabbed the mobile phone and dialed for assistance....no signal. He tried in vain to get as high up as possible, but to no avail, so he decided to sit and wait on a passing motorist for assistance.

    After about 30 minutes he hears an approaching engine, getting louder and louder it sounded like whoever it was was in a real hurry!

    over the brow of the hill came a red ferarri, which came skidding to a halt a few yards infront of the robin.

    "need a hand?" asked the ferarri driver, "could do with a lift to town" replied the stranded man.

    "well, i only have the 2 seats, and as you can see, they are taken right now, but i do have a tow rope if you need a tow" says the ferarri driver.

    "Not a chance! i've seen how you drive!" replied the strandee

    "come on, i promise i wont go fast, in fact, well agree a signal so you can tell me if i'm going too fast. If you want me to go faster, put on your left hand indicator, slower, put your right hand indicator, and if theirs a problem and you want me to stop, flash your headlights"

    The strandee thinks for a moment: i am stranded, and that does sound like a plan...what choice do i have?

    "Ok, but you had better not go fast!" he decides.

    they hook up the tow rope, and set off at a slow speed.

    'this isnt too bad' thinks the strandee, 'i think we can speed up a little!' and he puts on his left indicator.

    they go to 30, 40, 50, 55 MPH and he sticks to it when the indicator is cancelled.

    after another few minutes he thinks 'this is about as fast as this can go, this is my chance to break its reacord!' and puts on the indicator again.

    60, 65, 70, 75, 80-just then he hears VVVVVRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM

    A motorcycle wooshes past at an amazing speed.

    Meanwhile the ferarri driver is pleased the strandee got past his nerves, and got up to a decent speed, but all this goes out of his mind as the bike goes past, and he floors it after it.

    Pc plod and his new rookie are sitting beside the road measuring speeds next to a small village with a 30 zone. The pc has his feet up, letting the rookie watch the radar gun. "29 sir" the rookie says. "Yeah yeah" says the pc, and pulls his cap over his eyes.

    "32 sir, should we go for it?" asks the rookie

    "no, we should not! give them a break, and dont bother me again unless its an over 40er"

    "ok sir" replies the rookie.


    the bike flies thru the speed trap

    "Sir Sir, 157MPH!!!" the rookie says exitedly

    "Boy! what do you think this is, a rocket? how in hells name are we ment to catch a bike doing 157mph in a ford fiesta?" he says "now dont bother me unless its something we have a chance of catching, you stupid boy!" and settles back down


    the ferarri passes

    "sir, your not gonna believe this!" says the rookie

    "what now?" the pc says

    "a red ferarri has just went by doing 193mph....."

    "FOR GODS SAKE BOY! how are we gonna catch that???" the pc shouts

    "No, no, thats not all" says the rookie

    "what then?" asks the pc

    "behind it was a robin reliant, and it was right behind the ferarri, flashing its lights and indicating to overtake!!"

    Highlight to reveal answer!!

  6. Hello there,

    I have been Living in Bedlington for about 7 years now. Its a lovely place very quiet,picturesque and tidy.

    But I have a bee in my bonnet! I am sorry the Rotary International "COGG" is truly ugly!This yellow monster you see as you enter the town from Cramlington. Welcome to Rotary International is what greets you!

    It's so ugly really, you expect to see a engineering company or a chemical plant over the brow of the hill.

    I am aware this charitable organisation does such wonderful work, but how much did this cost, maybe the money could have been spent on the good work it does.The YELLOW COGG shaped peice of Metal is a Blott on the landscape.

    Harsh? maybe, but lets face it, its better than that one going into ashington from pegswood ;)

  7. Mongo,

    There are the possibly irresponsible, who knows how much they suffer?

    But then, there are the real scum, who take absolute delight in adding insult and cowardly abuse to both victim and family, based on nothing but wild supposition and personal envy, in place of fact.

    I wonder how you will feel, if and when,the family are finally cleared? From what I have seen of your hatefilled writings, I doubt that it will be much, if anything at al!

    Most fairminded people would shudder to think of being in this family's situation, and would want nothing more than the possible finding of this poor child, dead or alive. But then, you are not fairminded, are you? That would be no fun for a person with your malevolent soul!

    Joe Rooney

    Joe, dont play into his hands, posts like that are there for one thing and one thing only, to prevoke a reaction.

    ignore it and it'll go away! maybe ;)

  8. Built on a steel frame which takes the load from the brick skin, the interior walls are made of some strange fibrous material skimmed with plaster. I remember them being built and have done some work in them, system built 4 sure.

    My mums house in the west end of bedlington must be a pre-fab too then. it has a steel frame, and the internal walls are 'egg boxed' plasterboard sections :blink:

    Apparently they were gonna be condemed a while back due to the steel rusting (no rustproofing applied as recomended)

  9. so i take it no one has got any good jokes! just long boring ones! the sort that make you wonder why you even bothered to read them!!!

    a think this whole topic is a good joke!

    for me the best ones are short and to the point.

    for example

    what do you call a deer with no eyes?

    no idea!

    what do you call a deer with no eye and no legs?

    still no idea!

    a na tha !*!@# but it doesn't take you half an hour to read them and find out there not even funny!

    point made!

    :blink: well i like them...

    Q. Whats pink and leathal?

    A. a pig with a flickknife

    Q. Whats green and smells of pork?

    Kermit's fingers!

    (Highlight to reveal answer!)

  10. It would be heartening to hear from someone who likes to live in the old town I know I like to come home from time to time...

    Personally i like living here.

    lets face it, blyth is full of drugs, newbiggin has idiots in there that beat up policemen, my ex comes from ashington, and you cant get moved for a pint in cramlington or morpeth on a weekend!

    the only thing i dont like about the place is the way the council move one problem family out of your street after years of campaigning, then move 2 more in!

  11. dont know where you get your info from but everywhere i go its asquith and dairies!

    such as wikipedia.com, answers.com, etc etc

    so afraid so!

    While wikipedia wrongly says the name was introduced in 1975, ASDA's own store has it at 1965 and confirms Monsta is correct!

    Strange, as from the 'history' link on ASDA's own website, it clearly states the store was known as 'Associated dairies' well before the Asquith brothers became involved in the '60's(formed in 1949), although they do go on to state the "official" 'birth' of the name was created by Asquith, using the first two letters of his name, but word around store is that it was already unofficially known as ASDA by then among customers and colleagues alike, taken from the Associated Dairies name.

    Officially, i bow down, you are right, but the name was around, and is considered to be derived from Associated Dairies before Asquith adopted the name officially, and the version i first stated is still told in store induction today!

    A point i will of course, be making tomorrow as contradictory on their own website!! :lol::lol::lol:

    Of course, my main point being, that my first statement of the company being known as Associated Dairies first, then ASDA later, was entirely correct, just where the name came from was at fault ;)

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