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Mr Darn

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Posts posted by Mr Darn

  1. Funny I been shoppin at Blyth Asda for a long time and I still see the same old tired faces.

    This smacks of a grudge.Were you sacked by any chance Mr Darn?

    Were you caught dipping your fish finger in the cod pieces?

    Were you practicing your over the counter skills?

    Or did you just help yourself to some B.O.G.O.F's :lol::lol::lol:

    Unfortunatly, none of the above....

    i'm one of the stupid ones still employed!

    you know, the ones that moan on its a crap place to work now, and how if a job came up waiting tables at macdonnalds we'd be off in a flash.... but never actually do!

    Its sad really... :unsure:

  2. The only thing Asda's good for is ruining communities, watch the film Wall Mart and see how many life's have been ruined by that organisation.

    Not entirely correct there pete me old mate!

    ASDA, or rather AsDa, was known as Assosiated Dairys when it first started trading in england, then the name was shortened to ASDA when they went countrywide.

    Wall*Mart has only been part of ASDA for less than a decade, when they bought the company and the trading name when ASDA was about to go bust a while back.

    Its well known throughout the current 'ASDA' that working conditions, morale and the general environment were destroyed slowly but surely when the american company took over.

    Now i believe it has a bigger turnover of staff than a years bricklaying course has, as the conditions are so bad no-one wants to work there, and as soon as a job shoveling coal comes along the smart ones take the job, and the thick ones become ASDA managers!

    ...Nothing against the managers tho ;)

  3. Might be a bit rude?

    Anyone been to any of these places?

    Arsoli (Lazio, Italy)

    Bastard (Norway)

    Beaver (Oklahoma, USA)

    Beaver Head (Idaho, USA)

    Brown Willy (Cornwall,UK)

    Chinaman's !*!@# (Australia)

    Climax (Colorado, USA)

    !*!@# (Spain)

    Cunter (Switzerland)

    Dikshit (India)

    Dildo (Newfoundland, Canada)

    Dong Rack (Thailand-Cambodia border)

    Dongo (Congo - Democratic Republic)

    Effin (Limerick, Ireland)

    Fuku (Shensi, China)

    Fukue (Honshu, Japan)

    Fukui (Honshu, Japan)

    Fukum (Yemen)

    Hold With Hope (Greenland)

    Intercourse (Pennsylvania, USA)

    Lickey End (West Midlands, UK)

    Little Dix Village (West Indies)

    Lord Berkeley's !*!@# (Sutherland, Scotland)

    Middle Intercourse Island (Australia)

    Muff (Northern Ireland)

    Nobber (Donegal, Ireland)

    Pis Pis River (Nicaragua)

    Sexmoan (Luzon, Philippines)

    Seymen (Turkey)

    Shafter (California, USA)

    Shag Island (Indian Ocean)

    Shitlingthorpe (Yorkshire, UK)

    Tittybong (Australia)

    Tong !*!@# (Japan)

    Turdo (Romania)

    !*!@# (Orkney, UK)

    !*!@# (Germany)

    Wankendorf (Schleswig-Holstein, Germany)

    Wankener (India)

    Wankie (Zimbabwe)

    Wankie Colliery (Zimbabwe)

    !*!@# River (Nicaragua)

    Wankum (Germany)

    Wet Beaver Creek (Australia)

    Can you IMAGINE the fud i'd have with this post if i was still mod??? my 8 button would be worn out!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:;)

  4. Pete,Right on bro!

    So Blank,where are all the non smokers that were going to fill the bars and clubs who were going to breath 'fresh clean air'? Nowhere to be seen if reports from the license trade are anything to go by,drops reported between 40 and60% in trade.I'm sure they love the smell of stale beer and fart as to the smoke :lol::lol:

    Seriously though we need to stop this 'nanny state' culture and stop it now!!

    Something i'm wondering: I know we need it etc, but i'm still wondering:

    if someone turned round today and said, Right. I own this land, so anyone who wants a bit of it needs to pay me for the privilidge.

    Also, since i own this land, every penny you earn, i want a percentage of. then, when you spend what you have left, i want some of that too, then what you save, i want some of, when you die, and give it to your siblings, i want some more of it. i want some for driving on my roads, i want more when you smoke or drink alcohol and if you fill up your car, i want a large chunk of what you pay the garage.

    Because you live in a nice house, i want you to pay me more than someone who lives in a crappy house, when you watch tv, i want more money and if your going for a crap, i want more (even if you dont go for a crap, i still want it coz i have supplied the means for you to have one)

    Since you live in a certain area, i'm going to give back some of this money you paid me, to keep the area nice, lets say £1000. £500 will go to pay for someone to decide what needs to be done, £200 to someone to agree or disagree and £200 on planning permission. Oh, and i want some of that money back, in tax.

    If you dont pay me, i'll lock you in a room, paid for by people who do pay me.

    What would we say to these people? if they tried it today?

    as i said, i know we might need it, but come on! their has to be an easier way!

  5. Ever wondered how and when you`re gonna die? Find out here Click Here

    Here`s the answer i got

    Cympil: At age 93 you will be hit by a train while napping on the railroad tracks. :lol:

    Mr Oblivious: At age 43 you will die from an equipment malfunction in an exciting, fear based reality game show. Your death will receive the highest ratings of any episode of any reality show, ever.

  6. If they guilty they gonna be the most hated people in the world,I wouldn't like to be in their shoes especially when they suspended two foot off the ground cos thats what they deserve....................if they are guilty!

    You think she might get that house next door to Maxine in Bedlington?

  7. Anyway whats all this crap about dog !*!@#?

    Cats are the biggest offenders !*!@# in gardens where kids play,digging bloody great toilet holes in your plants,scatching anything or anyone they take a fancy to.They roam all over the place even on the roads,does anyone say anything about them,like !*!@# they do.

    The only good cat is a dead cat,two jack russells and a twelve bore thats all I need

    My dad used to use cats as compost. when they hopped over the fence and walked along his leek trench enclosure, he used to get them with a Black Widow and a few ball barings! Nasty !*!@# !

    Leek trench is gone now, but i had to give it to him, his leek puddings were tasty!

  8. I read somewhere that you used to work for Asda Mr Darn,is it true that when you go for interviews you have to tap your ar*e and sing

    "It has to be Asda"? :blink:

    That was once part of the recruitment process...

    Basically what they did was humiliate you infront of everyone, tell you to do something, then when your half way thru they change it to something else...then something else ect ect.

    Its a good ploy actually, as it weeds out anyone with a short temper, or anyone that cant see its a test. its funny to watch how many say "!*!@# this, i aint doing that for a stupid job stacking shelves!" as thats exactly the type of person it weeds out!

    me personally, i had to do the 'house of cards' where as a group, we had to make a house of cards, but we had to estimate how many levels it would have before the end of 45 minutes.

    the thing was, after 15 minutes, as we were getting to the end of level two, they moved the goalposts, and said each level had to be colour coded.

    then, 15 minutes later they showed us the numbers on the cards, and said each level had to add up to 21.

    The idea wasnt who could complete the challange, but who could handle the change the best, without losing their temper, as many did thinking they had failed the interview!

    Others included selling a product to a manager...not as easy as it sounds when you have a tin of prunes, some tampons and a breast milker to choose from to sell to a male manager! and making a new uniform out of ASDA carrier bags, again the formula changed many times to confuse and upset people!

    I believe the latest one is a board game, where you roll the dice, pick a card and tell the group how you would handle the customer that is described on the card.

    The funniest bit is watching people lose their rag and walk out!

  9. Has Tesco got the car parks at the back as well? If so do they run a two hour parking like Asda,if so what an opportunity for Perry :angry:

    Back to the car parks.If they have got them,where will the market go?

    Well, i have heared that the market will utilise the car parks at the rear of the blue bell, opposite the library, with the market/car boot on the lower car park and the parking on the upper...

    anyone else heard this?

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