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Hamburger Pimp

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Everything posted by Hamburger Pimp

  1. Don't be a silly, it's the Futureheeds tomorrow.
  2. They would be playing Iron Maiden songs. They'd be a rubbish version of Iron Maiden. The pub would be full of stinking longhairs in faded denim, bad tatts and unorthodox facial hair. There'd be loads of scraggy old women... ...Ah, I see what you're getting at now.
  3. Right back atcha, big boy! And a large Chrizzo shout-out to all the homies and the fly ladies out there. Respec'
  4. Oba fay Oba fay Oba fay me mar tins! Get in there!
  5. Lazarus? Lazarenko more like!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!ITSABULLSEYE!!!!!!
  6. "I gotta get me to Bedlington, England!"
  7. Hats off to the Denzatollah! What's the brand? Saga?
  8. Bluetooth the picture from your phone to your computer, then upload it here as an attachment. You may need a bluetooth dongle to send stuff to and from your computer. You can buy them for around a tenner. If you have a USB connector for your phone, you can use that.
  9. Testament to the power of perseverance and proof that you can fool some of the people some of the time, Little Ms Hair has only gone and landed a job! Hats off!
  10. It's little known that Denzel has a gentler, philanthropic side. Each Christmas he takes into the bosom of his family an unfortunate drifter with nowhere else to be, one of society's lost souls, if you will. While other people are prating self-satisfied nonsense about the true meaning of Christmas, Denzel is out there doing good work with no thought for recognition or acclaim. Hats off to you, sir. Are we having turkey this year?
  11. Brian wouldn't kill us, would he?
  12. Radio Humberside phone-in takes an off-colour turn. Lordy me indeed.
  13. Bedlington Bears! Sorry, I mean The Market Tavern.
  14. Giddy up! Just a thought: Is that "Ewok Top Lad" in the picture on the right?
  15. Not far out, Denz. Would have had all three scorers if Solano had, as expected, taken the penalty. That little Turkish feller is good, isn't he?
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